

Pixelize Quad


#define _PixelSize (1000.)
#define _PixelRatio (1.)
#define _PixelScaleX (30. * sin(iTime))
#define _PixelScaleY (30. * sin(iTime))


vec2 RectPixelizeUV(vec2 uv)
{float pixelScale = 1.0 / _PixelSize;vec2 coord = vec2(pixelScale * _PixelScaleX * floor(uv.x / (pixelScale *_PixelScaleX)), (pixelScale * _PixelRatio *_PixelScaleY) * floor(uv.y / (pixelScale *_PixelRatio * _PixelScaleY)));return  coord;
}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// Time varying pixel colorvec3 col = texture(iChannel0, RectPixelizeUV(uv)).xyz;  // Output to screenfragColor = vec4(col,1.0);


Pixelize Led


#define _PixelSize (100.)
#define _PixelRatio (3.)
#define _LedRadius (4.)
#define _BackgroundColor vec4(0, 1. * sin(iTime), 0., 0.9)


vec2 RectPixelizeUV(vec2 uv)
{float pixelScale = 1.0 / _PixelSize;vec2 coord = vec2(pixelScale * floor(uv.x / (pixelScale)), (pixelScale * _PixelRatio) * floor(uv.y / (pixelScale *_PixelRatio )));return  coord;
}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// 实现矩形像素vec2 new_uv = RectPixelizeUV(uv);vec4 col = texture(iChannel0, new_uv);// 计算矩形像素坐标vec2 coord = uv * vec2(_PixelSize, _PixelSize / _PixelRatio);// 横纵坐标强度渐变float ledX = abs(sin(coord.x * 3.1415)) * 1.5;float ledY = abs(sin(coord.y * 3.1415)) * 1.5;// 求解LedValuefloat ledValue = ledX * ledY;// led半径校正float radius = step(ledValue, _LedRadius);//最终颜色 = 基础led颜色 + 渐变led颜色 + 背景颜色col = ((1. - radius) * col) + ((col * ledValue) * radius)+ radius * (1. - ledValue) *  _BackgroundColor;// Output to screenfragColor = col;


Pixelize Leaf


#define _PixelSize (400. + 300. * sin(iTime))
#define _PixelRatio (2.)
#define _PixelScaleX (0.3)
#define _PixelScaleY (0.3)


vec3 TrianglePixelizeUV(vec2 uv)
{vec2 pixelScale = _PixelSize * vec2(_PixelScaleX, _PixelScaleY / _PixelRatio);//乘以缩放,向下取整,再除以缩放,得到分段UVvec2 coord = floor(uv * pixelScale) / pixelScale;uv -= coord;uv *= pixelScale;//进行像素偏移处理coord +=vec2(step((1. - uv.y), uv.x) / (pixelScale.x), //leaf Xstep(uv.x, uv.y) / (pixelScale.y) // leaf y);vec3 col = texture(iChannel0, coord).xyz;return col;}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// Time varying pixel colorvec3 col = TrianglePixelizeUV(uv);// Output to screenfragColor = vec4(col,1.0);


Circle Pixelize


#define _PixelSize (10000.)
#define _PixelRatio (iResolution.y / iResolution.x)
#define _PixelScaleX (30.3)
#define _PixelIntervalX (100.1)
#define _PixelIntervalY (100.1)#define MAX_RADIUS (0.317)
#define _BackgroundColor vec4(0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 1.);


vec3 CirclePixelize(vec2 uv)
{float pixelScale = 1. / _PixelSize;uv.x = uv.x / _PixelRatio;//x和y坐标分别除以缩放系数,在用floor向下取整,再乘以缩放系数,得到分段UVvec2 coord = vec2(_PixelIntervalX *  floor(uv.x / (pixelScale * _PixelIntervalX)), (_PixelIntervalY)* floor(uv.y / (pixelScale * _PixelIntervalY)));//求解圆心坐标vec2 circleCenter = coord * pixelScale + pixelScale * 0.5;//计算当前uv值隔圆心的距离,并乘以缩放系数float dist = length(uv - circleCenter) * _PixelScaleX;//圆心坐标乘以缩放系数circleCenter.x *= _PixelRatio;//采样vec4 screenColor = texture(iChannel0, circleCenter);//对于距离大于半径的像素,替换为背景色if (dist > MAX_RADIUS)  screenColor = _BackgroundColor;return screenColor.xyz;
}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// Time varying pixel colorvec3 col = CirclePixelize(uv);// Output to screenfragColor = vec4(col,1.0);



