






pyspider save to mysql




然后同时去运行mysql server:➜  ~ /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server status

ERROR! MySQL is not running

➜  ~ /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

Starting MySQL


➜  ~ /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server status

SUCCESS! MySQL running (61419)






"taskdb":     "mysql+taskdb://root:crifan_mysql@",

"projectdb":  "mysql+projectdb://root:crifan_mysql@",

"resultdb":   "mysql+resultdb://root:crifan_mysql@",


"result_cls": "AutohomeResultWorker.AutohomeResultWorker"





最后知道了,运行要用:pyspider -c config.json




然后解决了后,代码是:#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

# Project: autohomeBrandData

# Function: implement custom result worker for autohome car data

# Author: Crifan Li

# Date: 20180512

# Note:

#   If you want to modify to your mysql and table, you need:

#   (1) change change MysqlDb config to your mysql config

#   (2) change CurrentTableName to your table name

#   (3) change CreateTableSqlTemplate to your sql to create new mysql table fields

#   (4) before use this ResultWorker, run py file to execute testMysqlDb, to init db and create table

#   (5) if your table field contain more type, edit insert to add more type for "TODO: add more type formatting if necessary"

import pymysql

import pymysql.cursors

from pyspider.result import ResultWorker

CurrentTableName = "tbl_autohome_car_info"

CreateTableSqlTemplate = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` (

`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '自增,主键',

`cityDealerPrice` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '经销商参考价',

`msrpPrice` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '厂商指导价',

`mainBrand` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '品牌',

`subBrand` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '子品牌',

`brandSerie` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车系',

`brandSerieId` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车系ID',

`model` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型',

`modelId` varchar(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型ID',

`modelStatus` char(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型状态',

`url` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '车型url',



class AutohomeResultWorker(ResultWorker):

def __init__(self, resultdb, inqueue):

"""init mysql db"""

print("AutohomeResultWorker init: resultdb=%s, inqueue=%s" % (resultdb, inqueue))

ResultWorker.__init__(self, resultdb, inqueue)

self.mysqlDb = MysqlDb()

print("self.mysqlDb=%s" % self.mysqlDb)

def on_result(self, task, result):

"""override pyspider on_result to save data into mysql"""

# assert task['taskid']

# assert task['project']

# assert task['url']

# assert result

print("AutohomeResultWorker on_result: task=%s, result=%s" % (task, result))

insertOk = self.mysqlDb.insert(result)

print("insertOk=%s" % insertOk)

class MysqlDb:

config = {

'host': '',

'port': 3306,

'user': 'root',

'password': 'crifan_mysql',

'database': 'AutohomeResultdb',

'charset': "utf8"


defaultTableName = CurrentTableName

connection = None

def __init__(self):

"""init mysql"""

# 1. connect db first

if self.connection is None:

isConnected = self.connect()

print("Connect mysql return %s" % isConnected)

# 2. create table for db

createTableOk = self.createTable(self.defaultTableName)

print("Create table %s return %s" %(self.defaultTableName, createTableOk))

def connect(self):


self.connection = pymysql.connect(**self.config, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)

print("connect mysql ok, self.connection=", self.connection)

return True

except pymysql.Error as err:

print("Connect mysql with config=", self.config, " error=", err)

return False

def quoteIdentifier(self, identifier):


for mysql, it better to quote identifier xxx using backticks to `xxx`

in case, identifier:

contain special char, such as space

or same with system reserved words, like select


quotedIdentifier = "`%s`" % identifier

# print("quotedIdentifier=", quotedIdentifier)

return quotedIdentifier

def executeSql(self, sqlStr, actionDescription=""):

print("executeSql: sqlStr=%s, actionDescription=%s" % (sqlStr, actionDescription))

if self.connection is None:

print("Please connect mysql first before %s" % actionDescription)

return False

cursor = self.connection.cursor()

print("cursor=", cursor)




return True

except pymysql.Error as err:

print("Execute sql %s occur error %s for %s" % (sqlStr, err, actionDescription))

return False

def createTable(self, newTablename):

print("createTable: newTablename=", newTablename)

createTableSql = CreateTableSqlTemplate % (newTablename)

print("createTableSql=", createTableSql)

return self.executeSql(sqlStr=createTableSql, actionDescription=("Create table %s" % newTablename))

def dropTable(self, existedTablename):

print("dropTable: existedTablename=", existedTablename)

dropTableSql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % (existedTablename)

print("dropTableSql=", dropTableSql)

return self.executeSql(sqlStr=dropTableSql, actionDescription=("Drop table %s" % existedTablename))

