• SyntaxError: Python can’t parse program
  • NameError: local or global name not found
  • AttributeError: attribute reference fails
  • TypeError: operand doesn’t have correct type
  • ValueError: operand type okay, but value is illegal
  • IOError: IO system reports malfunction (e.g. file not found)

Python 异常处理

Handlers for exceptions

try & except

exception rises by any statement in body of try are handled by except statement, and execution continues after the body of the except statement

try:a = int(input("Tell me one number:"))b = int(input("Tell me another number:"))print(a/b)print("Okay")
except:print("Bug in user input.")

have separate except clauses to deal with a particular type of exception

try:a = int(input("Tell me one number:"))b = int(input("Tell me another number:"))print(a/b)print("Okay")
except ValueError:print("Could not convert to a number.")
except ZeroDivisionErrorprint("balbala...")

else || finally

  • else:

    • body of this excuted when execution of associated try body completes with no exceptions
  • finally:
    • body of this is always excuted after try, else and except, even if they raised another error or excuted a break, continue or return.

Exception example

data = []file_name = input("Provide a name of a file of data ")try:fh = open(file_name, 'r')
except IOError:print('cannot open', file_name)
else:for new in fh:if new != '\n':addIt = new[:-1].split(',') #remove trailing \ndata.append(addIt)
finally:fh.close() # close file even if failgradesData = []
if data:for student in data:try:name = student[0:-1]grades = int(student[-1])gradesData.append([name, [grades]])except ValueError:gradesData.append([student[:], []])

Exceptions as control flow

  • raise an exception when unable to produce a result consistent with function’s specification.
  • handle error instead of simply stop the excution
def get_ratios(L1, L2):""" Assumes: L1 and L2 are lists of equal length of numbersReturns: a list containing L1[i]/L2[i] """ratios = []for index in range(len(L1)):try:ratios.append(L1[index]/float(L2[index]))except ZeroDivisionError:ratios.append(float('NaN')) #NaN = Not a Numberexcept:raise ValueError('get_ratios called with bad arg')# print something when expected error occursreturn ratios


def fancy_divide(numbers, index):try:denom = numbers[index]for i in range(len(numbers)):numbers[i] /= denomexcept IndexError:fancy_divide(numbers, len(numbers) - 1)except ZeroDivisionError:print("-2")else:print("1")finally:print("0")

What does fancy_divide([0, 2, 4], 4)print out?



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