



# ---------------读取函数----------------------
def read_point(file_name):# 数据存放data = []with open(file_name, "r") as f:for line in f.readlines():line = line.strip('\n')line = line.strip()data.append(line)# 读出经纬度数据x = []y = []for dd in data:dt = dd.split(',')x.append(float(dt[0]))y.append(float(dt[1]))return x, y


# --------------------拟合曲线函数----------------------------
def make_curve(x, y):# list转numpyuse_x = np.array(x)use_y = np.array(y)# 去掉重复的点okay = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(use_x)) + np.abs(np.diff(use_y)) > 0)use_xx = np.r_[use_x[okay], use_x[-1], use_x[0]]use_yy = np.r_[use_y[okay], use_y[-1], use_y[0]]tck, u = interpolate.splprep([use_xx, use_yy], s=0)# evaluate the spline fits for 1000 evenly spaced distance valuesxi, yi = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), tck)# 返回最终插补的点,这里搞了1000个,可以根据需要修改一下return xi, yi



# ----------------动态图的类------------------------
class Point_Move:showverts = Trueoffset = 0.00001 # 距离偏差设置def __init__(self, gpsx, gpsy, ox, oy):# 创建figure(绘制面板)、创建图表(axes)self.fig, = plt.subplots()# 设置标题'Click and drag a point to move it')# 设置坐标轴范围, max(gpsx)+0.0001)), max(gpsy)+0.0001)), oy, '-y')# 设置初始值self.x = gpsxself.y = gpsy# 绘制2D的动画lineself.line = Line2D(self.x, self.y, linewidth=1, ls="--",marker='o', markerfacecolor='r',animated=True) 标志值设为noneself._ind = None# 设置画布,方便后续画布响应事件canvas = self.fig.canvascanvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.draw_callback)canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback)canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback)canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify_callback)self.canvas = canvasplt.grid()for i in range(len(self.x)):plt.text(self.x[i] + 0.00001, self.y[i] + 0.00001, str(i), weight="bold", color="k", fontsize=7)''''' -------------------动作一:界面重新绘制------------------------------- '# 界面重新绘制:draw_eventdef draw_callback(self, event):self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(''''# -------------------函数:识别按下的点----------------------------------def get_ind_under_point(self, event):'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'# 在公差允许的范围内,求出鼠标点下顶点坐标的数值# x1,y1 and x2,y2对应当前点坐标xt, yt = np.array(self.x), np.array(self.y)      # xt = [x1 , x2 ]    yt  =  [y1   ,  y2]d = np.sqrt((xt-event.xdata)**2 + (yt-event.ydata)**2)       # 计算鼠标对应点到该点的距离indseq = np.nonzero(np.equal(d, np.amin(d)))[0]         # 找到按下的点并计算点对应的索引ind = indseq[0]                                         # 把对应点的索引拿出来# 如果在公差范围内,则返回ind的值if d[ind] >= self.offset:ind = Nonereturn ind''''# ---------------动作二:鼠标被按下-----------------------------# ---------------鼠标被按下,立即计算最近的顶点下标----------------------def button_press_callback(self, event):'whenever a mouse button is pressed'# --------不做处理的情况-----------if not self.showverts: returnif event.inaxes==None: returnif event.button != 1: return# --------不做处理的情况-----------# 把参数传进对象self._ind = self.get_ind_under_point(event)print(self._ind)''''# -----------------------动作三:鼠标被释放---------------------------# ------------------鼠标释放后,清空、重置------------------------def button_release_callback(self, event):'whenever a mouse button is released'# --------不做处理的情况-----------if not self.showverts: returnif event.button != 1: return# --------不做处理的情况-----------self._ind = None             # ind恢复None''''# -------------------动作四:鼠标移动----------------------------# ----------------鼠标移动的事件-------------------def motion_notify_callback(self, event):'on mouse movement'# --------不做处理的情况-----------if not self.showverts: returnif self._ind is None: returnif event.inaxes is None: returnif event.button != 1: return# --------不做处理的情况-----------# 更新数据x, y = event.xdata, event.ydataself.x[self._ind] = xself.y[self._ind] = y# 根据更新的数值,重新绘制图形self.line = Line2D(self.x, self.y, linewidth=1, ls="--",marker='o', markerfacecolor='r',animated=True) 恢复背景self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) 按NEU坐标系显示
def myplot_NEU(outx, outy, xi, yi):neux, neuy = gps_LLAtoNEU(outx, outy, outx[0], outy[0])neuxi, neuyi = gps_LLAtoNEU(xi, yi, outx[0], outy[0])fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()for i in range(len(neux)):ii = i + 1ax2.plot(neux[i], neuy[i], 'or')if i < len(neux):ax2.text(neux[i] + 0.00001, neuy[i] + 0.00001, str(i), weight="bold", color="k", fontsize=7)ax2.plot(neuxi, neuyi, '-y')ax2.plot(neux, neuy, '--r')


