
We are excited to share our plans for 2021. We’ve listened to your feedback and established our plan based on what we’ve heard.


Our 2021 product commitment is simple. It’s about giving you production-ready features, workflows, and components based on what you have told us you need. We consider a feature production-ready if it fully meets your needs, is fully supported from release, and has timely bug-fixing, improvements, and a clear roadmap – in other words, features you can rely on throughout your production.

我们对2021年的产品承诺很简单。 它是根据您告诉我们的需求为您提供可用于生产的功能,工作流和组件。 如果功能可以完全满足您的需求,并且从发布中得到完全支持,并且具有及时的错误修复,改进和清晰的路线图,那么我们认为该功能可以投入生产,换句话说,您可以在整个生产过程中依靠这些功能。

To execute predictably we are also changing how we work. We’ll do less, we’ll do it better, and we’ll prove it works cohesively before we release it. We’re bringing bigger, complete teams together to develop the features and functionality that are most important to you. We’re investing in our product, program, engineering, and design teams so we can increase our focus on supporting you with great workflows and commit to predictable, reliable releases

为了实现可预测的执行,我们也在改变我们的工作方式。 我们会做得更少,我们会做得更好,并且在发布它之前,我们将证明它具有凝聚力。 我们正在将更大,更完整的团队聚集在一起,以开发对您来说最重要的功能。 我们正在投资产品,程序,工程和设计团队,因此 我们可以更加专注于通过出色的工作流程为您提供支持,并致力于可预测的,可靠的发布

All software development is a process. Every month, we will invite you to view and comment on our progress through a series of developer diaries so you can see the theory become reality.

所有软件开发都是一个过程。 每个月,我们都会邀请您通过一系列开发人员日记来查看和评论我们的进展,以便您可以看到该理论成为现实。

These are our focus areas for 2021:


核心产品的互操作性和稳定性 (Core product interoperability and stability)

The Unity 2021 release series builds directly on the Unity 2020 LTS (Long-Term Support) release. Its key focus is to increase the stability and robustness of the Editor, to drive down bugs and regressions, particularly those with the greatest user impact. We don’t want this to be a side note. We want it to be the foundation upon which everything else stands and takes us forward. We know this is what makes the difference when you’re trying to both make day-to-day progress and take a game over the line.

Unity 2021发行系列直接建立在Unity 2020 LTS(长期支持)发行版的基础上。 它的主要重点是提高编辑器的稳定性和健壮性,以减少错误和回归,尤其是对用户影响最大的错误和回归。 我们不希望这是一个旁注。 我们希望它成为其他一切基础并推动我们前进的基础。 我们知道,这就是您在努力取得日常进步和在线比赛时与众不同的原因。

Another important change is that in addition to #bugs, #regressions, and #crashes, we are incorporating broken workflows and interoperability in our definition as bugs and logging them as such.


Additional areas of focus include:


  • Workflows and usability: quality-of-life fixes through upgrading aggregate workflows, such as UI Authoring and the key tools to enable those, e.g., Scene Tooling System, Search & Filtering.

    工作流程和可用性: 通过升级聚合的工作流程(例如UI创作)和启用这些工具的关键工具(例如场景工具系统,搜索和筛选),可以改善生活质量。

  • Platform reach: platform support and launch-day content for next-generation consoles, Apple silicon, new AR/VR platforms, and continued optimization and support for mobile architecture.

    平台范围: 针对下一代控制台,苹果芯片,新的AR / VR平台的平台支持和发布日内容,以及对移动体系结构的持续优化和支持。

  • Performance and iteration speed: improving your team’s productivity across the development lifecycle from asset import, build and deploy, and in-Editor iteration.

    性能和迭代速度 :从资产导入,构建和部署以及在编辑器中迭代,在整个开发生命周期中提高团队的生产力。

特征   (Features )

For Unity 2021 we are evolving three specific feature areas: graphics, multiplayer networking and visual scripting.

对于Unity 2021,我们正在发展三个特定的功能区域:图形,多人网络和可视脚本。

图形:可编写脚本的渲染管道和工具 (Graphics: Scriptable Render Pipeline and Tools )

We will mature our Universal Render Pipeline (URP) solution and stabilize the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). Our long-term goal with our rendering pipeline is to have complete interoperability with all Unity features so there will be one way to build your scene with an ecosystem of tools to support users.

我们将使我们的 通用渲染管道 (URP)解决方案 成熟, 并稳定 高清晰度渲染管道 (HDRP)。 我们渲染管线的长期目标是与所有Unity功能具有完全的互操作性,因此将存在一种使用支持​​用户的工具生态系统构建场景的方法。

视觉脚本 (Visual scripting )

In 2021, we will provide Bolt visual scripting as a core feature, built directly into Unity. As we do this, we will bring consistency across all our node-based development tools. We know it is key for a great user experience to unify the workflows of visual scripting with other node-based solutions.

