

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

// ******************* Declare Some Variables ********************

// Variables that will be used and re-used in our calls
    DISPPARAMS dpNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};
    VARIANT vResult;
    OLECHAR FAR* szFunction;
    BSTR bstrTemp;

// IDispatch pointers for Word's objects
    IDispatch* pDispDocs;      //Documents collection
    IDispatch* pDispSel;       //Selection object
    IDispatch* pDispActiveDoc; //ActiveDocument object

    DISPID dispid_Docs;        //Documents property of Application object
    DISPID dispid_DocsAdd;     //Add method of Documents collection
    DISPID dispid_Sel;         //Selection property of Applicaiton object
    DISPID dispid_TypeText;    //TypeText method of Selection object
    DISPID dispid_TypePara;    //TypeParagraph method of Selection object
    DISPID dispid_ActiveDoc;   //ActiveDocument property of Application
    DISPID dispid_SaveAs;      //SaveAs method of the Document object
    DISPID dispid_Quit;        //Quit method of the Application object

// ******************** Start Automation ***********************

//Initialize the COM libraries

// Create an instance of the Word application and obtain the pointer
    // to the application's IDispatch interface.
    CLSID clsid;
    CLSIDFromProgID(L"Word.Application", &clsid);

IUnknown* pUnk;
    HRESULT hr = ::CoCreateInstance( clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER,
                                     IID_IUnknown, (void**) &pUnk);
    IDispatch* pDispApp;
    hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDispApp);

// Get IDispatch* for the Documents collection object
    szFunction = OLESTR("Documents");
    hr = pDispApp->GetIDsOfNames (IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                  LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_Docs);
    hr = pDispApp->Invoke (dispid_Docs, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
                           DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dpNoArgs, &vResult,
                           NULL, NULL);
    pDispDocs = vResult.pdispVal;

// Invoke the Add method on the Documents collection object
    // to create a new document in Word
    // Note that the Add method can take up to 3 arguments, all of which
    // are optional. We are not passing it any so we are using an empty
    // DISPPARAMS structure
    szFunction = OLESTR("Add");
    hr = pDispDocs->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                  LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_DocsAdd);
    hr = pDispDocs->Invoke(dispid_DocsAdd, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
                           DISPATCH_METHOD, &dpNoArgs, &vResult, NULL,

// Get IDispatch* for the Selection object
    szFunction = OLESTR("Selection");
    hr = pDispApp->GetIDsOfNames (IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                  LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_Sel);
    hr = pDispApp->Invoke (dispid_Sel, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
                           DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dpNoArgs, &vResult,
                           NULL, NULL);
    pDispSel = vResult.pdispVal;

// Get the DISPIDs of the TypeText and TypeParagraph methods of the
    // Selection object.  We'll use these DISPIDs multiple times.
    szFunction = OLESTR("TypeText");
    hr = pDispSel->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                  LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_TypeText);

szFunction = OLESTR("TypeParagraph");
    hr = pDispSel->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                  LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_TypePara);

// The TypeText method has and requires only one argument, a string,
    // so set up the DISPPARAMS accordingly
    VARIANT vArgsTypeText[1];
    DISPPARAMS dpTypeText;

bstrTemp = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("One"));
    vArgsTypeText [0].vt = VT_BSTR;
    vArgsTypeText [0].bstrVal = bstrTemp;
    dpTypeText.cArgs = 1;
    dpTypeText.cNamedArgs = 0;
    dpTypeText.rgvarg = vArgsTypeText;

//Invoke the first TypeText and TypeParagraph pair
    hr = pDispSel->Invoke (dispid_TypeText, IID_NULL,
                           LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                           &dpTypeText, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    hr = pDispSel->Invoke (dispid_TypePara, IID_NULL,
                           LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                           &dpNoArgs, NULL, NULL, NULL);

//Invoke the second TypeText and TypeParagraph pair
    bstrTemp = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("Two"));
    hr = pDispSel->Invoke (dispid_TypeText, IID_NULL,
                           LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                           &dpTypeText, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    hr = pDispSel->Invoke (dispid_TypePara, IID_NULL,
                           LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                           &dpNoArgs, NULL, NULL, NULL);

//Invoke the third TypeText and TypeParagraph pair
    bstrTemp = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("Three"));
    hr = pDispSel->Invoke (dispid_TypeText, IID_NULL,
                           LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                           &dpTypeText, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    hr = pDispSel->Invoke (dispid_TypePara, IID_NULL,
                           LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                           &dpNoArgs, NULL, NULL, NULL);

// Get IDispatch* for the ActiveDocument object
    szFunction = OLESTR("ActiveDocument");
    hr = pDispApp->GetIDsOfNames (IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
    hr = pDispApp->Invoke (dispid_ActiveDoc, IID_NULL,
                           &dpNoArgs, &vResult, NULL, NULL);
    pDispActiveDoc = vResult.pdispVal;

