
struct stu{int x; int *y;
} *p;
int dt[4] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
struct stu a[4] = {50, &dt[0], 60, &dt[1], 70, &dt[2], 80, &dt[3]};int main( )
{ p=a;printf("%d,", ++p->x); //p->x 值为50,之后++50==51printf("%d,", (++p)->x);//(++p)表达式值为a[1],同时p向之后移一个单位。之后a[1]-->x 值为60printf("%d", ++(*p->y));//p->y 值为&dt[1],++20==21return 0;


struct student
{  int no;char name[20];char sex;struct{int year;int month;int day;}birth;
struct student s;---------------------------
struct add {int year;int month;int day;
};struct student
{  int no;char name[20];struct add birth;char sex;};
struct student s;

A.s.birth.year = 1984; s.birth.month = 11; s.birth.day=11;

B.birth.year = 1984; birth.month = 11; birth.day = 11;

C.s.year = 1984; s.month = 11; s.day = 11;

D.year = 1984; month = 11; day = 11;

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