在2021年,我们将提供Bolt视觉脚本作为核心功能,直接内置到Unity中。 这样做时,我们将为所有基于节点的开发工具带来一致性。 我们知道,将可视化脚本的工作流程与其他基于节点的解决方案统一起来对于获得出色的用户体验至关重要。

多人网络 (Multiplayer networking )

We will deliver a stable and supported netcode foundation. First, this means expanding the focus beyond the Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) netcode space to solve for current-Unity GameObjects. Second, we are committed to delivering full-stack solutions for key genres by building alongside the incredible talent in the open source software (OSS) multiplayer community. And finally (we heard you), multiplayer creation needs more than just netcode, so we plan to make a significant investment in tools, docs, and samples to make it easier to get started.

我们将提供稳定且受支持的网络代码基础。 首先,这意味着将重点扩展到面向数据技术堆栈(DOTS)网络代码空间之外,以解决当前的Unity GameObjects问题 。 第二,我们致力于 通过与开源软件(OSS)多人社区中不可思议的人才一起建设,为关键类型 提供 全栈 解决方案。 最后(我们听说过),多人游戏创建不仅需要网络代码,因此我们计划在工具,文档和示例上进行大量投资,以使其更易于入门。

As evidenced by the success of games like Mediatonic’s Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, great multiplayer games are possible in Unity today, and we will keep making it easier.

正如Mediatonic的 Fall Fall Guys:Ultimate Knockout 这样的游戏的成功所证明, 当今Unity中可以实现出色的多人游戏,并且我们将继续使其更加轻松。

产品发布时间表 (Product release schedule)

Our product release schedule in 2021 will be anchored in these release commitments:


Unity 2020 LTS(2021年第一季度) (Unity 2020 LTS (Q1 2021))

  • A long-term support (LTS) version of Unity 2020. A stabilized change-set from Unity 2020.1 and the upcoming 2020.2 releases.

    Unity 2020的长期支持(LTS)版本 。Unity2020.1 和即将推出的2020.2版本的 稳定变更集 。

  • Improvements specifically focused on quality of life, like reorderable arrays and lists in the inspector, improved inspector copy/paste, the ability to mark an object as “default parent” in the Hierarchy, and a long list of improvements to existing features and toolsets.


  • Continued focus on iteration speed, developer tooling, and performance improvements such as updates to IL2CPP to avoid unnecessary reconverting and recompiling code when there are no code changes.

    继续关注迭代速度,开发人员工具和性能改进,例如对 IL2CPP的 更新, 以避免在没有代码更改的情况下不必要的重新转换和重新编译代码 。

  • Improvements to Asset Import stability and robustness.


  • SRP stabilization improvements for both URP and HDRP.


  • Support for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Apple silicon platforms.

    支持PlayStation 5,Xbox Series X和Apple硅平台。

  • Increased contributions and collaboration with the OSS multiplayer community.


Unity 2021产品发布周期(2021年3月至10月) (Unity 2021 Product Release Cycle (March–October 2021))

  • Provide visual scripting integrated directly into the Unity Editor that is robust, stable, and production-ready.

    提供直观的脚本,这些脚本直接集成到Unity Editor中,功能强大,稳定且可用于生产环境。

  • Iterative improvement of the core experience for URP and stable HDRP. In the Asset Store, enabling users to discover URP and HDRP content easily through tagging and filtering.

    反复改进URP和稳定HDRP的核心体验。 在资产商店中,使用户能够通过标记和过滤轻松发现URP和HDRP内容。

  • Stable, supported, and extensible netcode foundation for current Unity (GameObjects).


  • Enhanced multiplayer games tooling support.


  • Core Product interop and stability improvements as above.


We are also continuing our efforts for our Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS) to lay the foundation for the future of Unity and the architecture that delivers multithreaded performance by default. More on that in future blog posts.

我们还将继续致力于面向数据的技术栈(DOTS),为Unity的未来以及默认情况下提供多线程性能的体系结构奠定基础。 在以后的博客文章中将对此进行更多介绍。

The feedback our community provides is priceless, and we want you to come on this journey with us. We’ll be sharing regular updates via monthly developer diaries to keep you informed on the progress we’re making and will provide ways for you to get in touch.

我们社区提供的反馈是无价的,我们希望您与我们一起前进。 我们将通过每月的开发人员日记共享定期更新,以使您了解我们正在取得的进展,并将为您提供联系方式。

Please join us for an AMA on the /r/Unity3D subreddit tomorrow, Aug 14, at 9:30 am PST/12:30 pm EST. Unity team members will be on hand for two hours to answer your questions. Additionally, we are also hosting a moderated Q&A thread in the forums for the next couple of days to give everyone the chance to ask questions and provide feedback.

请与我们一起参加 明天(8月14日)PST /美国东部标准时间12:30 pm / r / Unity3D subreddit 上的AMA 。 Unity团队成员将在手两个小时内回答您的问题。 此外,我们还将 在接下来的几天 内在论坛中 主持一个温和的 问答环节, 以使每个人都有机会提出问题并提供反馈。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2020/08/13/the-road-to-2021/



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