
PostgreSQL , 索引 , 复合索引 , 选择 , 成本 , 优化器



《PostgreSQL 多查询条件,多个索引的选择算法与问题诊断方法》

选择单个索引时,PATH可以选择index scan , index only scan, bitmap scan。

选择多个索引时,PATH可以选择bitmap scan。

那么优化器会选择哪个,或者哪几个索引,又会选择index scan , index only scan还是 bitmap scan呢?



create table t1 (c1 int2, c2 int2, c3 int2, c4 int2, c5 int2);  create table t2 (c1 int4, c2 int4, c3 int4, c4 int4, c5 int4);  create table t3 (c1 int8, c2 int8, c3 int8, c4 int8, c5 int8);  create table t4 (c1 text, c2 text, c3 text, c4 text, c5 text);


insert into t1 select random()*32767,random()*32767,random()*32767,1,random()*32767 from generate_series(1,10000000);  insert into t2 select random()*2000000000,random()*2000000000,random()*2000000000,1,random()*2000000000 from generate_series(1,10000000);  insert into t3 select random()*2000000000,random()*2000000000,random()*2000000000,1,random()*2000000000 from generate_series(1,10000000);  insert into t4 select md5(random()::text),md5(random()::text),md5(random()::text),'a',md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,10000000);


create index idx_t1_1 on t1(c1);
create index idx_t1_2 on t1(c1,c2);
create index idx_t1_3 on t1(c1,c2,c3);
create index idx_t1_4 on t1(c4);  create index idx_t2_1 on t2(c1);
create index idx_t2_2 on t2(c1,c2);
create index idx_t2_3 on t2(c1,c2,c3);
create index idx_t2_4 on t2(c4);  create index idx_t3_1 on t3(c1);
create index idx_t3_2 on t3(c1,c2);
create index idx_t3_3 on t3(c1,c2,c3);
create index idx_t3_4 on t3(c4);  create index idx_t4_1 on t4(c1);
create index idx_t4_2 on t4(c1,c2);
create index idx_t4_3 on t4(c1,c2,c3);
create index idx_t4_4 on t4(c4);


vacuum analyze t1;
vacuum analyze t2;
vacuum analyze t3;
vacuum analyze t4;

数据库如何选择索引? - 现象



postgres=# explain select * from t1 where c1=1 and c2=1 and c3=1;  QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------  Index Scan using idx_t1_3 on t1  (cost=0.43..2.66 rows=1 width=10)  Index Cond: ((c1 = 1) AND (c2 = 1) AND (c3 = 1))
(2 rows)


postgres=# explain select * from t2 where c1=1 and c2=1 and c3=1;  QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------  Index Scan using idx_t2_3 on t2  (cost=0.43..2.66 rows=1 width=20)  Index Cond: ((c1 = 1) AND (c2 = 1) AND (c3 = 1))
(2 rows)


postgres=# explain select * from t3 where c1=1 and c2=1 and c3=1;  QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------  Index Scan using idx_t3_2 on t3  (cost=0.43..2.66 rows=1 width=40)  Index Cond: ((c1 = 1) AND (c2 = 1))  Filter: (c3 = 1)
(3 rows)


postgres=# explain select * from t4 where c1='1' and c2='1' and c3='a';  QUERY PLAN
---------------------------------------------------------------------  Index Scan using idx_t4_2 on t4  (cost=0.56..2.78 rows=1 width=134)  Index Cond: ((c1 = '1'::text) AND (c2 = '1'::text))  Filter: (c3 = 'a'::text)
(3 rows)


数据库如何选择索引? - 分析

1 索引大小分析

postgres=# \di+ idx_t*  List of relations  Schema |   Name   | Type  |  Owner   | Table |  Size   | Description
--------+----------+-------+----------+-------+---------+-------------  public | idx_t1_1 | index | postgres | t1    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t1_2 | index | postgres | t1    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t1_3 | index | postgres | t1    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t1_4 | index | postgres | t1    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t2_1 | index | postgres | t2    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t2_2 | index | postgres | t2    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t2_3 | index | postgres | t2    | 301 MB  |   public | idx_t2_4 | index | postgres | t2    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t3_1 | index | postgres | t3    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t3_2 | index | postgres | t3    | 301 MB  |   public | idx_t3_3 | index | postgres | t3    | 387 MB  |   public | idx_t3_4 | index | postgres | t3    | 214 MB  |   public | idx_t4_1 | index | postgres | t4    | 563 MB  |   public | idx_t4_2 | index | postgres | t4    | 911 MB  |   public | idx_t4_3 | index | postgres | t4    | 1266 MB |   public | idx_t4_4 | index | postgres | t4    | 214 MB  |
(16 rows)







