ORA-00313, ORA-00312, ORA-27037 in Standby Database [ID 601835.1]

修改时间 20-APR-2009     类型 PROBLEM     状态 MODERATED

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Applies to:Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to

This problem can occur on any platform.

SymptomsFollowing errors in alert.log of standby database during startup of the standby database:

ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1

ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/u03/oradata/prod/redo01b.log'

ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status

CauseOnline Redo logs missing on standby database.


You can safely ignore these messages. Online redo logs will be created automatically when you activate the standby after switchover or failover.

If you want to fix these messages then please use following steps:

1.  Check and set "log_file_name_convert" parameter if the location of log files are different on primary and standby.

SQL> alter system set log_file_name_convert = "'',''" scope=spfile;

If you are using pfile then set the parameter in init file after shutting down the database:

*.log_file_name_convert = '',''

For 10gR2 only : Set this parameter even if the location of the redo logs are same on both primary and standby otherwise you may get ORA-19527 and ORA-312 while or after implementing the below steps.

This is due to internal bug in 10.2.

2.  Cancel Managed Recovery process on the standby:


3.  Execute the command to clear all log groups on standby for each log group (for each log group):

SQL>alter database clear logfile group 1;

4.  Check the v$log view to confirm the size and status.

5.  Recreate standby redo logs on standby (only if standby Redo logs are also missing) using:

(a) Drop the standby redo logfile group(s) (check v$standby_log)

SQL> alter database drop standby logfile group 4;

(b) Recreate the standby logfile group(s)

SQL> alter database add standby logfile group 4 ('/u03/redo/stby01.log') size 50m;

References - DATAGUARD ERROR IN 10.2

- Standby Redo Logs are not Created when Creating a 9i Data Guard DB with RMAN

- ORA-19527 reported in 10gR2 Standy database

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