# ---------------经纬度转平面坐标系(LLA--->NEU)------------------------
def gps_LLAtoNEU(a, b, sa, sb):longitude = alatitude = bstart_longitude = sastart_latitude = sbc = []d = []n = len(a)earth = 6378137                 # 地球半径,单位:mpi = 3.1415926535898for i in range(n):now_longitude = longitude[i]now_latitude = latitude[i]rad_latitude1 = start_latitude*pi/180rad_latitude2 = now_latitude*pi/180rad_longitude1 = start_longitude*pi/180rad_longitude2 = now_longitude*pi/180aaa = rad_latitude1 - rad_latitude2bbb = rad_longitude1 - rad_longitude2distance = 2*math.asin(math.sqrt(pow(math.sin(aaa/2), 2) + math.cos(rad_latitude1)* math.cos(rad_latitude2) * pow(math.sin(bbb / 2), 2)))distance = distance*earthccc = math.sin(rad_longitude2 - rad_longitude1) * math.cos(rad_latitude2)ddd = math.cos(rad_latitude1) * math.sin(rad_latitude2) - math.sin(rad_latitude1) \* math.cos(rad_latitude2) * math.cos(rad_longitude2 - rad_longitude1)angle = math.atan2(ccc,ddd)*180/piif angle < 0:angle = angle + 360angle2 = (450 - angle)*pi/180px = distance*math.cos(angle2)py = distance*math.sin(angle2)c.append(px)d.append(py)return c, d


# ---------------生成程序函数-------------------------
def make_code(x, y, your_name):# -----------save---txt--------------# 输出限制在小数点后6位for i in range(len(x)):x[i] = round(x[i], 6)y[i] = round(y[i], 6)n = len(x)mystr = ''for i in range(n):mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i) + ']' + '[0]'mystr = mystr + '=' + str(y[i]) + ','mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i) + ']' + '[1]'mystr = mystr + '=' + str(x[i]) + ';' + '\n'# print(mystr)# 看是否需要加点# for i in range(4):#     mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i+n) + ']' + '[0]'#     mystr = mystr + '=' + str(y[i]) + ','#     mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i+n) + ']' + '[1]'#     mystr = mystr + '=' + str(x[i]) + ';' + '\n'with open(your_name, "w") as g:g.write(mystr)