INDEX TUPLE占用8个字节的倍数。(可能是对齐的考虑)

2 索引内部结构分析

《深入浅出PostgreSQL B-Tree索引结构》


create extension pageinspect;


postgres=# select * from bt_metap('idx_t1_1');  magic  | version | root | level | fastroot | fastlevel
--------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------  340322 |       2 |  290 |     2 |      290 |         2
(1 row)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t1_1',290) limit 5;  itemoffset |   ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data
------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------  1 | (3,1)    |       8 | f     | f    |   2 | (289,1)  |      16 | f     | f    | 54 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  3 | (575,1)  |      16 | f     | f    | a9 02 00 00 00 00 00 00  4 | (860,1)  |      16 | f     | f    | fe 03 00 00 00 00 00 00  5 | (1145,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 52 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t1_1',289) limit 5;  itemoffset |  ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data
------------+---------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------  1 | (572,1) |      16 | f     | f    | a9 02 00 00 00 00 00 00  2 | (286,1) |       8 | f     | f    |   3 | (287,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  4 | (288,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 56 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  5 | (291,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 57 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t1_1',287) limit 5;  itemoffset |    ctid     | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data
------------+-------------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------  1 | (38155,112) |      16 | f     | f    | 56 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  2 | (20034,36)  |      16 | f     | f    | 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  3 | (20183,9)   |      16 | f     | f    | 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  4 | (20250,124) |      16 | f     | f    | 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  5 | (20957,123) |      16 | f     | f    | 55 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from t1 where ctid='(38155,112)';  c1  |  c2   |  c3   | c4 |  c5
-----+-------+-------+----+-------  342 | 18698 | 24394 |  1 | 27763
(1 row)  postgres=# select to_hex(342);  to_hex
--------  156
(1 row)  对应56 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  倒过来看 01 56。

确实有一个现象和前面的描述一样: INDEX TUPLE占用8个字节的倍数。

虽然是INT2的类型,本质上只占用2字节,但是实际上INDEX TUPLE占用了8个字节。

3、查看T2表,1个字段的索引。现象也和前面的描述一样: INDEX TUPLE占用8个字节的倍数。

postgres=# select * from bt_metap('idx_t2_1');  magic  | version | root | level | fastroot | fastlevel
--------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------  340322 |       2 |  290 |     2 |      290 |         2
(1 row)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t2_1',290) limit 5;  itemoffset |   ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data
------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------  1 | (3,1)    |       8 | f     | f    |   2 | (289,1)  |      16 | f     | f    | 0f 5c 3c 01 00 00 00 00  3 | (575,1)  |      16 | f     | f    | 8f 8e 7a 02 00 00 00 00  4 | (860,1)  |      16 | f     | f    | c1 f8 b7 03 00 00 00 00  5 | (1145,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 46 12 f7 04 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t2_1',289) limit 5;  itemoffset |  ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data
------------+---------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------  1 | (572,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 8f 8e 7a 02 00 00 00 00  2 | (286,1) |       8 | f     | f    |   3 | (287,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 5b 8a 3d 01 00 00 00 00  4 | (288,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 36 a2 3e 01 00 00 00 00  5 | (291,1) |      16 | f     | f    | 4b ca 3f 01 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t2_1',572) limit 5;  itemoffset |    ctid    | itemlen | nulls | vars |          data
------------+------------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------  1 | (3798,12)  |      16 | f     | f    | 3d b3 7b 02 00 00 00 00  2 | (48744,46) |      16 | f     | f    | 8f 8e 7a 02 00 00 00 00  3 | (40279,76) |      16 | f     | f    | 1a 8f 7a 02 00 00 00 00  4 | (53268,39) |      16 | f     | f    | a9 8f 7a 02 00 00 00 00  5 | (16540,92) |      16 | f     | f    | 35 90 7a 02 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from t2 where ctid='(3798,12)';  c1    |    c2     |    c3    | c4 |     c5
----------+-----------+----------+----+------------  41661245 | 940376658 | 41196565 |  1 | 1467443120
(1 row)  postgres=# select to_hex(41661245);  to_hex
---------  27bb33d
(1 row)  对应3d b3 7b 02 00 00 00 00  倒过来看 02 7b b3 3d。

