


How do Inverters work?


?Inverters have taken a prominent role in the modern technological world due to the sudden rise of electric cars and renewable energy technologies.


? Inverters convert DC power to AC power, they are also used uninterrupted power supplies, control all of electrical machines and active power filtering. This video will explain how to get a pure Sinusoidal electric power output from DC power input, in a step by step logical manner.


How AC is produced?交流电如何产生的?

?Alternating current periodically reverses its direction.  For this reason,  the average value of an alternating current over a cycle will be zero.  Before proceeding to sine wave production, let's see how a square wave alternating current is produced.  In fact, the old type inverter is used to produce simple square wave as their output.

交流电会周期性地反转其方向。因此,整个周期内交流电的平均值为零。在进行正弦波介绍之前,让我们看看如何产生方波交流电。 实际上,旧式逆变器通过产生简单的方波作为其输出的。

? Let's build an interesting circuit as shown with four switches and one input voltage. This circuit is known as full bridge inverter.


? The output is drawn between points A and B. To make this circuit analysis easier, let's replace this actual load with a hypothetical load. Just note the current flow when switches S1 and S4 are on, and S2 and S3 are off.


? Now just do the reverse and observe the current flow. It is clear that the current flow is the opposite in this case, as is the output voltage across the load. This is the basic technique that produces a square wave alternating current.


How to increase switching speed to match 60Hz?如何提高开关速度以满足频率要求?

? We all know that the frequency of the AC supply available in our homes is 60 Hz. This means that we need to turn the switch on and off 120 times in a second, which is not possible when manually or by using mechanical switches.

我们都知道,我们家中可用的交流电源的频率为60 Hz。这意味着我们需要在一秒钟内将开关打开和关闭120次,这在手动或使用机械开关时是不可能的。

? We introduce semiconductor switches, such as Mosfet for this purpose. They can turn on and turn off thousands of times per second. With the help of control signals, we can turn transistors on or off very easily.


? The square wave output is a high approximation of sine wave output. Old inverter is used to produce them. That's why you hear a humming noise when you run your electric fan or other appliances using square wave power. They also heat up electric equipment.


? Modern inverters produce pure sinusoidal output. Let's see how they achieve it.


How to produce pure sinusoidal AC?如何产生正弦交流电?

? A technique called Pulse Width Modulation is used for this purpose.


? The logic of Pulse Width Modulation is simple. Generate the DC voltage in the form of pulses of different widths. In regions where you need higher amplitude, it will generate pulses of larger width. The pulses for the sine wave look like this.


? Now here is the tricky part, what will happen if you average these pulses in a small time interval.  You will be surprised to see that the shape of the average pulses looks very similar to the sine curve. The finer the pulses used, the better shape the sine curve will be.


? Now, the real question is how to make these pulses and how do we average them in a practical way? Let's see how they are implemented in an actual inverter.

现在真正的问题是:如何产生这些脉冲,以及如何以将其在实际中应用? 让我们看看如何在实际的逆变器中实现它们。

How to make these pulses?如何产生这些脉冲?

? Two comparators are used for this purpose. Comparators compare a sine wave with triangular waves.  One comparator uses a normal sine wave,  and the other comparator uses an invertion sine wave.


? The first comparator controls S1 and S2 switches. And the secondcomparator controls S3 and S4.


? S1 and S2 switches determined voltage level at point A and the other two switches determined voltage level at point B.


? You can see that the one branch of comparative output is fitted with a logic not gate.  This will make sure that when S1 is on S2 will be off . This also means that we can never turn on S1 and S2 at the same time, which will cause the DC circuit to short circuit.


? Turning S1 gives cell voltage at point A and turning on S2 gives 0 voltage at the same point. Same is the case for point B.


? The switching logic of PWM is simple. When the sine way value is more than the triangular wave, comparator produces 1 signal, otherwise zero signal.


? Now observe voltage variation at first comparator according to this logic.


? Control signal of 1 turns on the MOSFET. The voltage pulse is produced at point A are shown.


? Apply the same switching logic and observe the voltage pulses generated at point B.


? Since we are drawing output voltage between point A and B, the net voltage will be the difference between A and B. This is the exact pulse train we need to create the sine wave. The finer the triangular wave, the more accurate the pulse train will be.


How do we average them in a practical way?如何将其在实际中应用?

? Now the next question is how do we practically implement the averaging.


? To make it exactly sinusoidal, energy storage elements such as inductors and capacitors are used to smoother power flow. They are called passive filters. Inductors are used to smoothen the current. And capacitors are used to smooth in the voltage.


?  All in all, with an inverter bridge, a good PWM technique, and a passive filter, you can generate sinusoidal voltage and operate all of your appliances without any fuss.


?  The inverter technology we have explained so far has only two levels of voltage.  What if we introduce one more voltage level. This will give better approximation of the sine wave and can reduce instantaneous error.


? Such Multilevel Inverter Technology is used in high precision applications like wind turbines and electric cars.


?  Inverters are used in the electric cars have intelligent frequency and amplitude control. In fact, frequency controls the speed of an electric car and amplitude controls the power of it. This way inverters act as the brain of electric cars by producing electric power ideal for driving conditions.




1). 通过MOSFET开关,我们在全桥逆变电路上产生高频变化的方波

2). 通过比较器的应用,产生正弦波所需要的脉冲序列

3). 通过电容、电感等储能元件,获得精确的交流电,实现电机的控制和功率的转换。




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