


$ git clone https://github.com/tanelpoder/0xtools
$ make
$ make install


$ xcapture0xTools xcapture v1.0 by Tanel Poder [https://0x.tools]Sampling /proc...DATE       TIME             PID     TID USERNAME        ST COMMAND                   SYSCALL                   WCHAN
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    6404    7524 mysql           R  (mysqld)                  fsync                     wait_on_page_bit
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    6404    8944 mysql           D  (mysqld)                  fsync                     wait_on_page_bit
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    6404    8946 mysql           D  (mysqld)                  fsync                     wait_on_page_bit
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    6404   76046 mysql           D  (mysqld)                  fsync                     wait_on_page_bit
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    6404   76811 mysql           D  (mysqld)                  fdatasync                 xfs_log_force_lsn
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    6404   76815 mysql           D  (mysqld)                  fsync                     blkdev_issue_flush
2020-10-17 12:01:50.583    8803    8803 root            R  (md10_resync)             [running]                 0


$ xcapture -a -o /data/xcap &$ head 2020-10-16.21.csv
2020-10-16 21:00:00.001,5335,5335,root,R,(collectl),[running],0,perl,/usr/bin/perl,
2020-10-16 21:00:00.001,8803,8803,root,D,(md10_resync),[no_syscall],msleep,-,-,->ret_from_fork_nospec_begin()->kthread()->md_thread()->md_do_sync()->msleep()
2020-10-16 21:00:01.038,8803,8803,root,R,(md10_resync),[no_syscall],md_do_sync,-,-,->ret_from_fork_nospec_begin()->kthread()->md_thread()->md_do_sync()
2020-10-16 21:00:02.075,8803,8803,root,D,(md10_resync),[no_syscall],md_do_sync,-,-,->ret_from_fork_nospec_begin()->kthread()->md_thread()->md_do_sync()
2020-10-16 21:00:02.075,16762,16762,oracle,R,(ora_m000_lin19c),[running],0,oracle,ora_m000_LIN19C,->do_blockdev_direct_IO()->dio_complete()
2020-10-16 21:00:03.112,8803,8803,root,R,(md10_resync),[no_syscall],md_do_sync,-,-,->ret_from_fork_nospec_begin()->kthread()->md_thread()->md_do_sync()
2020-10-16 21:00:04.149,8803,8803,root,D,(md10_resync),[no_syscall],msleep,-,-,->ret_from_fork_nospec_begin()->kthread()->md_thread()->md_do_sync()->msleep()
2020-10-16 21:00:05.186,8803,8803,root,D,(md10_resync),[no_syscall],md_do_sync,-,-,->ret_from_fork_nospec_begin()->kthread()->md_thread()->md_do_sync()
2020-10-16 21:00:05.186,65913,65913,oracle,D,(ora_ckpt_lin122),pwrite64,blkdev_issue_flush,oracle,ora_ckpt_LIN122,->system_call_fastpath()->SyS_pwrite64()->vfs_write()->do_sync_write()->xfs_file_aio_write()->generic_write_sync()->xfs_file_fsync()->xfs_blkdev_issue_flush()->blkdev_issue_flush()


$ cat 2020-10-13.01.csv | awk -F, '{ printf("%2s %-20s %-20s %s\n",$5,$4,$7,$10) }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nbr | head -202303  D root                 read                 -1761  R tanel                [running]            stress1384  D postgres             pread64              postgres: tanel pgbench [local] UPDATE894  R root                 [running]            -229  R root                 read                 -229  D mysql                fsync                /usr/sbin/mysqld144  R tanel                [running]            -115  - -                    -                    -110  D oracle               io_submit            ora_ckpt_LINPRD101  D root                 [running]            -73  D root                 read                 dd58  R root                 [running]            /opt/oracle.ahf/jre/bin/java55  R mysql                [running]            /usr/sbin/mysqld52  D tanel                [no_syscall]         stress51  R oracle               [running]            oracleLIN19C50  R root                 [running]            dd35  R oracle               [running]            xe_mz01_XE32  R tanel                [running]            /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-  R oracle               [running]            pidstat27  D oracle               pread64              oracleLIN19C


$ xcapture0x.Tools xcapture v1.0 by Tanel Poder [https://0x.tools]Usage:xcapture [options]By default, sample all /proc tasks in states R, D every second and print to stdoutOptions:-a             capture tasks in additional states, even the ones Sleeping (S)-A             capture tasks in All states, including Zombie (Z), Exiting (X), Idle (I)-c <c1,c2>     print additional columns (for example: -c exe,cmdline,kstack)-d <N>         seconds to sleep between samples (default: 1)-E <string>    custom task state Exclusion filter (default: XZIS)-h             display this help message-o <dirname>   write wide output into hourly CSV files in this directory instead of stdout$ xcapture -c exe,kstack
$ xcapture -o .
$ xcapture -o /data/perf_archive/xcap


