
  1. 双目视觉(一)双目视觉系统
  2. 双目视觉(二)双目匹配的困难和评判标准
  3. 双目视觉(三)立体匹配算法
  4. 双目视觉(四)匹配代价
  5. 双目视觉(五)立体匹配算法之动态规划全局匹配
  6. 双目视觉(六)U-V视差
  7. 【项目实战】利用U-V视差进行地面检测
  8. 【项目实践】U-V视差路面检测之动态规划      

代码:GitHub stereo matchhttps://github.com/Xke1718He/stereo-match







动态规划 (第1讲)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili




  • step1.构建全局能量函数


  • step2. 代价函数构建



  • imageType:判断左右图像的信息相似性。比如大小是否一样大呀。
  • aggregate:这也就是所谓的代价聚合函数,计算左右图像领域内的相似性度量的。
class CostFunction {
public:float lambda;cv::Mat left;//左图像cv::Mat right;//右图像int blocksize;//block大小int margin;//块的边界float normCost;float normWin;//构造函数CostFunction( cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, float lambda){lambda = 1.0;this->left = left;this->right = right;imageType(left, right);this->lambda = lambda;}//虚构函数virtual bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.size() == right.size());return true;}//代价聚合virtual float aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) = 0;float p(float cost) {return 1 - exp(-cost / lambda);}~CostFunction() {}
};class RGBCost : public CostFunction {
public:RGBCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_8UC3 && "img type not supported");return true;}// aggregate over a ROI of input imagesfloat aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for (int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {cv::Vec3b* lptr = left.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);cv::Vec3b* rptr = right.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);for ( int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j) {sum += eukl(lptr[x1 + j], rptr[x2 + j]);      // cost function}}return sum / sqrt(255*255 + 255*255+255*255);      // normalize to winsize*1.0}float eukl(cv::Vec3b l, cv::Vec3b r) {float a = l[0] - r[0];float b = l[1] - r[1];float c = l[2] - r[2];return std::sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c);}~RGBCost() {}
};class FloatCost : public CostFunction {
public:FloatCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_32F && "img type not supported");return true;}// aggregate over a ROI of input imagesfloat aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for (int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {float* lptr = left.ptr<float>(i);float* rptr = right.ptr<float>(i);for ( int j = -margin ; j <= margin; ++j) {sum += abs(lptr[x1 + j] - rptr[x2 + j]);      // cost function}}return sum / (blocksize*blocksize*lambda);}
};class CondHistCost : public CostFunction {
public:cv::Mat nuLeft, nuRight;CondHistCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {cv::Mat histl = condHist(left, 3);nuLeft = switchColors(left, histl);cv::Mat histr = condHist(right, 3);nuRight = switchColors(right, histr);}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_32F && "img type not supported");return true;}// aggregate over a ROI of input imagesfloat aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for (int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {float* lptr = nuLeft.ptr<float>(i);float* rptr = nuRight.ptr<float>(i);for ( int j = -margin ; j <= margin; ++j) {sum += abs(lptr[x1 + j] - rptr[x2 + j]);      // cost function}}return sum / (blocksize*blocksize*lambda);}
};class GrayCost : public CostFunction {
public:GrayCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_8UC1 && "img type not supported");return true;}// aggregate over a ROI of input imagesfloat aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for (int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {uchar* lptr = left.ptr<uchar>(i);uchar* rptr = right.ptr<uchar>(i);for ( int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j) {sum += abs(lptr[x1 + j] - rptr[x2 + j]);      // cost function}}return sum / (blocksize*blocksize*255.0);}
};class GradientCost : public CostFunction {
public:cv::Mat l_grad;   // 3 channel floatcv::Mat r_grad;   // 3 channel floatGradientCost(const cv::Mat left, const cv::Mat right, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {l_grad = getRGBGradientAngle(left);r_grad = getRGBGradientAngle(right);//displayGradientPic(l_grad);//displayGradientPic(r_grad);}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_8UC3 && "img type not supported");return true;}// aggregate over a ROI of input imagesfloat aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for (int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {cv::Vec3f* lptr = l_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(i);cv::Vec3f* rptr = r_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(i);for ( int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j) {sum += eukl(lptr[x1 + j], rptr[x2 + j]);      // cost function}}return sum / sqrt(255*255 + 255*255 + 255*255);      // normalize to winSize * 1.0}float eukl(cv::Vec3f l, cv::Vec3f r) {float a = l[0] - r[0];float b = l[1] - r[1];float c = l[2] - r[2];return std::sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c);}~GradientCost() {l_grad.release();r_grad.release();}
};class CensusCost : public CostFunction {
