title: 坑爹的MySql update in subquery tags:

  • mysql
  • update
  • in
  • 子查询
  • subquery categories: mysql date: 2017-10-28 16:31:16



收到如上邮件考虑可能是allot详情太多导致发生超时 经过调查后发现事实并非如此


因此定位了相关代码 一段有趣的代码引起了注意



  1. 事务超时
  2. mysql查询超时


事务超时 目前基于mybatis做了事务设置查询超时

@Overridepublic Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {Statement stmt = (Statement) invocation.getArgs()[0];Collection<Object> values = TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResourceMap().values();if (values.size() > 0) {for (Object obj : values) {if (obj != null && obj instanceof ConnectionHolder) {ConnectionHolder holder = (ConnectionHolder) obj;if (holder.hasTimeout()) {int queryTimeOut = holder.getTimeToLiveInSeconds();if (stmt.getQueryTimeout() != 0) {queryTimeOut = queryTimeOut < stmt.getQueryTimeout() ? queryTimeOut : stmt.getQueryTimeout();}stmt.setQueryTimeout(queryTimeOut);}break;}}}return invocation.proceed();}


经过调查后发现url基本在30s以上 那么就应该是事务超时了么?


观察了几封超时邮件后 发现每次超时均出现在同一个地方


<update id="editPartInfoPrice" parameterType="com.air.tqb.model.TmPartInfo">UPDATE tm_part_info_detailSETmodifier = #{modifier}<if test="purchasePrice!=null">,purchase_price=#{purchasePrice}</if><if test="sellPrice!=null">,sell_price=#{sellPrice}</if><if test="transferPrice!=null">,transfer_price=#{transferPrice}</if>,modifiedtime = now()WHEREpk_id=CAST(#{pkId} as unsigned );<include refid="updateChainPrice"/></update><sql id="updateChainPrice"><if test="(chain band @com.air.tqb.model.enums.PartInfoChain@PURCHASE.value) eq @com.air.tqb.model.enums.PartInfoChain@PURCHASE.value and purchasePrice!=null">update tm_part_info_detail SET purchase_price=#{purchasePrice} where info_id in(select info_id from (SELECT info_id FROM tm_part_info_detail WHERE pk_id = #{pkId}) AS temp);</if><if test="(chain band @com.air.tqb.model.enums.PartInfoChain@SELL.value)  eq @com.air.tqb.model.enums.PartInfoChain@SELL.value and sellPrice!=null">update tm_part_info_detail SET sell_price=#{sellPrice} where info_id in(select info_id from (SELECT info_id FROM tm_part_info_detail WHERE pk_id = #{pkId}) AS temp);</if><if test="(chain band @com.air.tqb.model.enums.PartInfoChain@TRANSFER.value)  eq @com.air.tqb.model.enums.PartInfoChain@TRANSFER.value and transferPrice!=null">update tm_part_info_detail SET transfer_price=#{transferPrice} where info_id in(select info_id from (SELECT info_id FROM tm_part_info_detail WHERE pk_id = #{pkId}) AS temp);</if>

sql很简单 并且相关地方都是加了索引 看起来都不像是慢的原因。


    update  tm_part_info_detail set sell_price=1 where info_id in(select info_id from (SELECT info_id FROM tm_part_info_detail WHERE pk_id ='3398651') AS temp)

WTF!耗时10s 这么简单的sql为啥执行花这么久呢?


来查看一下 执行计划

    explain update  tm_part_info_detail set sell_price=1 where info_id in(select info_id from (SELECT info_id FROM tm_part_info_detail WHERE pk_id ='3398651') AS temp);

某些sql客户端不支持查询update语句的执行计划 简单方案就是加上explain 然后执行sql



    explain select * from  tm_part_info_detail  where info_id in(select info_id from (SELECT info_id FROM tm_part_info_detail WHERE pk_id ='3398651') AS temp);


来看一下mysql官方的解释 Correlated Subqueries

correlated subquery is a subquery that contains a reference to a table that also appears in the outer query. For example:

SELECT * FROM t1WHERE column1 = ANY (SELECT column1 FROM t2WHERE t2.column2 = t1.column2);

Notice that the subquery contains a reference to a column of t1, even though the subquery's FROM clause does not mention a table t1. So, MySQL looks outside the subquery, and finds t1 in the outer query.

Suppose that table t1 contains a row where column1 = 5 and column2 = 6; meanwhile, table t2 contains a row where column1 = 5 and column2 = 7. The simple expression ... WHERE column1 = ANY (SELECT column1 FROM t2) would be TRUE, but in this example, the WHERE clause within the subquery is FALSE (because (5,6) is not equal to (5,7)), so the expression as a whole is FALSE.

Scoping rule: MySQL evaluates from inside to outside. For example:

SELECT column1 FROM t1 AS xWHERE x.column1 = (SELECT column1 FROM t2 AS xWHERE x.column1 = (SELECT column1 FROM t3WHERE x.column2 = t3.column1));

In this statement, x.column2 must be a column in table t2 because SELECT column1 FROM t2 AS x ... renames t2. It is not a column in table t1 because SELECT column1 FROM t1 ... is an outer query that is farther out.

For subqueries in HAVING or ORDER BY clauses, MySQL also looks for column names in the outer select list.

For certain cases, a correlated subquery is optimized. For example:

val IN (SELECT key_val FROM tbl_name WHERE correlated_condition)

Otherwise, they are inefficient and likely to be slow. Rewriting the query as a join might improve performance.

Aggregate functions in correlated subqueries may contain outer references, provided the function contains nothing but outer references, and provided the function is not contained in another function or expression.

很明显 优化器也是戴有色眼镜看sql的啊……基本相同的sql对于update和select走了不同的执行计划【优化器只能保证尽量快】update就是上文所说的inefficient and likely to be slow


因此方案也很简单 update该语句改成inner join 即可

    UPDATE tm_part_info_detail d1INNER JOIN tm_part_info_detail d2 ON d1.info_id = d2.info_idSET d1.sell_price = 1WHEREd2.pk_id = '3398651';

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