MD5 is a checksum or hash calculation method for files. MD5 checksum consists of 128-bit value which is generally expressed as the hexadecimal format with which consist of 32 characters.

MD5是文件的校验和或哈希计算方法。 MD5校验和由128位值组成,该值通常表示为十六进制格式,由32个字符组成。

MD5属性 (MD5 Attributes)

MD5 is a cryptography algorithm which provides some attributes which make it useful for different cases like security, operation etc. Here is the list of MD5 attributes.


  • MD5 checksums are 128-bit valuesMD5校验和是128位值
  • MD5 checksums can be expressed in different encodings but most used is 32 character hexadecimal.MD5校验和可以用不同的编码表示,但最常用的是32个字符的十六进制。
  • MD5 provides Fast Hash Calculation which makes it easy and fastMD5提供了快速哈希计算,使计算变得轻松快捷
  • MD5 create Unique value almost all unique files with.MD5创建几乎所有唯一文件都具有的唯一值。

MD5工具 (MD5 Tools)

There are a lot of different tools used to create MD5 checksums. In this part we will list popular of them.

创建MD5校验和有很多不同的工具。 在这一部分中,我们将列出其中的流行。

Linux (Linux)

Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, Fedora, CentOS, RedHat provides following MD5 checksum tools.


  • openssl的openssl
  • md5summd5sum
  • PythonPython
  • ……

视窗 (Windows)

Windows Server and client Operating systems like Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016 provides and use following MD5 tools.

Windows Server和客户端Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2016等操作系统提供并使用以下MD5工具。

  • WinMD5 FreeWinMD5免费
  • CertUtil证书实用程序
  • ……

计算并验证MD5 (Calculate and Verify MD5)

In this part, we will create, calculate and verify the MD5 values of example files. We can also use different files like ISO, RAR, EXE etc.

在这一部分中,我们将创建,计算和验证示例文件的MD5值。 我们还可以使用其他文件,例如ISO,RAR,EXE等。

Linux (Linux)

For Linux distributions, we will use md5 command. We will also provide the file name as a parameter. The calculated MD5 hash will be printed to the console.

对于Linux发行版,我们将使用md5命令。 我们还将提供文件名作为参数。 计算出的MD5哈希值将打印到控制台。

$ md5sum exec.c.gz

md5sum Linux
md5sum Linux

视窗 (Windows)

In Windows we will use command line tool named certutil . We will provide the file named and hash type which is MD5 in this case.

在Windows中,我们将使用名为certutil命令行工具。 在这种情况下,我们将提供名为MD5的文件和哈希类型。

PS> certutil.exe -hashfile .\Downloads\7z1805.exe MD5

Md5替代SHA2,SHA256 (Md5 Alternatives SHA2, SHA256)

MD5 is created in 90’s when the IT and computers are not so advanced. During the time the reliability of the MD5 is lowered. Especially from the security viewpoint, it is not accepted as more secure. So alternative Hash Algorithms are developed. In General, we need to use these secure algorithms like SHA2, SHA256 etc.

当IT和计算机不那么先进时,MD5是在90年代创建的。 在此期间,MD5的可靠性降低。 特别是从安全性的角度来看,它不是更安全的方法。 因此,开发了其他哈希算法。 通常,我们需要使用这些安全算法,例如SHA2,SHA256等。

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