public:int censusWindow;int censusMargin;CensusCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, int censusWindow, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {// census.... nimmt einen Blockthis->censusWindow = censusWindow;this->censusMargin = censusWindow / 2;this->normWin = censusWindow * censusWindow;// nimmt einen Block}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_8UC1 && "img type not supported");return true;}unsigned int census(int x1, int x2, int y, uchar c1, uchar c2) {unsigned int diff = 0;for(int i = y - censusMargin; i <= y + censusMargin; ++i) {uchar* lptr = left.ptr<uchar>(i);uchar* rptr = right.ptr<uchar>(i);for(int j = -censusMargin; j <= censusMargin; ++j) {bool t1 = (c1 < lptr[x1 + j]);bool t2 = (c2 < rptr[x2 + j]);if(t1 != t2) diff++;}}return diff; /// (censusWindow*censusWindow);}float aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;/*for(int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {uchar *lptr = left.ptr<uchar>(i);uchar *rptr = right.ptr<uchar>(i);for(int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j)sum += census(x1 + j, x2 + j, i, lptr[x1 + j], rptr[x2 + j]);}*/uchar *lptr = left.ptr<uchar>(y);uchar *rptr = right.ptr<uchar>(y);sum = census(x1, x2, y, lptr[x1], rptr[x2]);return sum / normWin;}
};class CensusFloatCost : public CostFunction {
public:int censusWindow;int censusMargin;CensusFloatCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, int censusWindow, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {// census.... nimmt einen Blockthis->censusWindow = censusWindow;this->censusMargin = censusWindow / 2;}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_32F && "img type not supported");return true;}unsigned int census(int x1, int x2, int y, float c1, float c2) {unsigned int diff = 0;for(int i = y - censusMargin; i <= y + censusMargin; ++i) {float* lptr = left.ptr<float>(i);float* rptr = right.ptr<float>(i);for(int j = -censusMargin; j <= censusMargin; ++j) {bool t1 = (c1 < lptr[x1 + j]);bool t2 = (c2 < rptr[x2 + j]);if(t1 != t2) diff++;}}return diff;}float aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for(int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {float *lptr = left.ptr<float>(i);float *rptr = right.ptr<float>(i);for(int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j)sum += census(x1 + j, x2 + j, i, lptr[x1 + j], rptr[x2 + j]);}float *lptr = left.ptr<float>(y);float *rptr = right.ptr<float>(y);//sum = census(x1, x2, y, lptr[x1], rptr[x2]);return sum / (censusWindow*censusWindow*lambda);}
};class RGBCensusCost : public CostFunction {
public:int censusWindow;int censusMargin;RGBCensusCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, int censusWindow, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {// census.... nimmt einen Blockthis->censusWindow = censusWindow;this->censusMargin = censusWindow / 2;normCost = censusWindow*censusWindow*3;// nimmt einen Block}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_8UC3 && "img type not supported");return true;}unsigned int census(int x1, int x2, int y, cv::Vec3b c1, cv::Vec3b c2) {unsigned int diff = 0;for(int i = y - censusMargin; i <= y + censusMargin; ++i) {cv::Vec3b* lptr = left.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);cv::Vec3b* rptr = right.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);for(int j = -censusMargin; j <= censusMargin; ++j) {cv::Vec3b cl = lptr[x1 + j];cv::Vec3b cr = rptr[x2 + j];for(int ch = 0; ch < 3; ++ch) {bool t1 = (c1[ch] < cl[ch]);bool t2 = (c2[ch] < cr[ch]);if(t1 != t2) diff++;}}}return diff;}float aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;for(int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {cv::Vec3b *lptr = left.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);cv::Vec3b *rptr = right.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(i);for(int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j)sum += census(x1 + j, x2 + j, i, lptr[x1 + j], rptr[x2 + j]);}//cv::Vec3b *lptr = left.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(y);//cv::Vec3b *rptr = right.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(y);return sum / normCost;}
};class RGBGradCensusCost : public CostFunction {
public:int censusWindow;int censusMargin;float normCost;float normWin;cv::Mat l_grad;cv::Mat r_grad;RGBGradCensusCost(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right, int censusWindow, float lambda) : CostFunction(left, right, lambda) {// census.... nimmt einen Blockthis->censusWindow = censusWindow;this->censusMargin = censusWindow / 2;normWin = censusWindow*censusWindow*3;// nimmt einen Blockl_grad = getRGBGradientAngle(left);r_grad = getRGBGradientAngle(right);}bool imageType(cv::Mat left, cv::Mat right) {assert(left.type() == right.type() && "imgL imgR types not equal");assert(left.type() == CV_8UC3 && "img type not supported");return true;}unsigned int census(int x1, int x2, int y, cv::Vec3f c1, cv::Vec3f c2) {unsigned int diff = 0;for(int i = y - censusMargin; i <= y + censusMargin; ++i) {cv::Vec3f* lptr = l_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(i);cv::Vec3f* rptr = r_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(i);for(int j = -censusMargin; j <= censusMargin; ++j) {cv::Vec3f cl = lptr[x1 + j];cv::Vec3f cr = rptr[x2 + j];for(int ch = 0; ch < 3; ++ch) {bool t1 = (c1[ch] < cl[ch]);bool t2 = (c2[ch] < cr[ch]);if(t1 != t2) diff++;}}}return diff;}float aggregate(int x1, int x2, int y) {float sum = 0;/*for(int i = y - margin; i <= y + margin; ++i) {cv::Vec3f *lptr = l_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(i);cv::Vec3f *rptr = r_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(i);for(int j = -margin; j <= margin; ++j)sum += census(x1 + j, x2 + j, i, lptr[x1 + j], rptr[x2 + j]);}*/cv::Vec3f *lptr = l_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(y);cv::Vec3f *rptr = r_grad.ptr<cv::Vec3f>(y);sum = census(x1, x2, y, lptr[x1], rptr[x2]);return sum / normWin;}


