
Huawei Signs Collaboration Agreements with TPCAST and Mediapro to Collaborate on 5G AR/VR

[Dubai, UAE, October 24, 2018] Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, has signed agreements with TPCAST, who introduced the world's first commercial wireless virtual reality (VR) solution, and the multimedia communications giant, Mediapro, to collaborate in the development of 5G virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The agreements took place at the Middle East Huawei 5G Ecosystem Conference during Huawei Innovation Day on October 15, 2018, at the region's largest technology exhibition, GITEX, in Dubai.

The collaboration will be enabled by the emerging 5G broadband digital ecosystem. Huawei is a pioneer in the emerging technology that will provide users with multiple gigabit speeds within homes, offices and public spaces. Faster Internet speeds will enhance gaming and video streaming capabilities. Consumers will have easier access to smart technologies driven by the Internet of Things. Networks will have a far lower latency, allowing for deeper smartphone penetration.

Huawei and TPCAST will jointly develop a cloud-based VR project in the Middle East. As part of the collaboration, Huawei will provide its Cloud video and VR platform which allows video content to be accessed, managed, and operated efficiently, along with high specification Set-Top-Boxes (STB). TPCAST will provide ultra-low latency codec, a VR back-end control protocol, as well as multi-user wireless VR central management. Both parties will share their global and local ecosystem partner resources to open market exploration in Middle East.

Huawei and Mediapro will collaborate in the distribution of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) over 5G networks. Some of the first industry use cases for 5G are expected to be in VR and AR. 5G will provide a platform for VR and AR to live stream media through Huawei's media cloud application.

"Within the 5G platform, the Huawei-TPCAST collaboration will also broaden the opportunities within both VR and augmented reality (AR)," said Reiner Pes, General Manager of TPCAST EMEA. "Our codec technologies will be a key factor for both accelerating the development and launching these opportunities to the market."

"We are confident this collaboration will accelerate the development of 5G broadband," said Omar Pleite Guerra, General Manager of Mediapro Middle East. "It comes at a crucial time. Telecoms consulting and research firm, Analysys Mason, predicts that by 2030 potential 5G revenue opportunities from new digital services in the media and entertainment industries across the GCC are expected to reach $31 billion."

Mr. Wang Su, Vice President of Marketing Huawei Middle East added, "Huawei, through establishing the Middle East 5G ecosystem program, provides the cloud-based use case development platform, and supports the integration and verification of 5G use cases. Huawei's E2E 5G low latency solution and TPCAST's codec technology will together offer an enhanced experience of VR services. This partnership will promote operators in the region to seize these new opportunities for growth."

Within the theme '5G is Now, Sailing to New eMBB Horizons', this year's 5G Ecosystem Conference focuses on how 5G will reshape the Middle East's digital ecosystem. As a leading telecommunication supplier, Huawei starts the 5G research from 2009 and contributes the most key technologies for global unified 5G protocol. Huawei is also the first of the industry to provide end-to-end 5G solutions with competitive roadmap to accompany our partners to build 5G leadership.




华为和TPCAST​​将共同开发中东的基于云的VR项目。作为合作的一部分,华为将提供其云视频和VR平台,允许高效地访问,管理和操作视频内容,以及高规格的机顶盒(STB)。 TPCAST​​将提供超低延迟编解码器,VR后端控制协议以及多用户无线VR中央管理。双方将分享其全球和当地生态系统合作伙伴资源,以开拓中东市场。

华为和Mediapro将合作在5G网络上分发虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)。预计5G的一些首批行业用例将出现在VR和AR中。 5G将通过华为的媒体云应用为VR和AR提供直播流媒体平台。

“在5G平台内,华为与TPCAST​​的合作也将拓展VR和增强现实(AR)的机会,”TPCAST​​ EMEA总经理Reiner Pes表示。 “我们的编解码技术将成为加速发展和向市场推出这些机会的关键因素。”

“我们相信这种合作将加速5G宽带的发展,”Mediapro Middle East总经理Omar Pleite Guerra表示。 “这是关键时刻。电信咨询和研究公司Analysys Mason预测,到2030年,海湾合作委员会媒体和娱乐行业新数字服务的潜在5G收入机会预计将达到310亿美元。”

华为中东市场营销副总裁王苏先生补充说:“华为通过建立中东5G生态系统计划,提供基于云的用例开发平台,支持5G用例的集成和验证。华为E2E 5G低延迟解决方案和TPCAST​​的编解码技术将共同提供增强的VR服务体验。此合作伙伴关系将促使该地区的运营商抓住这些新的增长机会。“

今年的5G生态系统会议主题是5G将如何重塑中东的数字生态系统,其主题是“5G is Now,Sailing to new eMBB Horizo​​ns”。作为领先的电信供应商,华为从2009年开始进行5G研究,为全球统一的5G协议贡献最关键的技术。华为还是业界第一家提供具有竞争力的路线图的端到端5G解决方案,以配合我们的合作伙伴建立5G领导地位。

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