
Microsoft认知工具包(CNTK)-简介 (Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) - Introduction)

In this chapter, we will learn what is CNTK, its features, difference between its version 1.0 and 2.0 and important highlights of version 2.7.


什么是Microsoft认知工具包(CNTK)? (What is Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)?)

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), formerly known as Computational Network Toolkit, is a free, easy-to-use, open-source, commercial-grade toolkit that enables us to train deep learning algorithms to learn like the human brain. It enables us to create some popular deep learning systems like feed-forward neural network time series prediction systems and Convolutional neural network (CNN) image classifiers.

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit(CNTK),以前称为Computational Network Toolkit,是一种免费,易于使用的开源商业级工具包,使我们能够训练深度学习算法来像人脑一样学习。 它使我们能够创建一些流行的深度学习系统,例如前馈神经网络时间序列预测系统和卷积神经网络(CNN)图像分类器

For optimal performance, its framework functions are written in C++. Although we can call its function using C++, but the most commonly used approach for the same is to use a Python program.

为了获得最佳性能,其框架功能使用C ++编写。 尽管我们可以使用C ++调用其函数,但是最常用的方法是使用Python程序。

CNTK的功能 (CNTK’s Features)

Following are some of the features and capabilities offered in the latest version of Microsoft CNTK:

以下是最新版本的Microsoft CNTK中提供的一些功能:

内置组件 (Built-in components)

  • CNTK has highly optimised built-in components that can handle multi-dimensional dense or sparse data from Python, C++ or BrainScript.

    CNTK具有高度优化的内置组件,可以处理来自Python,C ++或BrainScript的多维密集或稀疏数据。

  • We can implement CNN, FNN, RNN, Batch Normalisation and Sequence-to-Sequence with attention.


  • It provides us the functionality to add new user-defined core-components on the GPU from Python.


  • It also provides automatic hyperparameter tuning.


  • We can implement Reinforcement learning, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Supervised as well as Unsupervised learning.


  • For massive datasets, CNTK has built-in optimised readers.


有效利用资源 (Usage of resources efficiently)

  • CNTK provides us parallelism with high accuracy on multiple GPUs/machines via 1-bit SGD.

    CNTK通过1位SGD在多个GPU /机器上为我们提供了高精度的并行性。

  • To fit the largest models in GPU memory, it provides memory sharing and other built-in methods.


轻松表达我们自己的网络 (Express our own networks easily)

  • CNTK has full APIs for defining your own network, learners, readers, training and evaluation from Python, C++, and BrainScript.

    CNTK具有完整的API,用于定义您自己的网络,学习者,读者,Python,C ++和BrainScript的培训和评估。

  • Using CNTK, we can easily evaluate models with Python, C++, C# or BrainScript.

    使用CNTK,我们可以轻松地使用Python,C ++,C#或BrainScript评估模型。

  • It provides both high-level as well as low-level APIs.


  • Based on our data, it can automatically shape the inference.


  • It has fully optimised symbolic Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) loops.


测量模型性能 (Measuring model performance)

  • CNTK provides various components to measure the performance of neural networks you build.


  • Generates log data from your model and the associated optimiser, which we can use to monitor the training process.


1.0版与2.0版 (Version 1.0 vs Version 2.0)

Following table compares CNTK Version 1.0 and 2.0:


Version 1.0 Version 2.0
It was released in 2016. It is a significant rewrite of the 1.0 Version and was released in June 2017.
It used a proprietary scripting language called BrainScript. Its framework functions can be called using C++, Python. We can easily load our modules in C# or Java. BrainScript is also supported by Version 2.0.
It runs on both Windows and Linux systems but not directly on Mac OS. It also runs on both Windows (Win 8.1, Win 10, Server 2012 R2 and later) and Linux systems but not directly on Mac OS.
版本1.0 版本2.0
它于2016年发布。 它是对1.0版的重大重写,于2017年6月发布。
它使用了称为BrainScript的专有脚本语言。 可以使用C ++,Python调用其框架函数。 我们可以轻松地用C#或Java加载模块。 2.0版还支持BrainScript。
它可以在Windows和Linux系统上运行,但不能直接在Mac OS上运行。 它还可以在Windows(Win 8.1,Win 10,Server 2012 R2和更高版本)和Linux系统上运行,但不能直接在Mac OS上运行。

2.7版的重要亮点 (Important Highlights of Version 2.7)

Version 2.7 is the last main released version of Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit. It has full support for ONNX 1.4.1. Following are some important highlights of this last released version of CNTK.

2.7版是Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit的最后一个主要发行版本。 它完全支持ONNX 1.4.1。 以下是该CNTK的最新发行版的一些重要亮点。

  • Full support for ONNX 1.4.1.

    完全支持ONNX 1.4.1。

  • Support for CUDA 10 for both Windows and Linux systems.

    Windows和Linux系统均支持CUDA 10。

  • It supports advance Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) loop in ONNX export.


  • It can export more than 2GB models in ONNX format.


  • It supports FP16 in BrainScript scripting language’s training action.


翻译自: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/microsoft_cognitive_toolkit/microsoft_cognitive_toolkit_introduction.htm



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