DSI(Disparity Space Image)视差空间图像为一个三维矩阵,主要由横轴x,纵轴y,视差搜索范围d构成,传统的DP方法一般就是为了在某固定的Y(也就是某极线上)寻找一条从最左段到最右段的最小代价路径,每条路径的代价为

  • 视差空间的构建


  • imageSize:图像的大小
  • blocksize:块的大小
  • y:某条极线


  • map:某极线上左右图像两两领域相互的代价值
  • 左范围:[margin,imageSize.width - margin]
  • 右范围:[margin,imageSize.width - margin]
cv::Mat BlockMatching::disparitySpace(Size imageSize, int blocksize, int y)
{int margin = blocksize / 2;int start = margin;int stopW = imageSize.width - margin;int workSpace = stopW - start;// leave out the borders//Mat map = Mat(workSpace, workSpace, CV_32F);        // not preinitialized.. // numeric_limits<float>::max());Mat map = Mat(workSpace, workSpace, CV_32F, numeric_limits<float>::max());//int dmax = 101;for(int x1 = start; x1 < stopW; x1++) {float* ptr = map.ptr<float>(x1 - margin);       // [x1 - margin, x2 - margin]//ptr[max(x1 - 1, start) - margin] = numeric_limits<float>::max();              // fast borders//ptr[min(x1 + dmax, stopW - 1) - margin] = numeric_limits<float>::max();//for(int x2 = x1; x2 < min(x1 + dmax, stopW); x2++) {for(int x2 = start; x2 < stopW; x2++) {// combine costsfloat cost = 0;for(size_t i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i) {float val = functions[i]->aggregate(x1, x2, y);mins[i] = min(mins[i], val);                        // debugmaxs[i] = max(maxs[i], val);                        // debugcost += val;}// x1, x2. Das heißt x1 sind die Zeilen. Wir gehen jedes Mal die Zeilen runter.// geht nur von 0 - workspace, deshalb margin abziehen//map.at<float>(x1 - margin, x2 - margin) = greySad(leftRoi, rightRoi);ptr[x2 - margin] = cost;}}return map;



