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Would you like to download pictures from your Facebook account and your friend’s Facebook pages?  Here’s a nice web app that can help you quickly download your pictures so you can use them anyway you want.

您要从您的Facebook帐户和朋友的Facebook页面下载图片吗? 这是一个不错的网络应用程序,可以帮助您快速下载图片,以便您随时可以使用它们。

Getting Started


If you’d like to download pictures from your Facebook account and your friends pages, Pick&Zip is a great tool that lets you download as many pictures as you want in a zip or PDF file.  Head over to the Pick&Zip site to get started (link below), and click the Login with Facebook button near the bottom of the page.

如果您想从Facebook帐户和朋友页面下载图片,Pick&Zip是一个很棒的工具,可让您以zip或PDF文件的形式下载任意数量的图片。 前往Pick&Zip网站开始使用(下面的链接),然后单击页面底部附近的使用Facebook登录按钮。

Pick&Zip will need access to your profile information and pictures, and also asks for your email address.  Click Allow to let Pick&Zip get this information from your profile.

Pick&Zip将需要访问您的个人资料信息和图片,并要求您提供电子邮件地址。 单击“允许”以使“拾取并压缩”从您的个人资料中获取此信息。

Or, if you’d rather not give Pick&Zip your normal email address, click the Change link beside your email address.  Now you can choose to have them email you at a private, anonymous Facebook email address.

或者,如果您不想给Pick&Zip您的常规电子邮件地址,请单击电子邮件地址旁边的“更改”链接。 现在,您可以选择让他们通过私人的匿名Facebook电子邮件地址给您发送电子邮件。

Now the Pick&Zip app will load in your browser.  Note that this is a flash-powered site, so if you usually block flash content you’ll need to allow it for this site.

现在,Pick&Zip应用程序将在您的浏览器中加载。 请注意,这是一个基于Flash的网站,因此,如果您通常阻止Flash内容,则需要在该网站上允许它。

Once its fully loaded, select a friend’s name from the left sidebar to view their pictures.  Note that the list is ordered alphabetically, and does not let you search for a friend’s name, so if you have a large number of friends you may have to scroll down to find the friend you want.

加载完毕后,从左侧边栏中选择一个朋友的名字以查看其照片。 请注意,该列表按字母顺序排列,并且不允许您搜索朋友的名字,因此,如果您有很多朋友,则可能必须向下滚动才能找到所需的朋友。

You can view the pictures your friend was tagged in, or select the Album tag to see the pictures they’ve uploaded in albums.  Note that some friends may have configured their security settings to not allow apps to access their pictures; if so, their accounts may not show any pictures even though they do have pictures on their Facebook page.

您可以查看添加了朋友标签的图片,也可以选择“相册”标签查看他们在相册中上传的图片。 请注意,某些朋友可能已将其安全设置配置为不允许应用访问其图片; 如果是这样,即使他们的Facebook页面上有图片,他们的帐户也可能不会显示任何图片。

You can also access your own pictures from the find my pictures button near the bottom of the page.


Select Pictures for Download


When you hover over a picture in Pick&Zip, you’ll see a small plus sign and an arrow appear.  Click the plus sign to add the picture to the download queue so you can download all of your pictures together.  Or, if you’d rather just download that one picture, click the arrow to go ahead and save that picture to your computer.

将鼠标悬停在“ Pick&Zip”中的图片上时,您会看到一个小的加号,并出现一个箭头。 单击加号将图片添加到下载队列中,以便您可以一起下载所有图片。 或者,如果您只想下载一张图片,请单击箭头继续,然后将该图片保存到计算机中。

Or, from the Albums tab, you can directly download a whole album.  If you’d rather browse the individual pictures in an Album, click the middle of the album thumbnail to open the Album.  Then you can select individual pictures and add them to the queue as before.

或者,从“相册”选项卡中,您可以直接下载整个相册。 如果要浏览相册中的单个图片,请单击相册缩略图的中间以打开相册。 然后,您可以选择单个图片并将它们添加到队列中,就像以前一样。

Download Your Selected Pictures


Once you’ve selected all the pictures you want to download, click the Review & Download tab at the top.


Select if you want to download the pictures as a zip file or a PDF.


Pick&Zip will then process your pictures.  This may take a few minutes, depending on the number of pictures you’ve selected.  When its finished, click Save to download the file to your computer.

Pick&Zip然后将处理您的图片。 这可能需要几分钟,具体取决于您选择的照片数量。 完成后,单击“保存”将文件下载到您的计算机。

If you download the pictures as a zip file, they’ll be saved as individual JPG files.  Note that your pictures will not contain their original file information such as name, tags, and other metadata.

如果您将图片下载为zip文件,它们将另存为单独的JPG文件。 请注意,您的图片将不包含其原始文件信息,例如名称,标签和其他元数据。

If you chose to download the pictures as a PDF, each picture will be an individual page in the PDF document.  The pictures seemed to be lower quality in the PDF as well.

如果您选择将图片下载为PDF,则每张图片将是PDF文档中的单独页面。 PDF中的图片质量似乎也较低。



Whether you want to make a scrapbook of your Facebook pictures or simply want to make sure you never lose the photos your friends have shared with your, Pick&Zip is a great tool that makes it easy to do this.  We found it quick and easy to use, and especially liked the ability to download all of the pictures in a zip file.  As always, do respect your friend’s wishes with their pictures; after all, they could always get you back online, too!

无论您是想为您的Facebook图片制作剪贴簿,还是只是想确保自己不会丢失朋友分享给您的照片,Pick&Zip都是一种出色的工具,可以轻松实现这一目的。 我们发现它简单易用,特别喜欢能够将所有图片下载为zip文件的功能。 一如往常,请尊重他们朋友的愿望,并留出自己的照片; 毕竟,他们也可以使您重新上网!



Download Your Facebook Pictures with Pick&Zip


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20963/download-pictures-from-your-facebook-account-with-pickzip/

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