Unity WebGL发布及Ubuntu Apache服务器部署

  • Unity 中WebGL的设置
  • Ubuntu Apache web服务器搭建
  • 网页修改
  • 附一:Ubuntu 文件操作常用命令
  • 附二:Apache 服务器常用操作命令

Unity 中WebGL的设置

  1. 使用压缩格式:Project Settings->Player->Publishing Settings,将Compression Format设置为Gzip,Decompression Fallback设置为true
  2. 发布:Build Settings->Build,我是发布到新建的html文件夹

Ubuntu Apache web服务器搭建

  1. 安装 apache(Ubuntu20.04)
sudo apt-get install apache2
  1. 设置web资源,将之前发布的html文件夹拷贝到/var/www/html

  2. 添加配置文件,html/Build新建以下.htaccess文件【Unity文档】

# This configuration file should be uploaded to the server as "<Application Folder>/Build/.htaccess"
# NOTE: "mod_mime" Apache module must be enabled for this configuration to work.
<IfModule mod_mime.c># The following lines are required for builds without decompression fallback, compressed with gzip
RemoveType .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gz
AddType application/octet-stream .data.gz
AddType application/wasm .wasm.gz
AddType application/javascript .js.gz
AddType application/octet-stream .symbols.json.gz# The following lines are required for builds without decompression fallback, compressed with Brotli
RemoveType .br
RemoveLanguage .br
AddEncoding br .br
AddType application/octet-stream .data.br
AddType application/wasm .wasm.br
AddType application/javascript .js.br
AddType application/octet-stream .symbols.json.br# The following line improves loading performance for uncompressed builds
AddType application/wasm .wasm# Uncomment the following line to improve loading performance for gzip-compressed builds with decompression fallback
# AddEncoding gzip .unityweb# Uncomment the following line to improve loading performance for brotli-compressed builds with decompression fallback
# AddEncoding br .unityweb</IfModule>
  1. 重启服务器
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  1. 查看网页




  1. 添加按钮(主要是为了调试html与unity交互正常与否)
<button style="margin: 20px; padding: 15px" onclick="回调函数名(形参)">按钮显示的文本</button>


  1. 声明和赋值实例【十分重要,js调用的关键】
var myGameInstance=null;
//其他。。。。。。。。script.onload = () => {createUnityInstance(canvas, config, (progress) => {progressBarFull.style.width = 100 * progress + "%";}).then((unityInstance) => {myGameInstance=unityInstance;//注意加入这一句loadingBar.style.display = "none";fullscreenButton.onclick = () => {unityInstance.SetFullscreen(1);};}).catch((message) => {alert(message);});};
  1. js调用Unity函数
function update(jointIndex,qx,qy,qz,qw)

附一:Ubuntu 文件操作常用命令

  1. 复制文件夹
cp A B -r
  1. 删除文件
rm -rf A
  1. 重命名文件
mv A B

附二:Apache 服务器常用操作命令

  1. 查看服务器状态
systemctl status apache2
  1. 开关重启服务器
/etc/init.d apache2 start
/etc/init.d apache2 stop
/etc/init.d apache2 restart

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