  1. 设置初始位置的值(已知的值,这里设置的最后一行,最后一列的点为初始值)
  2. 计算边界上的代价(最后一行、最后一列)
  3. 从三个方向(向上、向左、斜向上)计算代价
  4. 记录每一步的方向
  5. 第一行的最小值即为视差点



1 3 1
1 5 1
4 2 1


  • 第一步:起始点1
  • 第二步:如果一直向下或者向右:
1 4 5
2 5 1
6 2 1
  • 第三步:计算第二行第二列的值,比较第一行第二列和第二行第一列的数谁小就选谁,依次类推。
1 4 5
2 7
1 4 5
2 7 6
6 8
1 4 5
2 7 6
6 8 7
  • 最小路径和的代码

int minPathSum1(int matrix[][col], int dp[][col], int path[][col])
{if(matrix == NULL){return 0;}dp[0][0] = matrix[0][0];//计算第一列的值for(int i = 1; i < row; i ++){dp[i][0] = dp[i - 1][0] + matrix[i][0];path[i][0] = 0;}//计算第一行的值for(int j = 1; j < col; j++){dp[0][j] = dp[0][j- 1] + matrix[0][j];path[0][j] = 1;}//计算其它的值for(int i = 1; i < row; i++){for(int j = 1; j < col; j++){int direction = dp[i][j-1] < dp[i-1][j] ? 1 : 0;dp[i][j] = (direction ?  dp[i][j-1] : dp[i-1][j]) + matrix[i][j];path[i][j] = direction;}}//forreturn dp[row - 1][col - 1];
  • dp视差空间代码
// (1) set last entry sink in matrix (last value)
// (2-3) Initializ Edges
//    (2) initialize travelpath for last col (only south direction)
//    (3) initialize travelpath for last row (only east direction)
// (4) calculate paths till last sink (last entry) till xLast - 1, yLast - 1
// (-) save all (chosen) directions along the way
void DPmat::preCalc(Mat &matrix, Mat &sum, Mat &dirs) {float occlusion_south = 1.0f;float occlusion_east = 1.0f;sum = Mat::zeros(matrix.rows, matrix.cols, matrix.type());         // not initialized with zero, should not be a problem,dirs = Mat::zeros(matrix.rows, matrix.cols, CV_16U);               // because traversion is pre initialized with borders// dirs = (1, south), (2, south-east), (3, east)int rowLast = matrix.rows - 1;           // last index inclusiveint colLast = matrix.cols - 1;           // last index inclusive// (1) initialize sink (last Entry/ terminal point/ matrix exit value)sum.at<float>(rowLast, colLast) = matrix.at<float>(rowLast, colLast);// (2-3) Initialize Edges// (2) calculate all last row entries down to exit value | only downward directions (so upward pre calculation)for(int y = rowLast - 1; y >= 0; --y) {// sum[y,x] = M[y,x] * occlusion_south + sum[y+1,x]sum.at<float>(y, colLast) = matrix.at<float>(y, colLast) * occlusion_south + sum.at<float>(y + 1, colLast);   // add current value + successor min(value)dirs.at<ushort>(y, colLast) = 1;    // south}// (3) initialize lastfor(int x = colLast - 1; x >= 0; --x) {// sum[y,x] = M[y,x] * occlusion_east + sum[y+1,x]sum.at<float>(rowLast, x) = matrix.at<float>(rowLast, x) * occlusion_east + sum.at<float>(rowLast, x + 1);   // add current value + successor min(value)dirs.at<ushort>(rowLast, x) = 3;    // east}// (4) Main calculation (3 way [south(s), east(e), south-east(se)])for(int y = rowLast - 1; y >= 0; --y) {float* sum_ptr = sum.ptr<float>(y);float* sum_south_ptr = sum.ptr<float>(y+1);float* mat_ptr = matrix.ptr<float>(y);ushort* dirs_ptr = dirs.ptr<ushort>(y);for(int x = colLast - 1; x >= 0; --x) {// dirs//float s = sum.at<float>(y + 1, x);//float se = sum.at<float>(y + 1, x + 1);//float e = sum.at<float>(y, x + 1);float s = sum_south_ptr[x] * occlusion_south;        // (y+1,x)     occlusion dirfloat se = sum_south_ptr[x + 1];                     // (y+1,x+1)float e = sum_ptr[x + 1] * occlusion_east;           // (y, x+1)    occlusion dir// lowest cost till current pointfloat p = min(s, min(se, e));//sum.at<float>(y, x) = p + matrix.at<float>(y, x);   // sum till current (cost + lowest path)sum_ptr[x] = p + mat_ptr[x];        // sum[y,x] = p + mat[y, x]// selection for traversion direction//if(p == s) dirs.at<ushort>(y, x) = 1;   // occlusion//if(p == se) dirs.at<ushort>(y, x) = 2;   // math//if(p == e) dirs.at<ushort>(y, x) = 3;   // occlusionif(p == s) dirs_ptr[x] = 1;   // occlusionif(p == se) dirs_ptr[x] = 2;   // mathif(p == e) dirs_ptr[x] = 3;   // occlusion}}
void DPmat::disparityFromDirs(Mat &sum, Mat &dirs, Mat &disp, int line, int offset) {assert(dirs.type() == CV_16U);// wir bekommen jetzt einen index x, yint rowLast = dirs.rows - 1;int colLast = dirs.cols - 1;int lastval = -1;int x1 = 0;int x2 = 0;float minVal = numeric_limits<float>::max();int minIndex = 0;// seek top entryfor(x2 = 0; x2 < sum.cols; ++x2) {float val = sum.at<float>(x1, x2);if(val > minVal) {minIndex = x2;minVal = val;}}x2 = minIndex;// safe x1, x2 as disparity matchushort disparity = abs(x2 - x1);ushort* disp_ptr = disp.ptr<ushort>(line);disp_ptr[x1 + offset] = disparity;while(x1 < rowLast && x2 < colLast) {ushort d = dirs.at<ushort>(x1, x2);if(d == 1) {    // 1 = down, skipping left index, left got occloded (occlusion from right)x1++;if(lastval >= 0) disp_ptr[x1 + offset] = lastval;   // dips[line, x1 + offset] = lastval//disp_ptr[x1 + offset] = 0;}if(d == 2) { // match// next entry will be matchx1++;x2++;disparity = abs(x2 - x1);disp_ptr[x1 + offset] = disparity;lastval = disparity;}if(d == 3) { // 2 = right, skipping right index, occlusion don't care..x2++;if(lastval >= 0) disp_ptr[x1 + offset] = lastval;   // dips[line, x1 + offset] = lastval//disp_ptr[x1 + offset]= 0;}}






