

import fcntl

import os

import time

from struct import *

# Constants

INPUT = '0'

OUTPUT = '1'

PWM_FREQ = 520

# Pin number

dir_pin = 2

pwm_pin = 3

pwm_value = 255

# File locations

MODE_FILE = '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/mode/gpio' + str(dir_pin)

PIN_FILE = '/sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/pin/gpio' + str(dir_pin)

PWM_FILE = '/dev/pwmtimer'

# Pin mode

os.system('echo ' + OUTPUT + ' > ' + MODE_FILE)

# Configure PWM

with open(PWM_FILE, 'wb') as f:

pwm_struct = pack('iiiI', pwm_pin, 0, 0, PWM_FREQ)

fcntl.ioctl(f, 0xfa, pwm_struct)

# Motor control

def drive_motor(dir, pwm):

# Set direction

os.system('echo ' + str(dir) + ' > ' + PIN_FILE)

# Output PWM to motor

with open(PWM_FILE, 'wb') as f:

pwm_struct = pack('ii', pwm_pin, pwm)

fcntl.ioctl(f, 0x19, pwm_struct)

# Do stuff with the motor

drive_motor(0, 0)


drive_motor(0, 200)


drive_motor(0, 0)


drive_motor(1, 255)


drive_motor(0, 0)


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