
1. 构造状态空间


// Construct the robot state space in which we're planning 构造状态空间StateSpace
ob::StateSpacePtr space(new ob::RealVectorStateSpace(3));


// Set the bounds of space to be in [0,1] 边界条件设置
ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(3);
bounds.setLow(0, - _x_size * 0.5);
bounds.setLow(1, - _y_size * 0.5);
bounds.setLow(2, 0.0);
bounds.setHigh(0, + _x_size * 0.5);
bounds.setHigh(1, + _y_size * 0.5);
bounds.setHigh(2, _z_size);
// 将设置的边界赋予状态空间space,其中as的作用是类型转换


2. 配置状态信息


// Construct a space information instance for this state space 构造状态空间信息SpaceInformation
ob::SpaceInformationPtr si(new ob::SpaceInformation(space));
// Set the object used to check which states in the space are valid 为状态空间设置状态检查函数StateValidChecker
// ValidityChecker肯定要知道状态的信息,也就是si
si->setStateValidityChecker(ob::StateValidityCheckerPtr(new ValidityChecker(si)));


// Our collision checker. For this demo, our robot's state space
class ValidityChecker : public ob::StateValidityChecker
{public:ValidityChecker(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si) :ob::StateValidityChecker(si) {}// Returns whether the given state's position overlaps the// circular obstaclebool isValid(const ob::State* state) const{   // We know we're working with a RealVectorStateSpace in this// example, so we downcast state into the specific type.const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType* state3D =state->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>();/****Extract the robot's (x,y,z) position from its state***/double x,y,z;x = (*state3D)[0];y = (*state3D)[1];z = (*state3D)[2];return _RRTstar_preparatory->isObsFree(x, y, z);}

3. 设置问题实例


// Set our robot's starting state 定义起点状态
ob::ScopedState<> start(space);
Finish the initialization of start state
start[0] = start_pt(0);
start[1] = start_pt(1);
start[2] = start_pt(2);
// Set our robot's goal state 定义终点状态
ob::ScopedState<> goal(space);
Finish the initialization of goal state
goal[0] = target_pt(0);
goal[1] = target_pt(1);
goal[2] = target_pt(2);
// Create a problem instance 构造问题实例
Create a problem instance,
please define variable as pdef
auto pdef(std::make_shared<ob::ProblemDefinition>(si));
// Set the start and goal states 为问题实例设置起点和终点
pdef->setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);
// Set the optimization objective
Set the optimization objective, the options you can choose are defined earlier:
getPathLengthObjective() and getThresholdPathLengthObj()
// 为问题实例设置优化的目标函数

4. 执行规划器


ob::PlannerPtr optimizingPlanner(new og::RRTstar(si));//RRTstar是继承与base::planner的
// Set the problem instance for our planner to solve 将问题实例交给规划器去执行
optimizingPlanner->setup();// attempt to solve the planning problem within one second of
// planning time
ob::PlannerStatus solved = optimizingPlanner->solve(1.0);if (solved)
{// get the goal representation from the problem definition (not the same as the goal state)// and inquire about the found pathog::PathGeometric* path = pdef->getSolutionPath()->as<og::PathGeometric>();vector<Vector3d> path_points;for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < path->getStateCount (); path_idx++){const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType *state = path->getState(path_idx)->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>(); /****Trandform the found path from path to path_points for rviz display***/ Vector3d path_point;path_point(0) = (*state)[0];path_point(1) = (*state)[1];path_point(2) = (*state)[2];path_points.push_back(path_point);}visRRTstarPath(path_points);

5. 完整代码

void pathFinding(const Vector3d start_pt, const Vector3d target_pt)
{// Construct the robot state space in which we're planning 构造状态空间StateSpaceob::StateSpacePtr space(new ob::RealVectorStateSpace(3));// Set the bounds of space to be in [0,1] 边界条件设置ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(3);bounds.setLow(0, - _x_size * 0.5);bounds.setLow(1, - _y_size * 0.5);bounds.setLow(2, 0.0);bounds.setHigh(0, + _x_size * 0.5);bounds.setHigh(1, + _y_size * 0.5);bounds.setHigh(2, _z_size);// 将设置的边界赋予状态空间space,其中as的作用是类型转换space->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace>()->setBounds(bounds);// Construct a space information instance for this state space 构造状态空间信息SpaceInformationob::SpaceInformationPtr si(new ob::SpaceInformation(space));// Set the object used to check which states in the space are valid 为状态空间设置状态检查函数StateValidChecker// ValidityChecker肯定要知道状态的信息,也就是sisi->setStateValidityChecker(ob::StateValidityCheckerPtr(new ValidityChecker(si)));si->setup();// Set our robot's starting state 定义起点状态ob::ScopedState<> start(space);/****STEP 2: Finish the initialization of start state***/start[0] = start_pt(0);start[1] = start_pt(1);start[2] = start_pt(2);// Set our robot's goal state 定义终点状态ob::ScopedState<> goal(space);/****STEP 3: Finish the initialization of goal state***/goal[0] = target_pt(0);goal[1] = target_pt(1);goal[2] = target_pt(2);// Create a problem instance 构造问题实例/****STEP 4: Create a problem instance, please define variable as pdef***/auto pdef(std::make_shared<ob::ProblemDefinition>(si));// Set the start and goal states 为问题实例设置起点和终点pdef->setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);// Set the optimization objective/****STEP 5: Set the optimization objective, the options you can choose are defined earlier:getPathLengthObjective() and getThresholdPathLengthObj()***/  // 为问题实例设置优化的目标函数pdef->setOptimizationObjective(getPathLengthObjective(si));// Construct our optimizing planner using the RRTstar algorithm./****STEP 6: Construct our optimizing planner using the RRTstar algorithm, please define varible as optimizingPlanner***/ //构造规划器Plannerob::PlannerPtr optimizingPlanner(new og::RRTstar(si));//RRTstar是继承与base::planner的// Set the problem instance for our planner to solve 将问题实例交给规划器去执行optimizingPlanner->setProblemDefinition(pdef);optimizingPlanner->setup();// attempt to solve the planning problem within one second of// planning timeob::PlannerStatus solved = optimizingPlanner->solve(1.0);if (solved){// get the goal representation from the problem definition (not the same as the goal state)// and inquire about the found pathog::PathGeometric* path = pdef->getSolutionPath()->as<og::PathGeometric>();vector<Vector3d> path_points;for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < path->getStateCount (); path_idx++){const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType *state = path->getState(path_idx)->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>(); /****STEP 7: Trandform the found path from path to path_points for rviz display***/ Vector3d path_point;path_point(0) = (*state)[0];path_point(1) = (*state)[1];path_point(2) = (*state)[2];path_points.push_back(path_point);}visRRTstarPath(path_points);       }


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