最近公司重构代码,看到了公司的一位经验丰富的工程师的一些C++ 操作 属实有被秀到,估计光看他写的代码都够我写很多总结了。 根据他写的代码以及公司未来的代码的一些规划 我也总结一些无关痛痒的知识吧。
我们的新一代的代码架构将会去做到能实时的更换模块(就是c 编译出来的动态库 能动态的去加载! 目前的思路就是使用dlopen 以及dlclose的操作去动态的加载库文件) 之前一直没想到动态库的加载还可以这么的简单,高效。

下面的一些内容从大佬们的博客直接拼凑过来的  既然别人已经总结了一次 我就不去班门弄斧了
版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「cybertan」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

0 dlopen 相关的API

DLOPEN(3)          Linux Programmer's Manual               DLOPEN(3)#include <dlfcn.h>void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flag);char *dlerror(void);void *dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol);int dlclose(void *handle);Link with -ldl.

0.1 dlopen()


0.2 dlsym()

void *dlsym(void *restrict handle, const char *restrict name);


0.3 dlerror()

dlerror 返回 NULL 或者一个指向描述最近错误的 ASCII 字符串的指针

0.4 dlclose()


1. 一个简单的demo

//   main.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
int main(void)
{int abc = 123;printf("[%s] #line %d exec ...\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);void *p = dlopen("./libmodule1.so",RTLD_LAZY);printf("[%s] #line %d p = %p\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,p);printf("[%s] #line %d exec ...\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);void* sym = dlsym(p,"temp1");printf("[%s] #line %d sym[temp1] = %p\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,sym);printf("[%s] #line %d exec ...\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);printf("[%s] #line %d exec ...\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);return 0;
// module1.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
class temp{public:temp() {printf("[%s] #line %d exec ...\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);printf("[%s] #line %d this = %p  ...\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,this);}
} temp1;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
target_link_libraries(app dl
add_library(module1 SHAREDmodule1.cpp
[jeason@centos7 dlopen]$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  main.cpp  module1.cpp
[jeason@centos7 dlopen]$ mkdir build && cd build
[jeason@centos7 build]$ cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/jeason/dlopen/build
[jeason@centos7 build]$ make
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/app.dir/main.cpp.o
[ 50%] Linking CXX executable app
[ 50%] Built target app
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/module1.dir/module1.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX shared library libmodule1.so
[100%] Built target module1
[jeason@centos7 build]$ ./app
[main] #line 7 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7f6091f79039  ...
[main] #line 10 p = 0x1bb2030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f6091f79039
[main] #line 15 exec ...
[main] #line 17 exec ...
[jeason@centos7 build]$

上面的例子里面 在动态库里面我创建了一个 类,然后就调用了类的构造函数,然后 这个函数就打印出来了
this = 0x7f6091f79039 这个地址和我后面使用 dlsym 函数获得的指针是一个地址,也就是说我可以用dlsym 拿到这个指针。

1.1 简单修改

简单修改一下代码 测试一下 dlclose 的一些特性

[jeason@centos7 build]$ make && ./app
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target app
[ 50%] Built target app
[ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/module1.dir/module1.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX shared library libmodule1.so
[100%] Built target module1
[main] #line 8 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7ff5f34b5041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x15a6030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7ff5f34b5041
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[main] #line 18 exec ...
[main] #line 20 exec ...
[jeason@centos7 build]$
[jeason@centos7 build]$

我们可以明显的看到 temp 的构造和析构一直在被调用。
接下来屏蔽 dlclose 看一下效果

[jeason@centos7 build]$
[jeason@centos7 build]$ make && ./app
[ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/app.dir/main.cpp.o
[ 50%] Linking CXX executable app
[ 50%] Built target app
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target module1
[100%] Built target module1
[main] #line 8 exec ...
[temp] #line 5 exec ...
[temp] #line 6 this = 0x7f4435433041  ...
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 11 p = 0x1a0e030
[main] #line 12 exec ...
[main] #line 14 sym[temp1] = 0x7f4435433041
[main] #line 18 exec ...
[main] #line 20 exec ...
[~temp] #line 9 exec ...
[jeason@centos7 build]$

我们可以发现 这个类只是被构造了一次! 只是在程序退出的时候析构了一次,而且 我们还可以直接通过dlopen 拿到相同的一个指针

后面的需求实现就是看 程序猿自己去发挥了 要想实现 我们新版本的代码框架中动态的加载和卸载一些模块

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