
Alexa’s built-in weather forecast is handy for those who just want the basic forecast for the day, but it doesn’t do much more than that. However, with a third party skill called Big Sky, you can make Alexa spit out a ton of information about the weather and ask it nearly anything about what’s coming.

Alexa的内置天气预报对于那些只想了解当天基本天气预报的人来说非常方便,但仅此而已。 但是,借助名为Big Sky的第三方技能,您可以使Alexa吐出大量有关天气的信息,并询问有关即将发生的事情的几乎所有信息。

安装Big Sky Alexa技能 (Install the Big Sky Alexa Skill)

The initial setup process is a bit involved, but it’ll smooth sailing once you have everything set up and ready to go. Open the Alexa app and tap on the menu button in the top-left corner of the screen.

最初的设置过程有些复杂,但是一旦您完成所有设置并准备就绪,它将可以顺利进行。 打开Alexa应用,然后点击屏幕左上角的菜单按钮。

Tap on “Skills”.


Tap on the search bar at the top and type in “Big Sky”.

点击顶部的搜索栏,然后输入“ Big Sky”。

You might get multiple results, but the one at the top will be the one you want. Tap on it to open it up for more details.

您可能会得到多个结果,但最上面的一个将是您想要的一个。 点击以将其打开以获取更多详细信息。

Tap on “Enable”.


A web browser will open up and take you to the Blue Sky website, where you’ll need to create an account real quick and enter in some details to get the weather. So start by scrolling down and tapping “Create One!”.

将打开一个网络浏览器,带您进入蓝天网站,在这里您需要快速创建一个真实帐户并输入一些详细信息以获取天气。 因此,首先向下滚动并点击“创建一个!”。

Enter in a username and password of your choice and hit “Submit”.


Once your account has been created, log in with your new credentials.


Next, enter in your address to get hyper-local weather forecasts. You can also just enter in your zip code or even your city, but the more specific you are, the more accurate your weather reports will be for your location. Scroll down when you’re done.

接下来,输入您的地址以获得超本地天气预报。 您也可以只输入邮政编码甚至城市,但是您的身份越具体,您所在位置的天气报告就越准确。 完成后向下滚动。

Now, choose either “Basics” or “Detailed” when it comes to how much info you’re immediately given when you first open Big Sky. Scroll down when you’re done.

现在,当您第一次打开Big Sky时,立即获得多少信息时,请选择“基本”或“详细”。 完成后向下滚动。

Lastly, choose either “Farenheit” or “Celsius” and then tap on Submit at the bottom.

最后,选择“ Farenheit”或“ Celsius”,然后点击底部的“提交”。

On the next screen, it will say that Big Sky has been successfully linked. At that point, you’re ready to go! Tap on “Done” or hit the “X” button in the top-right corner to close out the web browser.

在下一个屏幕上,它将显示Big Sky已成功链接。 到那时,您已经准备好出发了! 点击“完成”或点击右上角的“ X”按钮以关闭网络浏览器。

如何使用大天空 (How to Use Big Sky)

You can now begin to use Big Sky. Remember that when you ask Alexa for the weather, you’ll need to begin your commands with “ask Big Sky”. So instead of saying “Alexa, what’s the weather?” you’ll you’ll need to say “Alexa, ask Big Sky what the weather is like.”

您现在可以开始使用Big Sky。 请记住,当您询问Alexa的天气时,您需要以“ ask Big Sky”开始命令。 因此,不用说“ Alexa,天气如何?” 您需要说“ Alexa,问Big Sky天气如何”。

However, you can do way more than ask about the general weather. Here are just some of the commands that you can give Big Sky in order to get detailed info about the weather. Remember to start with “Alexa, ask Big Sky…” followed by your command:

但是,您可以做的比询问一般天气还多。 您可以使用以下一些命令来获取Big Sky,以获取有关天气的详细信息。 请记住以“ Alexa,询问Big Sky ...”开头,然后输入命令:

  • “…what the humidity is.”“……湿度是多少。”
  • “…what the temperature will be at 5pm.”“ ...温度将是下午5点。”
  • “…for the weather on Friday.”“……因为星期五的天气。”
  • “…if it will rain before 4pm.”“…如果要在下午4点之前下雨。”
  • “…when the sunrise is tomorrow.”“……明天是日出的时候。”
  • “…what the wind speed is.”“……风速是多少。”

You can also just say “Alexa, open Big Sky” and it will immediately provide a handful of information about today’s weather, and the amount of info it provides during this is dependent on whether you chose “Basic” or “Detailed” during the setup process. Don’t worry if you chose “Basic”—Big Sky will also just ask you if you want to hear more details after it goes through the basic forecast.

您也可以只说“ Alexa,打开大天空”,它会立即提供一些有关今天天气的信息,在此期间提供的信息量取决于您在设置过程中选择了“基本”还是“详细”处理。 不用担心,如果您选择“基本”,Big Sky也会在基本预测之后询问您是否要听取更多详细信息。




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