hue zookeeper


PC gamers drop big bucks to feel immersed in their games. But some new smarthome tech is enabling amazingly immersive effects with just a few lights. Take this Philips Hue plugin for Minecraft as an example.

PC游戏玩家花了大笔钱才能沉浸在游戏中。 但是,一些新的智能家居技术仅用几盏灯就能实现令人惊叹的沉浸式效果。 以这个Minecraft的Philips Hue插件为例。

There are plenty of bias lighting setups that can observe data from a monitor or TV screen and match the light color to the average color on the screen. This tool isn’t doing that: it’s actually using Minecraft’s API to gather light source data from the game itself, matching the color of the bias lighting behind the screen to the objects actually emitting light in the in-game environment.

有很多偏置照明设置,可以观察显示器或电视屏幕上的数据,并使灯光颜色与屏幕上的平均颜色匹配。 该工具没有做到这一点:它实际上是在使用Minecraft的API来收集游戏本身的光源数据,使屏幕后方的偏光颜色与游戏环境中实际发光的对象相匹配。

Reddit user deranged_mango Reddit用户deranged_mango

So if you’re traversing a sunny day in Minecraft, your Hue light will shine almost pure white matching the sun. At sunset you get a slowly-darkening orange, and lightning will flash white then fade to a darker blue. Travel to the game’s final environment The End, and your walls will light up with the ethereal purple glow from the horizon. Inside your cabin you’ll get the flickering reds and yellows of the fireplace. In a nod to utility, it will flash red when you take damage.

因此,如果您在Minecraft中穿越晴天,则色相灯将发出几乎与太阳匹配的纯白色。 在日落时,您会看到一个逐渐变暗的橙色,闪电将闪烁白色,然后逐渐消失为深蓝色。 前往游戏的最终环境《尽头》,墙壁将被地平线上空空的紫色光芒照亮。 在您的机舱内,您将看到闪烁的壁炉红色和黄色。 为了表示对工具的感谢,当您受到损坏时,它会闪烁红色。

It’s a super-cool effect to watch in motion. Since it uses the APIs from Minecraft and Hue, it only works with those specific lights and single game. But as smarthome tech becomes cheaper and more prevalent, you can expect to see this sort of thing more often. To implement the plugin you need to download the source code from Github, then compile it and install it on a Minecraft server. HIt the link for full directions.

观看运动时具有超酷效果。 由于它使用了Minecraft和Hue的API,因此仅适用于那些特定的灯光和单个游戏。 但是随着智能家居技术变得越来越便宜和流行,您可以期望看到更多这种情况。 要实现该插件,您需要从Github下载源代码,然后对其进行编译并将其安装在Minecraft服务器上。 点击链接获取完整说明。

Source: Reddit /r/Minecraft

资料来源: Reddit / r / Minecraft


hue zookeeper

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