b2c o2o

B2C的模型 (Models of B2C)

There are three types of B2C models, such as auctions, online stores and services online.




The electronic auction (the Internet) provides an electronic bidding application and may be accompanied by a multimedia presentation of the merchandise.


Advantages of online auction


Convenience: It gives convenience to the participants to remain in their home or office, and participate in the contest, as in the traditional auction. Furthermore, it is also more convenient for a candidate to find out more about the goods auctioned.

便利:与传统拍卖一样,它为参加者留在自己的家中或办公室并参加比赛提供了便利。 此外,对于候选人来说,更容易找到有关拍卖品的更多信息。

Flexibility: Traditional Auctions allow the timing of bidding requiring all bidders participating simultaneously. In contrast, the Internet allows auctions at different times, lasting bidding, which can last days or weeks, which offers more flexibility for bidders.

灵活性:传统拍卖允许投标时机要求所有投标人同时参与。 相比之下,Internet允许在不同的时间进行拍卖,并且可以持续数天或数周的持续拍卖,从而为投标人提供了更大的灵活性。

Global Access: The potential reach of an Internet-based auction site is global and therefore the market of goods auctioned is very large.


Economic to operate: These auctions are cheaper to implement the expenditure relating to the lot of infrastructure not requiring a conventional auction system.


Disadvantages of Internet auction


Inspection of goods: In an Internet auction, you can not physically inspect the goods. Candidates have to rely on the information provided or you may have to rely on some images of electronic goods at auction.

货物检查:在Internet拍卖中,您不能实际检查货物。 候选人必须依靠所提供的信息,或者您可能不得不依靠拍卖中的某些电子商品图像。

Potential for fraud: The Internet bidder has to trust that the seller is really good to send the payment. Payments are normally made by providing credit card information over the Internet, which is usually safe for the consumer.

欺诈的可能性: Internet竞标者必须相信卖方确实是付款的好人。 通常通过在Internet上提供信用卡信息进行付款,这通常对消费者是安全的。

Online Stores


Online stores refers to a marketing company’s products over the web. This can be done in promoting the company, products and services or to actually sell the products / services through this web store. One of the best examples of an e-store is Amazon.com, which began selling books online and gradually expanded to other product categories.

在线商店是指通过网络营销公司的产品。 这可以通过宣传公司,产品和服务或通过此网络商店实际销售产品/服务来实现。 网上商店最好的例子之一是Amazon.com,它开始在线销售书籍并逐渐扩展到其他产品类别。

Benefits to society


  • The increase in demand;需求增加;
  • A lower-cost route for global reach;通往全球的低成本途径;
  • Cost reduction and sales promotion;降低成本和促进销售;
  • Reduced costs.降低成本。

Benefits to customers


  • Lower prices;较低的价格;
  • Greater choice;更大的选择;
  • Better information;更好的信息;
  • Convenience;方便;

The completion of these purchases through online stores is rapidly gaining popularity and acceptance. Although the majority of revenue is sales in the B2B, B2C sales also tend to improve in coming years. However, for this to occur, the online stores need to assign more value to their customers while at the same time find new ways to generate revenue.

通过在线商店完成的这些购买正在Swift获得普及和接受。 尽管大部分收入来自B2B的销售,但B2C的销售在未来几年也将趋于改善。 但是,要做到这一点,在线商店需要为他们的客户分配更多的价值,同时寻找新的创收方式。

Ways to attract customers


  • Traders have to try to find ways to gain competitive advantage on other factors than just price;交易者必须设法找到在价格以外的其他因素上获得竞争优势的方法。
  • Online stores need to provide a shopping experience that addresses all customer requirements. They should also try to provide an environment that is easy to explore;在线商店需要提供能够满足所有客户要求的购物体验。 他们还应设法提供易于探索的环境;
  • Expanding the range of services;扩大服务范围;
  • Cost-effectiveness, finding ways to increase the volume of purchases of its customers, thus generating higher revenues;成本效益,寻找增加客户购买量的方式,从而产生更高的收入;
  • Rates of adherence for new customers.新客户的遵守率。

Online Services


This is another area where companies can exploit the Internet. Many companies use the Internet to provide services to clients. Some of the examples is located in the sector of banking and stock trading. Companies such as e-Trade.com brought the ease of trading shares for the client computer. Another interesting example is Makethemove.com. One of the missions of these services is to simplify the lives of Internet users, creating functional, giving interactive services that will make life easier and better.

这是公司可以利用Internet的另一个领域。 许多公司使用Internet为客户提供服务。 其中一些示例位于银行和股票交易领域。 诸如e-Trade.com之类的公司为客户计算机带来了交易股份的便利。 另一个有趣的示例是Makethemove.com。 这些服务的任务之一是简化互联网用户的生活,创建功能并提供交互式服务,使生活更轻松,更好。

Such services may also provide:


  • Insurance, Internet-based;基于互联网的保险;
  • E-commerce infomediary;电子商务信息中介;
  • Solutions for enterprise and consumer markets;企业和消费者市场的解决方案;
  • Transfers;转移;
  • Cancel utilities such as gas, electricity and local phone;取消公用设施,例如煤气,电和本地电话;
  • Cable TV,有线电视,
  • Telephone calls via the Internet;通过互联网打电话;
  • Newspapers;报纸;
  • Magazines, etc.杂志等

B2C logistics


Initially, the concern of this type of business was to get more fans, gaining critical mass. Today, concerns are focused on the service, so the spotlight falls inexorably on the logistics system. The certainty of delivery of goods ordered via the Internet, in good condition and when promised, is a key point of the virtual marketplace. In electronic commerce, logistics structure is essential to the success of organizations. In the new digital age, it is important to recognize that even the perception of logistics performance becomes different for the client, as the requirements tend to become higher given the ease with which one perceives the existence of the product will be ordered and paid for – although only in virtual terms. Accordingly, the client can move from one provider to another more frequently, looking for a supplier that offers more benefits and provide better levels of performance in terms of actual service (Carvalho, 2006, p.42).

