

 --------------------------------------------------------------------注:如果你对python感兴趣,我这有个学习Python基地,里面有很多学习资料,感兴趣的+Q群:895817687--------------------------------------------------------------------try:<statements>        #运行try语句块,并试图捕获异常
except <name1>:<statements>        #如果name1异常发现,那么执行该语句块。
except (name2, name3):<statements>        #如果元组内的任意异常发生,那么捕获它
except <name4> as <variable>:<statements>        #如果name4异常发生,那么进入该语句块,并把异常实例命名为variable
except:<statements>        #发生了以上所有列出的异常之外的异常
<statements>            #如果没有异常发生,那么执行该语句块
finally:<statement>         #无论是否有异常发生,均会执行该语句块。


  • else和finally是可选的,可能会有0个或多个except,但是,如果出现一个else的话,必须有至少一个except。
  • 不管你如何指定异常,异常总是通过实例对象来识别,并且大多数时候在任意给定的时刻激活。一旦异常在程序中某处由一条except子句捕获,它就死掉了,除非由另一个raise语句或错误重新引发它。



  • raise #可以在raise语句之前创建该实例或者在raise语句中创建。

  • raise #Python会隐式地创建类的实例

  • raise name(value) #抛出异常的同时,提供额外信息value

  • raise # 把最近一次产生的异常重新抛出来

  • raise exception from E

    抛出带有额外信息的ValueError: raise ValueError(‘we can only accept positive values’)


except Exception as E:raise TypeError('bad input') from E


Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 2, in <module>1/0
ZeroDivisionError: division by zeroThe above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 4, in <module>raise TypeError('bad input') from E
TypeError: bad input





  • 环境管理器必须有__enter__和__exit__方法。
    __enter__方法会在初始化的时候运行,如果存在ass子在,__enter__函数的返回值会赋值给as子句中的变量,否则,直接丢弃。 代码块中嵌套的代码会执行。


class Block:def __enter__(self):print('entering to the block')return selfdef prt(self, args):print('this is the block we do %s' % args)def __exit__(self,exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):if exc_type is None:print('exit normally without exception')else:print('found exception: %s, and detailed info is %s' % (exc_type, exc_value))return Falsewith Block() as b:b.prt('actual work!')raise ValueError('wrong')


entering to the block
this is the block we do actual work!
found exception: <class 'ValueError'>, and detailed info is wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 18, in <module>raise ValueError('wrong')
ValueError: wrong


如果发生异常,那么通过调用sys.exc_info()函数,可以返回包含3个元素的元组。 第一个元素就是引发异常类,而第二个是实际引发的实例,第三个元素traceback对象,代表异常最初发生时调用的堆栈。如果一切正常,那么会返回3个None。


|Exception Name|Description|
|BaseException|Root class for all exceptions|
|   SystemExit|Request termination of Python interpreter|
|KeyboardInterrupt|User interrupted execution (usually by pressing Ctrl+C)|
|Exception|Root class for regular exceptions|
|   StopIteration|Iteration has no further values|
|   GeneratorExit|Exception sent to generator to tell it to quit|
|   SystemExit|Request termination of Python interpreter|
|   StandardError|Base class for all standard built-in exceptions|
|       ArithmeticError|Base class for all numeric calculation errors|
|           FloatingPointError|Error in floating point calculation|
|           OverflowError|Calculation exceeded maximum limit for numerical type|
|           ZeroDivisionError|Division (or modulus) by zero error (all numeric types)|
|       AssertionError|Failure of assert statement|
|       AttributeError|No such object attribute|
|       EOFError|End-of-file marker reached without input from built-in|
|       EnvironmentError|Base class for operating system environment errors|
|           IOError|Failure of input/output operation|
|           OSError|Operating system error|
|               WindowsError|MS Windows system call failure|
|               ImportError|Failure to import module or object|
|               KeyboardInterrupt|User interrupted execution (usually by pressing Ctrl+C)|
|           LookupError|Base class for invalid data lookup errors|
|               IndexError|No such index in sequence|
|               KeyError|No such key in mapping|
|           MemoryError|Out-of-memory error (non-fatal to Python interpreter)|
|           NameError|Undeclared/uninitialized object(non-attribute)|
|               UnboundLocalError|Access of an uninitialized local variable|
|           ReferenceError|Weak reference tried to access a garbage collected object|
|           RuntimeError|Generic default error during execution|
|               NotImplementedError|Unimplemented method|
|           SyntaxError|Error in Python syntax|
|               IndentationError|Improper indentation|
|                   TabErrorg|Improper mixture of TABs and spaces|
|           SystemError|Generic interpreter system error|
|           TypeError|Invalid operation for type|
|           ValueError|Invalid argument given|
|               UnicodeError|Unicode-related error|
|                   UnicodeDecodeError|Unicode error during decoding|
|                   UnicodeEncodeError|Unicode error during encoding|
|                   UnicodeTranslate Error|Unicode error during translation|
|       Warning|Root class for all warnings|
|           DeprecationWarning|Warning about deprecated features|
|           FutureWarning|Warning about constructs that will change semantically in the future|
|           OverflowWarning|Old warning for auto-long upgrade|
|           PendingDeprecation Warning|Warning about features that will be deprecated in the future|
|           RuntimeWarning|Warning about dubious runtime behavior|
|           SyntaxWarning|Warning about dubious syntax|
|           UserWarning|Warning generated by user code|


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