
  • 倒计时数值(countdown),必传,类型 number,单位ms,支持设置未来某时刻的时间戳 或 相对剩余时间,默认值 0

  • 倒计时标题(title),类型 string | v-slot,默认 'Countdown'

  • 格式化倒计时展示(format),类型 string,(Y:年,M:月,D:日,H:时,m:分钟,s:秒,S:毫秒),默认 'HH:mm:ss'

  • 倒计时数值的前缀(prefix),类型 string | v-slot,默认 ''

  • 倒计时数值的后缀(suffix),类型 string | v-slot,默认 ''

  • 完成后的展示文本(finishedText),类型 string | v-slot,默认 'Finished'


注:组件引用方法 import { requestAnimationFrame } from '../index' 请参考以下博客:



<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, computed, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { requestAnimationFrame } from '../index'
interface Props {countdown?: number // 倒计时数值(countdown),必传,支持设置未来某时刻的时间戳(ms) 或 相对剩余时间(ms)title?: string // 倒计时标题 string | v-slotformat?: string // 格式化倒计时展示,(Y:年,M:月,D:日,H:时,m:分钟,s:秒,SSS:毫秒)prefix?: string // 倒计时数值的前缀 string | v-slotsuffix?: string // 倒计时数值的后缀 string | v-slotfinishedText?: string // 完成后的展示文本 string | v-slot
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { // 基于类型的声明countdown: 0,title: 'Countdown',format: 'HH:mm:ss',prefix: '',suffix: '',finishedText: 'Finished'
const futureTime = ref() // 未来截止时间戳
const restTime = ref() // 剩余时间戳
const showType = computed(() => {return {showMillisecond: props.format.includes('SSS'),showYear: props.format.includes('Y'),showMonth: props.format.includes('M'),showDay: props.format.includes('D'),showHour: props.format.includes('H'),showMinute: props.format.includes('m'),showSecond: props.format.includes('s')}
function fixedTwo (value: number): string {return value < 10 ? '0' + value : String(value)
function timeFormat (time: number): string {let showTime = props.formatif (showType.value.showMillisecond) {var S = time % 1000showTime = showTime.replace('SSS', '0'.repeat(3 - String(S).length) + S)}time = Math.floor(time / 1000) // 将时间转为s为单位if (showType.value.showYear) {var Y = Math.floor(time / (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12))showTime = showTime.includes('YY') ? showTime.replace('YY', fixedTwo(Y)) : showTime.replace('Y', String(Y))} else {var Y = 0}if (showType.value.showMonth) {time = time - Y * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12var M = Math.floor(time / (60 * 60 * 24 * 30))showTime = showTime.includes('MM') ? showTime.replace('MM', fixedTwo(M)) : showTime.replace('M', String(M))} else {var M = 0}if (showType.value.showDay) {time = time - M * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30var D = Math.floor(time / (60 * 60 * 24))showTime = showTime.includes('DD') ? showTime.replace('DD', fixedTwo(D)) : showTime.replace('D', String(D))} else {var D = 0}if (showType.value.showHour) {time = time - D * 60 * 60 * 24var H = Math.floor(time / (60 * 60))showTime = showTime.includes('HH') ? showTime.replace('HH', fixedTwo(H)) : showTime.replace('H', String(H))} else {var H = 0}if (showType.value.showMinute) {time = time - H * 60 * 60var m = Math.floor(time / 60)showTime = showTime.includes('mm') ? showTime.replace('mm', fixedTwo(m)) : showTime.replace('m', String(m))} else {var m = 0}if (showType.value.showSecond) {var s = time - m * 60showTime = showTime.includes('ss') ? showTime.replace('ss', fixedTwo(s)) : showTime.replace('s', String(s))}return showTime
const emit = defineEmits(['finish'])
function CountDown () {if (futureTime.value > Date.now()) {restTime.value = futureTime.value - Date.now()requestAnimationFrame(CountDown)} else {restTime.value = 0emit('finish')}
onMounted(() => {if (props.countdown > Date.now()) { // 未来某时刻的时间戳,单位msfutureTime.value = props.countdown} else { // 相对剩余时间,单位msfutureTime.value = props.countdown + Date.now()}requestAnimationFrame(CountDown)
<template><div class="m-countdown"><div class="u-title"><slot name="title">{{ props.title }}</slot></div><div class="u-time"><slot name="prefix" v-if="restTime > 0">{{ prefix }}</slot><slot v-if="finishedText && restTime === 0" name="finish">{{ finishedText }}</slot><span v-else>{{ timeFormat(restTime) }}</span><slot name="suffix" v-if="restTime > 0">{{ suffix }}</slot></div></div>
<style lang="less" scoped>
* {box-sizing: border-box;margin: 0;padding: 0;
.m-countdown {display: inline-block;line-height: 1.571;.u-title {margin-bottom: 4px;color: #00000073;font-size: 14px;}.u-time {color: #000000d9;font-size: 24px;font-family: 'Helvetica Neue'; // 保证数字等宽显示}


<script setup lang="ts">
import Countdown from './Countdown.vue'
function onFinish () {console.log('countdown finished')
</script><template><div><h2 class="mb10">Countdown 倒计时基本使用(format: MM月 DD天 HH:mm:ss)</h2><Countdowntitle="Countdown 1年":countdown="12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000"format="MM月 DD天 HH:mm:ss"finishedText="Finished"@finish="onFinish"><template #prefix>There's only </template><template #suffix> left for the end.</template></CountDown><h2 class="mt30 mb10">毫秒倒计时基本使用(format: Y 年 M 月 D 天 H 时 m 分 s 秒 SSS 毫秒)</h2><Countdowntitle="Countdown":countdown="1714528800000"format="Y 年 M 月 D 天 H 时 m 分 s 秒 SSS 毫秒"finishedText="Finished"@finish="onFinish"><template #title>2024年 五一 Countdown</template><template #prefix>There's only </template><template #suffix> left for the end.</template></CountDown><h2 class="mt30 mb10">倒计时已完成</h2><Countdowntitle="Finished"finishedText="Finished"@finish="onFinish"></CountDown></div>
</template><style lang="less" scoped>


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