# -------------------------------
# GPS system
# author:yzh
# version:1.5
# time:2022-7-18
# 2022智能车大赛极速越野组
# 长安大学铺铜人队
# -------------------------------# ------------------导入库--------------------
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from scipy import interpolate
import numpy as np
import math
import easygui as g
import sys
import os# ----------------------------My_function-----------------------------------------------# ---------------读取函数----------------------
def read_point(file_name):# 数据存放data = []with open(file_name, "r") as f:for line in f.readlines():line = line.strip('\n')line = line.strip()data.append(line)# 读出经纬度数据x = []y = []for dd in data:dt = dd.split(',')x.append(float(dt[0]))y.append(float(dt[1]))return x, y# ---------------生成程序函数-------------------------
def make_code(x, y, your_name):# -----------save---txt--------------# 输出限制在小数点后6位for i in range(len(x)):x[i] = round(x[i], 6)y[i] = round(y[i], 6)n = len(x)mystr = ''for i in range(n):mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i) + ']' + '[0]'mystr = mystr + '=' + str(y[i]) + ','mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i) + ']' + '[1]'mystr = mystr + '=' + str(x[i]) + ';' + '\n'# print(mystr)# 看是否需要加点# for i in range(4):#     mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i+n) + ']' + '[0]'#     mystr = mystr + '=' + str(y[i]) + ','#     mystr = mystr + 'targget' + '[' + str(i+n) + ']' + '[1]'#     mystr = mystr + '=' + str(x[i]) + ';' + '\n'with open(your_name, "w") as g:g.write(mystr)# ---------------经纬度转平面坐标系(LLA--->NEU)------------------------
def gps_LLAtoNEU(a, b, sa, sb):longitude = alatitude = bstart_longitude = sastart_latitude = sbc = []d = []n = len(a)earth = 6378137                 # 地球半径,单位:mpi = 3.1415926535898for i in range(n):now_longitude = longitude[i]now_latitude = latitude[i]rad_latitude1 = start_latitude*pi/180rad_latitude2 = now_latitude*pi/180rad_longitude1 = start_longitude*pi/180rad_longitude2 = now_longitude*pi/180aaa = rad_latitude1 - rad_latitude2bbb = rad_longitude1 - rad_longitude2distance = 2*math.asin(math.sqrt(pow(math.sin(aaa/2), 2) + math.cos(rad_latitude1)* math.cos(rad_latitude2) * pow(math.sin(bbb / 2), 2)))distance = distance*earthccc = math.sin(rad_longitude2 - rad_longitude1) * math.cos(rad_latitude2)ddd = math.cos(rad_latitude1) * math.sin(rad_latitude2) - math.sin(rad_latitude1) \* math.cos(rad_latitude2) * math.cos(rad_longitude2 - rad_longitude1)angle = math.atan2(ccc,ddd)*180/piif angle < 0:angle = angle + 360angle2 = (450 - angle)*pi/180px = distance*math.cos(angle2)py = distance*math.sin(angle2)c.append(px)d.append(py)return c, d# --------------------拟合曲线函数----------------------------
def make_curve(x, y):# list转numpyuse_x = np.array(x)use_y = np.array(y)# 去掉重复的点okay = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(use_x)) + np.abs(np.diff(use_y)) > 0)use_xx = np.r_[use_x[okay], use_x[-1], use_x[0]]use_yy = np.r_[use_y[okay], use_y[-1], use_y[0]]tck, u = interpolate.splprep([use_xx, use_yy], s=0)# evaluate the spline fits for 1000 evenly spaced distance valuesxi, yi = interpolate.splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 1000), tck)# 返回最终插补的点,这里搞了1000个,可以根据需要修改一下return xi, yi# ----------------动态图的类------------------------