$ psn -p 18286 -G syscall,filenameLinux Process Snapper v0.14 by Tanel Poder [https://0x.tools]
Sampling /proc/stat, syscall for 5 seconds... finished.=== Active Threads ==================================================================================samples | avg_threads | comm | state                  | syscall   | filename
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------79 |        0.79 | (dd) | Disk (Uninterruptible) | write     | /backup/tanel/test (stdout)7 |        0.07 | (dd) | Disk (Uninterruptible) | [running] |                                 5 |        0.05 | (dd) | Running (ON CPU)       | write     | /backup/tanel/test (stdout)     4 |        0.04 | (dd) | Disk (Uninterruptible) | read      | /reco/fio/mmapfile.0.0 (stdin)  3 |        0.03 | (dd) | Running (ON CPU)       | [running] |                                 2 |        0.02 | (dd) | Running (ON CPU)       | read      | /reco/fio/mmapfile.0.0 (stdin)  ```
$ sudo psn -p "mysqld|kwork" -G syscall,wchanLinux Process Snapper v0.14 by Tanel Poder [https://0x.tools]
Sampling /proc/syscall, stat, wchan for 5 seconds... finished.=== Active Threads ========================================================================================samples | avg_threads | comm          | state                  | syscall   | wchan
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 |        3.12 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync     | _xfs_log_force_lsn16 |        2.00 | (mysqld)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running] | 0                            14 |        1.75 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64  | call_rwsem_down_write_failed8 |        1.00 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync     | submit_bio_wait              4 |        0.50 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64   | io_schedule                  4 |        0.50 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64  | io_schedule                  3 |        0.38 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pread64   | 0                            3 |        0.38 | (mysqld)      | Running (ON CPU)       | [running] | io_schedule                  3 |        0.38 | (mysqld)      | Running (ON CPU)       | pread64   | 0                            2 |        0.25 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | [running] | 0                            1 |        0.12 | (kworker/*:*) | Running (ON CPU)       | read      | worker_thread                1 |        0.12 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | fsync     | io_schedule                  1 |        0.12 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | futex     | call_rwsem_down_write_failed 1 |        0.12 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | poll      | 0                            1 |        0.12 | (mysqld)      | Disk (Uninterruptible) | pwrite64  | _xfs_log_force_lsn           1 |        0.12 | (mysqld)      | Running (ON CPU)       | fsync     | submit_bio_wait              1 |        0.12 | (mysqld)      | Running (ON CPU)       | futex     | futex_wait_queue_me



$ ./schedlat.py 29801
SchedLat by Tanel Poder [https://0x.tools]PID=29801 COMM=oracle_29801_liTIMESTAMP              %CPU   %LAT   %SLP
2020-02-26 23:17:35   100.0    0.0    0.0   <<-- no CPU shortage, process 100% on CPU
2020-02-26 23:17:36   100.0    0.0    0.0
2020-02-26 23:17:37   100.0    0.0    0.0
2020-02-26 23:17:38   100.0    0.0    0.0   <<-- %SLP = 100-(%CPU+%LAT), when Linux reports slightly
2020-02-26 23:17:39    98.0    0.0    2.0        more than "100%" of CPU+LAT, then the derived
2020-02-26 23:17:40     0.0    0.0  100.0        "remaining time" SLP% may show a negative value
2020-02-26 23:17:41     0.0    0.0  100.0
2020-02-26 23:17:42     0.0    0.0  100.0   <<-- no CPU shortage, process sleeping
2020-02-26 23:17:43     0.4    0.0   99.6
2020-02-26 23:17:44    33.5    0.2   66.3   <<-- no CPU shortage, process doing synchronous I/Os
2020-02-26 23:17:45    55.5    0.2   44.2        in a loop (thus taken off CPU frequently by scheduler)
2020-02-26 23:17:46    53.9    0.2   45.9
2020-02-26 23:17:47    54.5    0.2   45.3
2020-02-26 23:17:48    59.1    0.2   40.7
2020-02-26 23:17:49     4.4    0.0   95.6
2020-02-26 23:17:50    58.5    0.1   41.4
2020-02-26 23:17:51    95.7    0.0    4.3
2020-02-26 23:17:52     0.3    0.0   99.7
2020-02-26 23:17:53     0.1    0.0   99.9
2020-02-26 23:17:54     0.1    0.0   99.9
2020-02-26 23:17:55     0.3    1.1   98.6
2020-02-26 23:17:56     0.1    6.0   93.9
2020-02-26 23:17:57     0.1   15.0   84.9
2020-02-26 23:17:58     0.1   13.8   86.1
2020-02-26 23:17:59     9.6   61.4   29.0   <<-- CPU shortage + process doing synchronous I/Os in a loop
2020-02-26 23:18:00    14.6   83.9    1.5   <<-- and spending more time in CPU runqueue after every I/O
2020-02-26 23:18:01    31.4   59.7    8.9
2020-02-26 23:18:02    13.0   13.9   73.1
2020-02-26 23:18:03     0.3    5.3   94.4


CPU profiling
实际使用perf record命令生成相关数据

#cat run_xcpu.shFREQUENCY=1 # 1 Hz sampling
SUDO=sudo # change to empty string if running without sudo
PERF=/usr/bin/perfif [ $# -ne 1 ]; thenecho "Usage: $0 output_dir"exit 1
filogger "$0 Starting up outdir=$1 nice=$NICE"while true ; do$SUDO nice -n $NICE $PERF record -g -F $FREQUENCY -a \--switch-output=1m \--timestamp-filename \--timestamp \-o $1/xcpu# we only get here should perf be terminated, try to restartlogger "$0 terminated with $?, attempting to restart in $SLEEP seconds"sleep $SLEEP


$ perf report -s sym,dso -i xcpu.2020101619323791


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