

calibrate_cameras( : : CalibDataID : Error)


1,Create a calibration data model with the operator create_calib_data, specifying the number of cameras in the setup and the number of used calibration objects.

2,Specify the camera type and the initial internal camera parameters for all cameras with the operator set_calib_data_cam_param. Note that only cameras of the same type can be calibrated in a single setup.

3,Specify the description of all calibration objects with the operator set_calib_data_calib_object.

4,Collect observation data with the operators find_calib_object or set_calib_data_observ_points, i.e., the image coordinates of the extracted calibration marks of the calibration object and a roughly estimated pose of the calibration object relative to the observing camera.

5,Configure the calibration process, e.g., specify the reference camera or exclude certain internal or external camera parameters from the optimization. With the operator set_calib_data, you can specify parameters for the complete setup or configure parameters of individual cameras or calibration object poses in the setup.


  1. CalibDataID ,输入参数,标定模型句柄
  2. Error,输出参数,背面投影根表示优化的方形误差 (RMSE)。


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