Benj Edwards

After buying a used iPhone, you might wonder about its history. When first sold, did it leave Apple as a brand new device or one that had been previously refurbished? Luckily, there’s an easy way to tell. Here’s how.

购买二手iPhone之后,您可能会想知道它的历史。 首次出售时,它是让Apple保留为全新设备还是以前进行过翻新的设备? 幸运的是,有一种简单的方法可以告诉您。 这是如何做。

查找您的iPhone的型号 (Find Your iPhone’s Model Number)

Open the Settings app and navigate to General > About.


Once you tap on About, you’ll be presented with a list of important information about the iPhone, including the device’s name, its software version, and a model number.


Pay careful attention to the model number, because this will reveal the origin of the iPhone.


  • If the model number starts with M, it was purchased new from Apple.


  • If the model number starts with F, it was refurbished by Apple or a carrier.


  • If the model number starts with P, it was sold as a personalized iPhone with an engraving.


  • If the model number starts with N, Apple provided it as a replacement device for a malfunctioning iPhone.


If you find that your phone was refurbished, it is not necessarily cause for alarm. Apple puts its Certified Refurbished products through a rigorous process that makes them like-new. They clean each unit thoroughly, replace any broken parts if necessary, and change the battery and the outer shell.

如果您发现您的手机已经过翻新,则不一定会引起警报。 苹果将​​其经过认证的翻新产品通过严格的流程使其变得像新产品一样。 他们彻底清洁每个单元,必要时更换任何损坏的部件,并更换电池和外壳。

In general, Apple Certified Refurbished products look and operate like brand new iPhones, but for legal reasons, Apple cannot sell them as new. Apple typically offers these refurbished products at a sizable discount, so they can be a great deal.

通常,经过Apple认证的翻新产品的外观和操作类似于全新的iPhone,但是出于法律原因,Apple不能将其作为新产品销售。 苹果通常会以相当大的折扣提供这些翻新产品,因此它们的价格可能很高。

Carriers such as AT&T and Verizon also refurbish iPhones and sell them at a discount. Unlike Apple, they may not change out the battery or provide a new 1-year warranty on the phone. (You can check the warranty status on your iPhone by visiting Apple’s warranty site and entering the device’s serial number.)

AT&T和Verizon等运营商也对iPhone进行翻新并以折扣价出售。 与Apple不同,它们可能不会更换电池或在手机上提供新的1年保修。 (您可以通过访问Apple的保修站点并输入设备的序列号来检查iPhone上的保修状态。)

第三方翻新设备 (Third-Party Refurbished Devices)

If your phone was previously refurbished by an independent repair operation that isn’t authorized by Apple, the model number would not necessarily reflect that. Few third-party vendors have the stringent standards for refurbishment as Apple does, so it is best to avoid third-party refurbished devices if possible.

如果您的手机以前是由Apple未经授权的独立维修部门翻新的,则型号不一定会反映出来。 很少有第三方供应商像Apple那样拥有严格的翻新标准,因此,如果可能的话,最好避免使用第三方翻新的设备。

While knowing the Apple-based origins of your iPhone won’t make much difference in how it functions—that depends more on how previous owners treated it—it’s always good to be more informed, and this quick tip does the job.




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