  1. 双目视觉(三)立体匹配算法

    系列文章: 双目视觉(一)双目视觉系统 双目视觉(二)双目匹配的困难和评判标准 双目视觉(三)立体匹配算法 双目视觉(四)匹配代价 双目视觉(五)立体匹配算法之动态规划全局匹配 双目视觉(六)U-V视 ...

  2. 立体匹配中的全局匹配——动态规划笔记

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  3. 基于基于全局差错能量函数的双目图像立体匹配算法matlab仿真,并提取图像的深度信息

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  5. 双目立体视觉之立体匹配算法

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  6. 《一种新颖的自适应权重 Census变换立体匹配算法》(2016)

    摘要:针对当前 Census 变换立体匹配算法深度不连续区域匹配精度低的缺陷,提出了一种新颖的自适应权重的Census 变换立体匹配算法.在 Census 变换阶段计算变换窗口中心点上下左右四个像素的 ...

  7. 兵器工业计算机应用研究所刘培志,一种双目视觉立体匹配算法_2

    和第六伺服电机.第一伺服电机.第二伺服电机和第三伺服电机分别驱动第一摄像装置上 下运动.绕光轴运动和左右运动,第四伺服电机.第五伺服电机和第六伺服电机分别驱动第 二摄像装置上下运动.绕光轴运动和左右运 ...

  8. 双目测距(五)--匹配算法对比

    参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/polly333/p/5130375.html 三种匹配算法比较 BM算法: 该算法代码: view plaincopy to clipboardp ...

  9. 局部立体匹配算法介绍及代码实现

    作者I dulingwen@CSDN 编辑I 3D视觉开发者社区 01 什么是局部匹配算法?优势如何? 局部(Local)立体匹配是相对于半全局以及全局(Non-Local)立体匹配算法而言的,它不构 ...


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