最初,这类业务的关注点是吸引更多的粉丝,获得更多的关注。 如今,关注点已集中在服务上,因此无可避免地将焦点放在物流系统上。 通过互联网订购的,状态良好并得到承诺的交付货物的确定性是虚拟市场的关键。 在电子商务中,物流结构对于组织的成功至关重要。 在新的数字时代,重要的是要认识到,即使客户对物流绩效的看法也将有所不同,因为随着人们对产品存在的理解将很容易被订购和付款,要求会越来越高,因此–尽管只是虚拟的。 因此,客户可以更频繁地从一个供应商转到另一个供应商,寻找能够提供更多好处并在实际服务方面提供更好水平的绩效的供应商(Carvalho,2006,第42页)。

In B2C transactions, when the number of orders starts to rise to interesting values for the business, which is frequent, the costs of picking and packing also rise. These costs are so effects which can be ‘breakers’ in terms of logistics and associated costs. Postpone the operation to the pallet or box, with multiple sub-dialogs to spend an operation to drive the business makes, especially when there is heterogeneity of weights and volumes logistics in the products concerned, very often subject to large errors. Logistics, again, find new challenges and ways of addressing costs, chain and set routes (Carvalho, 2006, p.44).

在B2C交易中,当订单数开始增加到该业务的有趣值时(这很频繁),则拣配和包装的成本也会增加。 这些成本是如此之大,在物流和相关成本方面可能是“破坏者”。 将操作推迟到货盘或盒子上,要花多个操作来推动业务发展,尤其是当相关产品的重量和体积物流存在异质性时,通常会遇到较大的错误。 物流再次发现了新的挑战和应对成本,连锁经营和固定路线的方法(Carvalho,2006,第44页)。

C-2-C or C2C


The Inter consumers’ trade exchange or “consumer-to-consumer” or “customer-to-customer (C2C), refers to all trade in goods and services between several consumers without going through an intermediary. This form of economic exchange, which may be related to barter, is nevertheless an important component of the modern economy.

相互消费者之间的贸易交易或“消费者对消费者”或“客户对客户(C2C)”是指几个消费者之间的所有商品和服务贸易,而无需通过中介。 然而,这种与易货贸易有关的经济交换形式仍然是现代经济的重要组成部分。

Advantages and disadvantages of C-2-C Trade or Inter Consumers’ Trade


Benefits of C-2-C trade or Inter Consumers’ Trade:


  • The elimination of intermediaries in transactions, which constitutes the basis of the C2C and incidentally very low prices.消除交易中的中间人,这构成了C2C的基础,并且价格很低。
  • The accessible market is extremely broad, more limited than the traditional economic exchanges.可访问的市场极为广阔,比传统的经济交流更为有限。
  • The high turnover and constant supply available高营业额和持续供应
  • Simplification of payments through systems such as receiveandpay (dot) com通过诸如receiveandpay(dot)com之类的系统简化付款

Disadvantages of trade Inter Consumers’ Trade


  • Lack of quality control and assurance of payment.缺乏质量控制和付款保证。
  • These two points justify the importance of trust in exchange Inter Consumers’ Trade.这两点证明了互信消费者间交易中信任的重要性。
  • The use of certain difficult means of payment such as credit cards, etc.使用某些困难的付款方式,例如信用卡等

Inter Consumers’ Trade exchanges and Internet


Internet plays a major role in C2C, insofar as it serves as an information and communication between different actors in the transaction. C2C will take the form of exchange between people who share common interests, such as antique cars, stamps, or vinyl collection. For the individual, whose goal is to sell its products, the Internet allows the overcoming of geographical barriers or fixed by the market.

互联网在C2C中起着重要作用,因为它充当交易中不同参与者之间的信息和通信。 C2C将采取具有共同利益的人们之间的交流形式,例如古董车,邮票或黑胶唱片。 对于以销售产品为目标的个人,Internet可以克服地理障碍或由市场解决。

The development of online social networks, communities also offers its users various options for trade in services. We can not however say that these social networks make up full-fledged economic exchanges. In this area, websites such as eBay or “PriceMinister” are major players in the C2C.

在线社交网络的发展,社区还为其用户提供服务贸易的多种选择。 但是,我们不能说这些社交网络构成了成熟的经济交流。 在这一领域,诸如eBay或“ PriceMinister”之类的网站是C2C的主要参与者。

The role of trust in C2C


Direct exchanges between consumers have a greater risk of conflict if one of the actors of economic exchange is evading its obligations. To this extent, Inter relations and consumers must be based on a relationship of trust between two actors in the exchange.

如果经济交流的参与者之一逃避其义务,那么消费者之间的直接交流就有更大的冲突风险。 在这个程度上,相互关系和消费者必须基于交换中两个参与者之间的信任关系。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/business-to-consumer-b2c-part-2/

b2c o2o

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