Pixelize Diamond


#define _PixelSize (5000. + 3000. * sin(iTime))


vec3 DiamondPixelizeUV(vec2 uv)
{vec2 pixelSize = 10. / iResolution.xy * _PixelSize;vec2 coord = uv * pixelSize;//计算当前Diamond的朝向int direction = int(dot(fract(coord), vec2(1., 1.)) >= 1.0) + 2 * int(dot(fract(coord), vec2(1., -1.)) >= 0.0);//进行向下取整coord = floor(coord);//处理Diamond的四个方向if (direction == 0) coord += vec2(0, 0.5);if(direction == 1) coord += vec2(0.5, 1);if(direction == 2) coord += vec2(0.5, 0);if(direction == 3) coord += vec2(1, 0.5);//最终缩放uvcoord /= pixelSize;vec3 col = texture(iChannel0, coord).xyz;return col;
}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// Time varying pixel colorvec3 col = DiamondPixelizeUV(uv);// Output to screenfragColor = vec4(col,1.0);


Sector Pixelize


vec2 circleCenter = coord * pixelScale;

Pixelize Triangle


Pixelize Hexagon


#define _PixelSize (0.043 + 0.03 * sin(iTime))
#define _PixelRatio (2.)
#define _PixelScaleX (3.)
#define _PixelScaleY (3.)float HexDist(vec2 a, vec2 b)
{vec2 p = abs(b - a);float s = 0.5;float c = 0.8660254;float diagDist = s * p.x + c * p.y;return max(diagDist, p.x) / c;
}vec2 NearestHex(float s, vec2 st)
{float h = 0.5 * s;float r = 0.8660254 * s;float b = s + 2.0 * h;float a = 2.0 * r;float m = h / r;vec2 sect = st / vec2(2.0 * r, h + s);vec2 sectPxl = mod(st, vec2(2.0 * r, h + s));float aSection = mod(floor(sect.y), 2.0);vec2 coord = floor(sect);if (aSection > 0.0){if(sectPxl.y < (h - sectPxl.x * m)){coord -= 1.0;}else if(sectPxl.y < (-h + sectPxl.x * m)){coord.y -= 1.0;}}else{if(sectPxl.x > r){if(sectPxl.y < (2.0 * h - sectPxl.x * m)){coord.y -= 1.0;}}else{if(sectPxl.y < (sectPxl.x * m)){coord.y -= 1.0;}else{coord.x -= 1.0;}}}float xoff = mod(coord.y, 2.0) * r;return vec2(coord.x * 2.0 * r - xoff, coord.y * (h + s)) + vec2(r * 2.0, s);


vec3 HexagonPixelizeUV(vec2 uv)
{vec2 ratio = vec2(_PixelRatio * _PixelScaleX, _PixelScaleY);vec2 nearest = NearestHex(_PixelSize, uv * ratio);vec3 finalColor = texture(iChannel0, nearest / ratio).xyz;return finalColor;
}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// Time varying pixel colorvec3 col = HexagonPixelizeUV(uv);// Output to screenfragColor = vec4(col,1.0);


Pixelize HexagonGrid


#define _PixelSize (0.043 + 0.03 * sin(iTime))
#define _PixelRatio (2.)
#define _PixelScaleX (3.)
#define _PixelScaleY (3.)
#define _GridWidth (1.3)float HexDist(vec2 a, vec2 b)
{vec2 p = abs(b - a);float s = 0.5;float c = 0.8660254;float diagDist = s * p.x + c * p.y;return max(diagDist, p.x) / c;
}vec2 NearestHex(float s, vec2 st)
{float h = 0.5 * s;float r = 0.8660254 * s;float b = s + 2.0 * h;float a = 2.0 * r;float m = h / r;vec2 sect = st / vec2(2.0 * r, h + s);vec2 sectPxl = mod(st, vec2(2.0 * r, h + s));float aSection = mod(floor(sect.y), 2.0);vec2 coord = floor(sect);if (aSection > 0.0){if(sectPxl.y < (h - sectPxl.x * m)){coord -= 1.0;}else if(sectPxl.y < (-h + sectPxl.x * m)){coord.y -= 1.0;}}else{if(sectPxl.x > r){if(sectPxl.y < (2.0 * h - sectPxl.x * m)){coord.y -= 1.0;}}else{if(sectPxl.y < (sectPxl.x * m)){coord.y -= 1.0;}else{coord.x -= 1.0;}}}float xoff = mod(coord.y, 2.0) * r;return vec2(coord.x * 2.0 * r - xoff, coord.y * (h + s)) + vec2(r * 2.0, s);


vec3 HexagonPixelizeUV(vec2 uv)
{float pixelSize = _PixelSize * iResolution.x * 0.2;vec2 nearest = NearestHex(pixelSize, uv * iResolution.xy);vec3 finalColor = texture(iChannel0, nearest / iResolution.xy).xyz;float dist = HexDist(uv * iResolution.xy, nearest);float interiorSize = pixelSize;float interior = 1.0 - smoothstep(interiorSize - 0.8, interiorSize, dist *  _GridWidth);return finalColor * interior;
}void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
{// Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1)vec2 uv = fragCoord/iResolution.xy;// Time varying pixel colorvec3 col = HexagonPixelizeUV(uv);// Output to screenfragColor = vec4(col,1.0);



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