
Line graph

  1. amount of
  2. source of/ provided/ generating 用来描述来源
  3. means of xxx generation 生产方式
  4. over a period of / over the period shown 在(表)提到的时间里
  5. by far the most/ by far the highest 迄今为止最xxx,适用于overview
  6. a negligible amount 非常少,几乎没有
  7. xxx overtook xxx 代替
  8. as the primary source of 主要来源
  9. rise dramatically to a peak of 增长到顶点
  10. the figure for …的数据
  11. see an increase in sth 主语可以是表中的某类数据,也可以是国家
  12. overall : the graph shows an overall upward trend
  13. There was a slight decrease in the beginning, followed by a steady increase.
  14. decline 衰退
  15. The line graph indicates a fluctuation in the trend. 波动
  16. Between 2010 and 2015, the number of visitors increased dramatically.引人注目地
  17. The highest number of sales was recorded in March.
  18. he rate of unemployment remained constant throughout the year. 保持稳定
  19. Despite the fluctuation in the trend, the number of tourists visiting increased at a faster rate than the number of local residents.尽管波动,但是增长依旧很快
  20. shaply 剧烈
  21. drop 下降
  22. The line graph shows a steady decline, with a steep drop in the final month.急剧
  23. There was a gradual increase in sales until it peaked in October. 到达顶点
  24. The ratio of males to females remained constant throughout the year.比例
  25. plateau (发展一定时间后)稳定期,也有高原的意思
    The line graph shows that the number of new subscribers to the service increased steadily over the first six months, but then reached a plateau in the seventh month, remaining constant for the next three months
  26. diminish 减少 began to diminish
  27. interval 时间间隔
    “The line graph compares the number of new car sales in Europe over a five-year interval, showing a steady increase in sales from 2015 to 2018, followed by a plateau in sales between 2019 and 2020.”


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