
api := iris.New()


func NewSession() sessions.Sessions {
db := redis.New(rs.Config{Network: rs.DefaultRedisNetwork,
Addr: config.Instance().Redis.Address,
Password: config.Instance().Redis.Password,
Database: "",
MaxIdle: 0,
MaxActive: 0,
IdleTimeout: rs.DefaultRedisIdleTimeout,
Prefix: "",
MaxAgeSeconds: config.Instance().Redis.MaxAgeSeconds}) // optionally configure the bridge between your redis servermySessions := sessions.New(sessions.Config{Cookie: configs.GetSessionConfig().Cookie, Expires: configs.GetSessionConfig().Expires})
return mySessions

MaxAgeSeconds //指的是session在数据库存的有效期
Expires //指的是session的有效期


func (s *sessions) Adapt(frame *iris.Policies) {
// for newcomers this maybe looks strange:
// Each policy is an adaptor too, so they all can contain an Adapt.
// If they contains an Adapt func then the policy is an adaptor too and this Adapt func is called
// by Iris on .Adapt(...)
policy := iris.SessionsPolicy{
Start: s.Start,
Destroy: s.Destroy,
func (s SessionsPolicy) Adapt(frame *Policies) {if s.Start != nil {frame.SessionsPolicy.Start = s.Start}if s.Destroy != nil {frame.SessionsPolicy.Destroy = s.Destroy}



func (ctx *Context) Session() Session {policy := ctx.framework.policies.SessionsPolicyif policy.Start == nil {ctx.framework.Log(DevMode,errSessionsPolicyIsMissing.Format(ctx.RemoteAddr(), ctx.framework.Config.VHost).Error())return nil}if ctx.session == nil {ctx.session = policy.Start(ctx.ResponseWriter, ctx.Request)}return ctx.session


func (s *sessions) Start(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) iris.Session {var sess iris.SessioncookieValue := GetCookie(s.config.Cookie, req)if cookieValue == "" { // cookie doesn't exists, let's generate a session and add set a cookiesid := SessionIDGenerator(s.config.CookieLength)sess = s.provider.Init(sid, s.config.Expires)cookie := &http.Cookie{} // The RFC makes no mention of encoding url value, so here I think to encode both sessionid key and the value using the safe(to put and to use as cookie) url-encodingcookie.Name = s.config.Cookiecookie.Value = sidcookie.Path = "/"if !s.config.DisableSubdomainPersistence {requestDomain := req.URL.Hostif portIdx := strings.IndexByte(requestDomain, ':'); portIdx > 0 {requestDomain = requestDomain[0:portIdx]}if IsValidCookieDomain(requestDomain) { // RFC2109, we allow level 1 subdomains, but no further // if we have localhost.com , we want the localhost.cos. // so if we have something like: mysubdomain.localhost.com we want the localhost here // if we have mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhost.com we want the .mysubdomain.localhost.com here // slow things here, especially the 'replace' but this is a good and understable( I hope) way to get the be able to set cookies from subdomains & domain with 1-level limitif dotIdx := strings.LastIndexByte(requestDomain, '.'); dotIdx > 0 { // is mysubdomain.localhost.com || mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhost.coms := requestDomain[0:dotIdx] // set mysubdomain.localhost || mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhostif secondDotIdx := strings.LastIndexByte(s, '.'); secondDotIdx > 0 { //is mysubdomain.localhost ||  mysubsubdomain.mysubdomain.localhosts = s[secondDotIdx+1:] // set to localhost || mysubdomain.localhost} // replace the s with the requestDomain before the domain's siffuxsubdomainSuff := strings.LastIndexByte(requestDomain, '.')if subdomainSuff > len(s) { // if it is actual exists as subdomain suffixrequestDomain = strings.Replace(requestDomain, requestDomain[0:subdomainSuff], s, 1) // set to localhost.com || mysubdomain.localhost.com}} // finally set the .localhost.com (for(1-level) || .mysubdomain.localhost.com (for 2-level subdomain allow)cookie.Domain = "." + requestDomain // . to allow persistence}}cookie.HttpOnly = true // MaxAge=0 means no 'Max-Age' attribute specified. // MaxAge<0 means delete cookie now, equivalently 'Max-Age: 0' // MaxAge>0 means Max-Age attribute present and given in secondsif s.config.Expires >= 0 {if s.config.Expires == 0 { // unlimited lifecookie.Expires = CookieExpireUnlimited} else { // > 0cookie.Expires = time.Now().Add(s.config.Expires)}cookie.MaxAge = int(cookie.Expires.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())} // encode the session id cookie client value right before send it.cookie.Value = s.encodeCookieValue(cookie.Value)AddCookie(cookie, res)} else {cookieValue = s.decodeCookieValue(cookieValue)sess = s.provider.Read(cookieValue, s.config.Expires)}return sess

再设置cookie.Domain的时候,req.URL作为服务端的时候,是没有Host信息的,所以cookie.Domain 会默认空串。


// Init creates the session and returns it
func (p *provider) Init(sid string, expires time.Duration) iris.Session {
newSession := p.newSession(sid, expires)
p.sessions[sid] = newSession
return newSession


// newSession returns a new session from sessionid
func (p *provider) newSession(sid string, expires time.Duration) *session {sess := &session{sid:      sid,provider: p,values:   p.loadSessionValues(sid),flashes:  make(map[string]*flashMessage),}if expires > 0 { // if not unlimited life duration and no -1 (cookie remove action is based on browser's session)time.AfterFunc(expires, func() { // the destroy makes the check if this session is exists then or not, // this is used to destroy the session from the server-side also // it's good to have here for security reasons, I didn't add it on the gc function to separate its actionp.Destroy(sid)})}return sess

这里可以看到在配置文件中设置的expire 是用来起了一个定时任务,之后删掉这个session

func (p *provider) Destroy(sid string) {p.mu.Lock()if sess, found := p.sessions[sid]; found {sess.values = nilsess.flashes = nildelete(p.sessions, sid)p.updateDatabases(sid, nil)}p.mu.Unlock()



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