class Point_Move:showverts = Trueoffset = 0.00001 # 距离偏差设置def __init__(self, gpsx, gpsy, ox, oy):# 创建figure(绘制面板)、创建图表(axes)self.fig, = plt.subplots()# 设置标题'Click and drag a point to move it')# 设置坐标轴范围, max(gpsx)+0.0001)), max(gpsy)+0.0001)), oy, '-y')# 设置初始值self.x = gpsxself.y = gpsy# 绘制2D的动画lineself.line = Line2D(self.x, self.y, linewidth=1, ls="--",marker='o', markerfacecolor='r',animated=True) 标志值设为noneself._ind = None# 设置画布,方便后续画布响应事件canvas = self.fig.canvascanvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.draw_callback)canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.button_press_callback)canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.button_release_callback)canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.motion_notify_callback)self.canvas = canvasplt.grid()for i in range(len(self.x)):plt.text(self.x[i] + 0.00001, self.y[i] + 0.00001, str(i), weight="bold", color="k", fontsize=7)''''' -------------------动作一:界面重新绘制------------------------------- '# 界面重新绘制:draw_eventdef draw_callback(self, event):self.background = self.canvas.copy_from_bbox(''''# -------------------函数:识别按下的点----------------------------------def get_ind_under_point(self, event):'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'# 在公差允许的范围内,求出鼠标点下顶点坐标的数值# x1,y1 and x2,y2对应当前点坐标xt, yt = np.array(self.x), np.array(self.y)      # xt = [x1 , x2 ]    yt  =  [y1   ,  y2]d = np.sqrt((xt-event.xdata)**2 + (yt-event.ydata)**2)       # 计算鼠标对应点到该点的距离indseq = np.nonzero(np.equal(d, np.amin(d)))[0]         # 找到按下的点并计算点对应的索引ind = indseq[0]                                         # 把对应点的索引拿出来# 如果在公差范围内,则返回ind的值if d[ind] >= self.offset:ind = Nonereturn ind''''# ---------------动作二:鼠标被按下-----------------------------# ---------------鼠标被按下,立即计算最近的顶点下标----------------------def button_press_callback(self, event):'whenever a mouse button is pressed'# --------不做处理的情况-----------if not self.showverts: returnif event.inaxes==None: returnif event.button != 1: return# --------不做处理的情况-----------# 把参数传进对象self._ind = self.get_ind_under_point(event)print(self._ind)''''# -----------------------动作三:鼠标被释放---------------------------# ------------------鼠标释放后,清空、重置------------------------def button_release_callback(self, event):'whenever a mouse button is released'# --------不做处理的情况-----------if not self.showverts: returnif event.button != 1: return# --------不做处理的情况-----------self._ind = None             # ind恢复None''''# -------------------动作四:鼠标移动----------------------------# ----------------鼠标移动的事件-------------------def motion_notify_callback(self, event):'on mouse movement'# --------不做处理的情况-----------if not self.showverts: returnif self._ind is None: returnif event.inaxes is None: returnif event.button != 1: return# --------不做处理的情况-----------# 更新数据x, y = event.xdata, event.ydataself.x[self._ind] = xself.y[self._ind] = y# 根据更新的数值,重新绘制图形self.line = Line2D(self.x, self.y, linewidth=1, ls="--",marker='o', markerfacecolor='r',animated=True) 恢复背景self.canvas.restore_region(self.background) 按NEU坐标系显示
def myplot_NEU(outx, outy, xi, yi):neux, neuy = gps_LLAtoNEU(outx, outy, outx[0], outy[0])neuxi, neuyi = gps_LLAtoNEU(xi, yi, outx[0], outy[0])fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()for i in range(len(neux)):ii = i + 1ax2.plot(neux[i], neuy[i], 'or')if i < len(neux):ax2.text(neux[i] + 0.00001, neuy[i] + 0.00001, str(i), weight="bold", color="k", fontsize=7)ax2.plot(neuxi, neuyi, '-y')ax2.plot(neux, neuy, '--r') ----------------------------My_function-----------------------------------------------if __name__ == "__main__":# ---------------欢迎界面----------------g.msgbox("----------------------------极速越野组gps调试系统----------------------------\n""---------------------------------version:1.5---------------------------------",'gps-system','启动', 'CHDlogo.jpg')# ------------打开启动文件--------------------setname = ''while (os.path.exists(setname+'.txt') != True):setname = g.enterbox("请输入采取的gps文件:", 'gps-system', 'new4道')if setname == None:setname = ''else:if os.path.exists(setname+'.txt') != True:g.msgbox("请确定你的路径下是否有该配置文件!!!", "gps-system")# 读点x, y = read_point(setname + ".txt")print("x=", x)print("y=", y)xi, yi = make_curve(x, y)outname = None# ------------------自定义:分段,然后均匀地取点-------------------------------outx = []outy = []outx.append(x[0])outy.append(y[0])for i in range(1000):ii = i + 1if ii <= 180:if ii % 180 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])if ii > 180 and ii <= 510:if (ii - 180) % 16 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])if ii > 510 and ii <= 690:if (ii - 510) % 180 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])if ii > 690 and ii <= 1000:if (ii - 690) % 20 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])print(outx)print(outy)outx.pop()outy.pop()# 预留部分(手动修改区)# -----------1------------------# dx = outx[2] - outx[0]# dy = outy[2] - outy[0]# outx[1] = outx[0] + dx / 2# outy[1] = outy[0] + dy / 2# dx = outx[19] - outx[17]# dy = outy[19] - outy[17]# outx[18] = outx[17] + dx / 2# outy[18] = outy[17] + dy / 2# outx[] =# outx[] =# outx[] =# 修改前自己先查看一下点的分布情况,不行直接停止程序再改fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()for i in range(len(outx)):ii = i + 1ax1.plot(outx[i], outy[i], 'or')if i < len(outx):ax1.text(outx[i] + 0.00001, outy[i] + 0.00001, str(i), weight="bold", color="k", fontsize=7)ax1.plot(xi, yi, '-y')ax1.plot(outx, outy, '--r') NEU坐标系下查看# myplot_NEU(outx, outy, xi, yi)# --------------------------取点完成------------------------------# 删除最后的起点# outx.pop()# outy.pop()print(outx)print(outy)# 这里复制一份留着复位使用routx = outx.copy()routy = outy.copy()# 调用可调plot类mygps = Point_Move(outx, outy, xi, yi)finalx = mygps.xfinaly = mygps.y# print(finalx)# print(finaly)# print(id(outx))# print(id(mygps.x))# print(id(finalx))# print(id(routx))while True:msg ="请选择你的操作"title = "gps-system"choices = ["输出代码", "继续调整轨迹", "轨迹复位", "NEU坐标系下查看点", "退出系统"]choice = g.choicebox(msg, title, choices)if choice == '输出代码':# g.msgbox("你的选择是: " + str(choice), "gps-system")outname = g.enterbox("请输入生成文件名:", 'gps-system', 'out1')if outname != None:make_code(finalx, finaly, outname + '.txt')g.msgbox('成功生成代码,请在当前文件夹下查看', "gps-system")if choice == '继续调整轨迹':# g.msgbox("你的选择是: " + str(choice), "gps-system")mygps.__init__(outx, outy, xi, yi)if choice == '轨迹复位':# g.msgbox("你的选择是: " + str(choice), "gps-system")outx = routx.copy()outy = routy.copy()mygps.__init__(outx, outy, xi, yi)if choice == '退出系统':msg = "退出系统吗?"title = "gps-system"# 弹出一个Continue/Cancel对话框if g.ccbox(msg, title, ('继续操作', '退出')):pass  # 如果继续操作else:sys.exit(0)  # 如果退出if choice == 'NEU坐标系下查看点':myplot_NEU(outx, outy, xi, yi)


















    # ------------------自定义:分段,然后均匀地取点-------------------------------outx = []outy = []outx.append(x[0])outy.append(y[0])for i in range(1000):ii = i + 1if ii <= 180:if ii % 180 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])if ii > 180 and ii <= 510:if (ii - 180) % 16 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])if ii > 510 and ii <= 690:if (ii - 510) % 180 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])if ii > 690 and ii <= 1000:if (ii - 690) % 20 == 0:outx.append(xi[i])outy.append(yi[i])




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  8. 第十五届全国大学生智能汽车竞赛 人工智能创意组总决赛

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  9. 培训第二弹:全国大学生智能汽车竞赛百度竞速组预告

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