//Set up the DISPPARAMS for the SaveAs method (11 arguments)
    VARIANT vArgsSaveAs[11];
    DISPPARAMS dpSaveAs;
    dpSaveAs.cArgs = 11;
    dpSaveAs.cNamedArgs = 0;
    dpSaveAs.rgvarg = vArgsSaveAs;

BSTR bstrEmptyString;
    bstrEmptyString = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR(""));

    vFalse.vt = VT_BOOL;
    vFalse.boolVal = FALSE;

    //To see the error handler in action, change the following
    //line to:
    //     bstrTemp = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("c://badpath//doc1.doc"));
    bstrTemp = ::SysAllocString(OLESTR("c://doc1.doc"));

    //To see the error handler in action, change the following
    //line to:
    //   vArgsSaveAs[10].vt = VT_I4;        
    vArgsSaveAs[10].vt = VT_BSTR;        
    vArgsSaveAs[10].bstrVal = bstrTemp;        //Filename
    vArgsSaveAs[9].vt = VT_I4;           
    vArgsSaveAs[9].lVal = 0;                   //FileFormat
    vArgsSaveAs[8] = vFalse;                   //LockComments
    vArgsSaveAs[7].vt = VT_BSTR;
    vArgsSaveAs[7].bstrVal = bstrEmptyString;  //Password
    vArgsSaveAs[6].vt = VT_BOOL;     
    vArgsSaveAs[6].boolVal = TRUE;             //AddToRecentFiles
    vArgsSaveAs[5].vt = VT_BSTR;
    vArgsSaveAs[5].bstrVal = bstrEmptyString;  //WritePassword
    vArgsSaveAs[4] = vFalse;                   //ReadOnlyRecommended
    vArgsSaveAs[3] = vFalse;                   //EmbedTrueTypeFonts
    vArgsSaveAs[2] = vFalse;                   //SaveNativePictureFormat
    vArgsSaveAs[1] = vFalse;                   //SaveFormsData
    vArgsSaveAs[0] = vFalse;                   //SaveAsOCELetter

//Invoke the SaveAs method
    szFunction = OLESTR("SaveAs");
    hr = pDispActiveDoc->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                  LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_SaveAs);
    EXCEPINFO excep;
    hr = pDispActiveDoc->Invoke(dispid_SaveAs, IID_NULL,
                                LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD,
                                &dpSaveAs, NULL, &excep, NULL);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        ErrHandler(hr, excep);


//Invoke the Quit method
    szFunction = OLESTR("Quit");
    hr = pDispApp->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL, &szFunction, 1,
                                 LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid_Quit);
    hr = pDispApp->Invoke (dispid_Quit, IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
                           DISPATCH_METHOD, &dpNoArgs, NULL, NULL, NULL);



return 0;














PRB: Office 应用程序仍保留在内存程序完成后


Office application are automating continues to your Visual C++ program finishes...

<script type=text/javascript> loadTOCNode(1, 'symptoms'); </script>

Office application are automating continues to your Visual C++ program finishes executing after reside in memory。



<script type=text/javascript> loadTOCNode(1, 'cause'); </script>



下面是一些一般性建议并尝试确定问题的原因时需要的事项查找: 如果您使用 # import,则很可能您可能正在运行到与其关联的引用计数错误之一。 通常这些错误可以...

<script type=text/javascript> loadTOCNode(1, 'resolution'); </script>


  • 如果您使用 # import,则很可能您可能正在运行到与其关联的引用计数错误之一。 通常这些错误可以工作周围,但通常它首选使用其他自动化方法之一。 # import 不能正常工作很好地与 Office 应用程序,因为它的类型库和使用是相当复杂。 此外,这样的引用计算问题是难以跟踪大量接口级别 COM 调用的因为这样使用 # import 时。
  • check to see if are calling any methods,such as Open or New,that return IDispatch * (LPDISPATCH),and ignoring return value. if are,then are abandoning this returned 的 interface and will need to change your code so that release this IDispatch * when no longer needed.
  • 逐渐注释掉,直到该问题会消失,然后将其添加您的代码部分回到跟踪该问题开始处慎。
  • 请注意某些应用程序将保持运行如果用户具有"涉及"应用程序。 如果您要使其自动运行时,出现这种情况,然后在应用程序将可能保持以后运行。 Office 应用程序在应用程序对象,您可以读 / 写若要更改此行为上有一个"UserControl"属性。
  • also,some applications will decide to stay running if enough user-interface"action"has occurred。 if intend for to exit application,then its Quit() method call on Application object。 Word will shut down regardless of its reference count is called Quit when。 this isn't expected 的 COM behavior。 Excel,however,will properly just hide itself but stay running until all outstanding interfaces are released。 一般情况下,您应该释放所有未完成的引用,并只调用 Quit() 如果希望应用程序退出。


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