4、查看T2表,3个字段的索引。现象也和前面的描述一样: INDEX TUPLE占用8个字节的倍数。

postgres=# select * from bt_metap('idx_t2_3');  magic  | version | root | level | fastroot | fastlevel
--------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------  340322 |       2 |  209 |     2 |      209 |         2
(1 row)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t2_3',209) limit 5;  itemoffset |  ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |                      data
------------+---------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------  1 | (3,1)   |       8 | f     | f    |   2 | (208,1) |      24 | f     | f    | a8 2c a1 00 78 82 d4 3d 55 1b a6 67 00 00 00 00  3 | (413,1) |      24 | f     | f    | a8 9d 42 01 3c fe ab 6b e7 69 81 1c 00 00 00 00  4 | (617,1) |      24 | f     | f    | c8 f7 e5 01 eb cd b6 31 49 90 14 6f 00 00 00 00  5 | (821,1) |      24 | f     | f    | e7 b6 86 02 9c 1e 63 65 c4 c3 06 48 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t2_3',208) limit 5;  itemoffset |  ctid   | itemlen | nulls | vars |                      data
------------+---------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------  1 | (410,1) |      24 | f     | f    | a8 9d 42 01 3c fe ab 6b e7 69 81 1c 00 00 00 00  2 | (205,1) |       8 | f     | f    |   3 | (206,1) |      24 | f     | f    | b5 ef a1 00 bf b0 c5 14 94 4f ae 63 00 00 00 00  4 | (207,1) |      24 | f     | f    | 1b b1 a2 00 0a f5 c6 33 c4 09 e3 12 00 00 00 00  5 | (210,1) |      24 | f     | f    | 34 81 a3 00 82 74 a7 42 fe d6 33 06 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from bt_page_items('idx_t2_3',410) limit 5;  itemoffset |    ctid     | itemlen | nulls | vars |                      data
------------+-------------+---------+-------+------+-------------------------------------------------  1 | (61769,131) |      24 | f     | f    | a6 6b 43 01 83 ab a4 04 0c a4 9e 29 00 00 00 00  2 | (44927,154) |      24 | f     | f    | a8 9d 42 01 3c fe ab 6b e7 69 81 1c 00 00 00 00  3 | (24587,3)   |      24 | f     | f    | e3 9d 42 01 4a 9f 46 25 b9 d2 8e 47 00 00 00 00  4 | (29996,51)  |      24 | f     | f    | be 9e 42 01 66 33 fd 03 8c 8c 39 2c 00 00 00 00  5 | (4032,73)   |      24 | f     | f    | 5c 9f 42 01 ea 4d b1 01 1d af 88 32 00 00 00 00
(5 rows)  postgres=# select * from t2 where ctid='(61769,131)';  c1    |    c2    |    c3     | c4 |     c5
----------+----------+-----------+----+------------  21195686 | 77900675 | 698262540 |  1 | 1522991839
(1 row)  postgres=# select to_hex(21195686);  to_hex
---------  1436ba6
(1 row)  postgres=# select to_hex(77900675);  to_hex
---------  4a4ab83
(1 row)  postgres=# select to_hex(698262540);  to_hex
----------  299ea40c
(1 row)  对应a6 6b 43 01 83 ab a4 04 0c a4 9e 29 00 00 00 00  每个字段占用4字节,倒过来看 01 43 6b a6。04 a4 ab 83。29 9e a4 0c。



HINT , 成本对比




postgres=# set pg_hint_plan.debug_print =on;
postgres=# set pg_hint_plan.enable_hint=on;
SET  postgres=# set pg_hint_plan.message_level =log;
postgres=# set client_min_messages =log;


postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(t4 idx_t4_3) */ select * from t4 where c1='1' and c2='1' and c3='a';
LOG:  available indexes for IndexScan(t4): idx_t4_3
LOG:  pg_hint_plan:
used hint:
IndexScan(t4 idx_t4_3)
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:  QUERY PLAN
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Index Scan using idx_t4_3 on public.t4  (cost=0.69..2.91 rows=1 width=134) (actual time=0.012..0.012 rows=0 loops=1)  Output: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5  Index Cond: ((t4.c1 = '1'::text) AND (t4.c2 = '1'::text) AND (t4.c3 = 'a'::text))  Buffers: shared hit=5  Planning time: 0.188 ms  Execution time: 0.027 ms
(6 rows)
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(t4 idx_t4_2) */ select * from t4 where c1='1' and c2='1' and c3='a';
LOG:  available indexes for IndexScan(t4): idx_t4_2
LOG:  pg_hint_plan:
used hint:
IndexScan(t4 idx_t4_2)
not used hint:
duplication hint:
error hint:  QUERY PLAN
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Index Scan using idx_t4_2 on public.t4  (cost=0.56..2.78 rows=1 width=134) (actual time=0.012..0.012 rows=0 loops=1)  Output: c1, c2, c3, c4, c5  Index Cond: ((t4.c1 = '1'::text) AND (t4.c2 = '1'::text))  Filter: (t4.c3 = 'a'::text)  Buffers: shared hit=5  Planning time: 0.212 ms  Execution time: 0.027 ms
(7 rows)




 public | idx_t4_2 | index | postgres | t4    | 911 MB  |   public | idx_t4_3 | index | postgres | t4    | 1266 MB |

1、走idx_t4_2索引时,评估出来扫描的数据块比idx_t4_3更少,虽然它多了filter,但是filter引入的开销在 RANDOM PAGE SCAN面前小得多(并且实际上这里没有filter的成本,因为c1,c2两个条件下去后评估出来的ROWS=0 select * from t4 where c1='1' and c2='1';)。

2、走idx_t4_3索引时,评估出来不需要filter,但是这个索引比idx_t4_2占用的空间大,按比例划分时,算了更多的random page SCAN 成本。即使没有额外的filter,成本也比idx_t4_2更高。



postgres=# select * from bt_metap('idx_t2_2');  magic  | version | root | level | fastroot | fastlevel
--------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------  340322 |       2 |  290 |     2 |      290 |         2
(1 row)  postgres=# select * from bt_metap('idx_t2_3');  magic  | version | root | level | fastroot | fastlevel
--------+---------+------+-------+----------+-----------  340322 |       2 |  209 |     2 |      209 |         2
(1 row)

以上,使用idx_t2_2和idx_t2_3扫描的INDEX PAGE数实际上是一样的。


PostgreSQL 采用CBO的优化器模型,哪个PATH成本低,就使用哪个PATH。



算子设置,选择性,扫描成本,INDEX TUPLE过滤成本,HEAP TUPLE过滤成本。



select * from tbl where c1=1 and c2=1 and c3=1 and c4=1;  idx(c1,c2)  idx(c2,c3)  idx(c4,c3,c1)



多列统计信息,统计信息,多列条件合并选择性、索引大小、RANDOM SCAN成本,SEQ SCAN成本,FILTER的成本,成本算子参数,优化器开关等。


《深入浅出PostgreSQL B-Tree索引结构》

《PostgreSQL 10 黑科技 - 自定义统计信息》


《PostgreSQL 多查询条件,多个索引的选择算法与问题诊断方法》

《PostgreSQL 自定义函数表达式选择性评估算法 - Statistics, Cardinality, Selectivity, Estimate》

《PostgreSQL 优化器行评估算法》

《关键时刻HINT出彩 - PG优化器的参数优化、执行计划固化CASE》

《优化器成本因子校对 - PostgreSQL explain cost constants alignment to timestamp》

《优化器成本因子校对(disk,ssd,memory IO开销精算) - PostgreSQL real seq_page_cost & random_page_cost in disks,ssd,memory》


PostgreSQL 当有多个索引可选时,优化器如何选择相关推荐

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  2. oracle加强制索引,Oracle中建立索引并强制优化器使用

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  6. MySQL优化器选错索引情况

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  8. hdu5062 简单题
  9. 【C 语言】二级指针案例 ( 字符串切割 | 返回 自定义二级指针 作为结果 | 每个 一级指针 指向不同大小内存 | 精准分配每个 一级指针 指向的内存大小 )
  10. 【Android 逆向】Android 逆向通用工具开发 ( Android 平台运行的 cmd 程序类型 | Android 平台运行的 cmd 程序编译选项 | 编译 cmd 可执行程序 )