# def insert(self, **valueDict):

def insert(self, valueDict, tablename=defaultTableName):


inset dict value into mysql table

makesure the value is dict, and its keys is the key in the table


print("insert: valueDict=%s, tablename=%s" % (valueDict, tablename))

dictKeyList = valueDict.keys()

dictValueList = valueDict.values()

print("dictKeyList=", dictKeyList, "dictValueList=", dictValueList)

keyListSql = ", ".join(self.quoteIdentifier(eachKey) for eachKey in dictKeyList)

print("keyListSql=", keyListSql)

# valueListSql = ", ".join(eachValue for eachValue in dictValueList)

valueListSql = ""

formattedDictValueList = []

for eachValue in dictValueList:

# print("eachValue=", eachValue)

eachValueInSql = ""

valueType = type(eachValue)

# print("valueType=", valueType)

if valueType is str:

eachValueInSql = '"%s"' % eachValue

elif valueType is int:

eachValueInSql = '%d' % eachValue

# TODO: add more type formatting if necessary

print("eachValueInSql=", eachValueInSql)


valueListSql = ", ".join(eachValue for eachValue in formattedDictValueList)

print("valueListSql=", valueListSql)

insertSql = """INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)""" % (tablename, keyListSql, valueListSql)

print("insertSql=", insertSql)

# INSERT INTO tbl_car_info_test (`url`, `mainBrand`, `subBrand`, `brandSerie`, `brandSerieId`, `model`, `modelId`, `modelStatus`, `cityDealerPrice`, `msrpPrice`) VALUES ("https://www.autohome.com.cn/spec/5872/#pvareaid=2042128", "宝马", "华晨宝马", "宝马3系", "66", "2010款 320i 豪华型", "5872", "停售", 325000, 375000)

return self.executeSql(sqlStr=insertSql, actionDescription=("Insert value to table %s" % tablename))

def delete(self, modelId, tablename=defaultTableName):


delete item from car model id for existing table of autohome car info


print("delete: modelId=%s, tablename=%s" % (modelId, tablename))

deleteSql = """DELETE FROM %s WHERE modelId = %s""" % (tablename, modelId)

print("deleteSql=", deleteSql)

return self.executeSql(sqlStr=deleteSql, actionDescription=("Delete value from table %s by model id %s" % (tablename, modelId)))

def testMysqlDb():

"""test mysql"""

testDropTable = True

testCreateTable = True

testInsertValue = True

testDeleteValue = True

# 1.test connect mysql

mysqlObj = MysqlDb()

print("mysqlObj=", mysqlObj)

# testTablename = "autohome_car_info"

# testTablename = "tbl_car_info_test"

testTablename = CurrentTableName

print("testTablename=", testTablename)

if testDropTable:

# 2. test drop table

dropTableOk = mysqlObj.dropTable(testTablename)

print("dropTable", testTablename, "return", dropTableOk)

if testCreateTable:

# 3. test create table

createTableOk = mysqlObj.createTable(testTablename)

print("createTable", testTablename, "return", createTableOk)

if testInsertValue:

# 4. test insert value dict

valueDict = {

"url": "https://www.autohome.com.cn/spec/5872/#pvareaid=2042128", #车型url

"mainBrand": "宝马", #品牌

"subBrand": "华晨宝马", #子品牌

"brandSerie": "宝马3系", #车系

"brandSerieId": "66", #车系ID

"model": "2010款 320i 豪华型", #车型

"modelId": "5872", #车型ID

"modelStatus": "停售", #车型状态

"cityDealerPrice": 325000, #经销商参考价

"msrpPrice": 375000 # 厂商指导价


print("valueDict=", valueDict)

insertOk = mysqlObj.insert(valueDict=valueDict, tablename=testTablename)

print("insertOk=", insertOk)

if testDeleteValue:

toDeleteModelId = "5872"

deleteOk = mysqlObj.delete(modelId=toDeleteModelId, tablename=testTablename)

print("deleteOk=", deleteOk)

def testAutohomeResultWorker():

"""just test for create mysql db is ok or not"""

autohomeResultWorker = AutohomeResultWorker(None, None)

print("autohomeResultWorker=%s" % autohomeResultWorker)

if __name__ == '__main__':


# testAutohomeResultWorker()

去运行:pyspider -c config.json



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