




lp filename(打印filename)

-d 打印机名称(指定打印机)

-P 1,2-5,6 (指定页码范围)

-o sides=two-sided-long-edge(选项,长边翻转,竖直打印)

-o number-up (指定一页几版)


lp命令原文:通过命令行,man lp得到:

       lp - print files

SYNOPSIS  大纲;概要;梗概
       [  -E  ] 
       [ -U username ] 
       [ -c ] 
       [ -d destination[/instance] ] 
       [ -h hostname[:port] ] 
       [ -m ] [ -n num-copies ]
       [ -o option[=value] ]  
       [  -q priority  ] 
       [ -s ] 
       [ -t title ] 
       [ -H handling ] 
       [ -P page-list ]
       [ -- ]
       [ file(s) ]
       [ -E ] 
       [ -U username ] 
       [ -c ] 
       [ -h hostname[:port] ] 
       [ -i job-id ]
       [ -n num-copies ] 
       [ -o option[=value] ] 
       [ -q priority ] 
       [ -t title ] 
       [ -H handling ] 
       [ -P page-list ]

DESCRIPTION  描述;产品描述;说明;品名;产品说明
       lp submits files for printing or alters a pending job. 
       Use a  filename of "-" to force printing from the standard input.


CUPS  provides many ways to set the default destination.
       The LPDEST and PRINTER environment variables are consulted first.  If neither are set,
       the  current  default  set using the lpoptions(1) command is used, fol‐
       lowed by the default set using the lpadmin(8) command.
       The following options are recognized by lp:

--   Marks the end of options; use this to  print  a  file  whose  name
            begins with a dash (-).

-E   Forces encryption when connecting to the server.

-U username
            Specifies the username to use when connecting to the server.

-c   This  option is provided for backwards-compatibility only. On sys‐
            tems that support it, this option forces  the  print  file  to  be
            copied  to  the  spool  directory before printing.  In CUPS, print
            files are always sent to the scheduler via IPP which has the  same

-d destination
            Prints files to the named printer.
       -h hostname[:port]
            Chooses an alternate server.
       -i job-id
            Specifies an existing job to modify.

-m   Sends an email when the job is completed.
       -n copies
            Sets the number of copies to print.
       -o "name=value [ ... name=value ]"
            Sets one or more job options.  See "COMMON JOB OPTIONS" below.
       -q priority
            Sets  the  job  priority  from  1  (lowest) to 100 (highest).  The
            default priority is 50.

-s   Do not report the resulting job IDs (silent mode.)
       -t "name"
            Sets the job name.

-H hh:mm

-H hold

-H immediate

-H restart

-H resume
            Specifies when the job should be printed.  A  value  of  immediate
            will print the file immediately, a value of hold will hold the job
            indefinitely, and a UTC time value (HH:MM) will hold the job until
            the  specified  UTC  (not local) time.  Use a value of resume with
            the -i option to resume a held job.  Use a value of  restart  with
            the -i option to restart a completed job.
        -P page-list
            Specifies which pages to print in the document.  The list can con‐
            tain a list of numbers and ranges (#-#) separated by commas, e.g.,
            "1,3-5,16".   The  page  numbers refer to the output pages and not
            the document's original  pages  -  options  like  "number-up"  can
            affect the numbering of the pages.


Aside  from  the  printer-specific options reported by the lpoptions(1)
       command, the following generic options are available:
       -o collate=true
            Prints collated copies.

-o fit-to-page
            Scales the print file to fit on the page.

-o job-hold-until=when
            Holds the job until the  specified  local  time.   "when"  can  be
            "indefinite"  to  hold the until released, "day-time" to print the
            job between 6am and 6pm local  time,  "night"  to  print  the  job
            between  6pm  and  6am local time, "second-shift" to print the job
            between 4pm and 12am local time, "third-shift" to  print  the  job
            between  12am and 8am local time, or "weekend" to print the job on
            Saturday or Sunday.

-o job-hold-until=hh:mm
            Holds the job until the specified time in hours and minutes UTC.

-o job-priority=priority
            Set the priority to a value from  1  (lowest)  to  100  (highest),
            which  influences  when  a  job  is  scheduled  for printing.  The
            default priority is typically 50.

-o job-sheets=name
            Prints a cover page (banner) with the document.  The "name" can be
            "classified",  "confidential",  "secret", "standard", "topsecret",
            or "unclassified".

-o job-sheets=start-name,end-name
            Prints cover pages (banners) with the document.

-o media=size
            Sets the page size to size. Most printers  support  at  least  the
            size names "a4", "letter", and "legal".

-o mirror
            Mirrors each page.

-o number-up={2|4|6|9|16}
            Prints  2,  4,  6,  9, or 16 document (input) pages on each output

-o number-up-layout=layout
            Specifies the layout of pages with the  "number-up"  option.   The
            "layout"  string  can  be  "btlr", "btrl", "lrbt", "lrtb", "rlbt",
            "rltb", "tblr", or "tbrl" - the first two  letters  determine  the
            column order while the second two letters determine the row order.
            "bt" is bottom-to-top, "lr" is left-to-right,  "rl"  is  right-to-
            left, and "tb" is top-to-bottom.
       -o orientation-requested=4
            Prints  the  job  in  landscape (rotated 90 degrees counter-clock‐

-o orientation-requested=5
            Prints the job in landscape (rotated 90 degrees clockwise).

-o orientation-requested=6
            Prints the job in reverse portrait (rotated 180 degrees).
       -o outputorder=reverse
            Prints pages in reverse order.

-o page-border=border
            Prints a border around each document page.  "border" is  "double",
            "double-thick", "single", or "single-thick".
       -o page-ranges=page-list
            Specifies which pages to print in the document.  The list can con‐
            tain a list of numbers and ranges (#-#) separated by commas, e.g.,
            "1,3-5,16".   The  page  numbers refer to the output pages and not
            the document's original  pages  -  options  like  "number-up"  can
            affect the numbering of the pages.

-o sides=one-sided
            Prints on one side of the paper.

-o sides=two-sided-long-edge
            Prints on both sides of the paper for portrait output.

-o sides=two-sided-short-edge
            Prints on both sides of the paper for landscape output.

       Unlike  the System V printing system, CUPS allows printer names to con‐
       tain any printable character except SPACE, TAB,  "/",  or  "#".   Also,
       printer and class names are not case-sensitive.
        与System V打印系统不同,CUPS允许打印机名称包含除空格、制表符、“/”或“#”
       The  -q  option accepts a different range of values than the Solaris lp
       command, matching the IPP job priority values (1-100,  100  is  highest
       priority) instead of the Solaris values (0-39, 0 is highest priority).
        q选项接受的值范围与Solaris lp命令不同,它匹配的是IPP作业优先级值


Print two copies of a document to the default printer:
           lp -n 2 filename

Print a double-sided legal document to a printer called "foo":
           lp -d foo -o media=legal -o sides=two-sided-long-edge filename

Print a presentation document 2-up to a printer called "foo":
           lp -d foo -o number-up=2 filename


cancel(1),   lpadmin(8),   lpoptions(1),   lpq(1),   lpr(1),   lprm(1),
       lpstat(1), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)

       Copyright © 2007-2016 by Apple Inc.版权所有©2007-2016苹果公司。

2 May 2016                           CUPS                                lp(1)

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