网上很多文章中都写到这样一种方法,提高service的优先级别可以用android:priority = “1000” 的方式来提供servie 的存活时间。其实这是一种没有效果的做法(具体做法可参考service能否实现不被kill)

关于priority 这个属性的描述 ,google 官方文档如下:


The priority that should be given to the parent component with regard to handling intents of the type described by the filter. This attribute has meaning for both activities and broadcast receivers:

It provides information about how able an activity is to respond to an intent that matches the filter, relative to other activities that could also respond to the intent. When an intent could be handled by multiple activities with different priorities, Android will consider only those with higher priority values as potential targets for the intent.

It controls the order in which broadcast receivers are executed to receive broadcast messages. Those with higher priority values are called before those with lower values. (T

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