vue 构建根组件

Sparklines can be used to quickly visualize data variance. They are small and intuitive to understand.

迷你图可用于快速可视化数据差异。 它们很小且易于理解。

We’ll be using Vue and D3 to build a small sparkline component using Vue.js. In an upcoming article, I’ll show you how to use this component to build a “dashboard” for easy visualization of many data points.

我们将使用Vue公司和D3建立一个小型的迷你图使用分量Vue.js 。 在下一篇文章中,我将向您展示如何使用此组件来构建“仪表板”,以轻松可视化许多数据点。

First, make sure you have the Vue CLI installed. Then, create a new project.

首先,请确保您已安装Vue CLI 。 然后,创建一个新项目。

vue create sparkboard

The CLI will ask you questions about how you’d like to set up your project. You can accept the defaults or manually select features you like. I manually selected…

CLI将询问您有关如何设置项目的问题。 您可以接受默认设置,也可以手动选择所需的功能。 我手动选择了…

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Once the project has been created, start the dev server.


cd sparkboardnpm run serve

Create a new component in the src/components directory called SparkLine.vue


<template>  <svg viewBox="0 0 200 40">    <path d="M 0 20 H 200"          fill="none"          stroke-width="3"          stroke-color="gold" />  </svg></template><script>export default {  name: "SparkLine"}</script>

Notice the root element of the component is an <svg>. This is the element we’ll bind D3 to when creating the chart. You can also see that the <svg> has a viewBox of 0 0 200 40. This gives it the dimensions of 200 pixels wide by 40 pixels tall. The actual width and height are determined by the element’s container, but the 200 x 40 viewBox gives it a good height to width ratio for a sparkline chart.

注意,组件的根元素是<svg> 。 这是我们在创建图表时将D3绑定到的元素。 您还可以看到<svg>viewBox0 0 200 40 。 这使其尺寸为200像素宽乘以40像素高。 实际的宽度和高度由元素的容器确定,但200 x 40的viewBoxviewBox提供了良好的高度与宽度之比。

Finally, there is a <path> inside the <svg>. This is our actual line. For right now, it’s just a hard-coded, perfectly straight, horizontal line.

最后,在<svg>内有一个<path> <svg> 。 这是我们的实际路线。 目前,这只是一条硬编码的,完美的直线,水平线。

We can see our progress so far by putting our component in the main App.vue. In that file, replace everything in the template with…

通过将组件放在主App.vue中,我们可以看到到目前为止的进展。 在该文件中,将模板中的所有内容替换为...

<template>  <div style="width: 100px">    <SparkLine />  </div></template>

Notice how we put the sparkline component inside a container element with a narrow width. This will give it the traditional small appearance.

注意,我们如何将迷你图组件放置在宽度较窄的容器元素内。 这将使其具有传统的外观。

Now, replace the script section with…


<script>import SparkLine from "./components/SparkLine.vue";export default {  name: "App",  components: {    SparkLine  }};</script>

You may notice how we just changed HelloWorld to SparkLine. Everything else is the same.

您可能会注意到我们如何将HelloWorld更改为SparkLine 。 其他一切都一样。

Since we cleared out the template, we no longer need the default styles. So feel free to remove everything from the <style> section.

由于我们清除了模板,因此不再需要默认样式。 因此,请随时从<style>部分中删除所有内容。

Now run the development server.


npm run serve

With the server running, we can visit http://localhost:8080/ and see our progress so far.

服务器运行后,我们可以访问http:// localhost:8080 /并查看到目前为止的进展。

It is literally just a horizontal yellow line, which is perfect because that’s exactly what we’ve coded so far.


Let’s code a way to pass data into this component so we can display it using this line.


Going back to SparkLine.vue and adding to the script section, define a prop called data. This prop will be an array. We’ll also tell it to simply use a basic array of [0, 0] if no data is passed in.

返回SparkLine.vue并添加到script部分,定义一个称为data的道具。 这个道具将是一个数组。 如果没有数据传入,我们还将告诉它仅使用[0, 0]的基本数组。

<script>export default {  name: "SparkLine",  props: {    data: {      type: Array,      default() {        return [0, 0];      }    }  }};</script>

We can pass data into the component back in App.vue like so:


<SparkLine :data="[808, 1475, 1426, 1884, 1396]" />

Note that the line above replaces the existing <SparkLine />. Also note that these are just random values I made up. Feel free to use whatever you like.

请注意,上面的行替换了现有的<SparkLine /> 。 还要注意,这些只是我所组成的随机值。 随意使用任何您喜欢的东西。

Now it’s time to use D3.js to bind data to the line. First, install D3.

现在是时候使用D3.js将数据绑定到行了。 首先,安装D3。

npm i d3

Then, in SparkLine.vue, import it at the top of the <script> section.

然后,在SparkLine.vue ,将其导入到<script>部分的顶部。

import * as d3 from "d3";

When the component is mounted, we need to tell D3 to set up the chart. So below the props definition, add a mounted() function.

安装组件后,我们需要告诉D3设置图表。 因此,在props定义下面,添加一个mounted()函数。

export default {  name: "SparkLine",  props: { /* ... snip ... */ },  mounted() {    // We will set up the chart here  }};

Inside the mounted() function, tell D3 where our chart will go.


this.chart ="svg"); // Targets the (only) SVG element

Now we need to set up x and y scales. The x axis will start at the very start (0) of our chart and end at the very end (right) of our chart (200).

现在我们需要设置x和y比例尺。 x轴将从图表的开头(0)开始,到图表(200)的结尾(右侧)结束。

this.x = d3.scaleLinear().range([0, 200]);

And the y axis will start at the bottom (40) and end at the top (0) of our chart.


this.y = d3.scaleLinear().range([40, 0]);

If you’ve used D3 scales before, you might be wondering why we’re not setting the domain here. That’s because we’re going to put that logic in a separate function that can get called any time our data changes.

如果您以前使用过D3比例,您可能想知道为什么我们不在这里设置域。 那是因为我们将把该逻辑放在一个单独的函数中,该函数可以在我们的数据更改时随时调用。

Now we must define the line function.


this.line = d3  .line()  .x((d, i) => this.x(i))  .y(d => this.y(d));

What the code above does, is defines a D3 line where the x value is determined by the position of the data in the array and the y value is determined by the data point itself.


Finally, let’s call a method to actually plot the data.



The function called in the line above doesn’t exist, yet. Let’s create it now.

上面一行中调用的函数尚不存在。 现在创建它。

This will go in our components methods.


export default {  name: "SparkLine",  props: { /* ... snip ... */ },  methods: {    plot() {      // Plotting code goes here    }  },  mounted() { /* ... snip ... /* }};

The first thing to do inside of plot() is to set the domain of our scales according to the data.


this.x.domain([0, - 1]);this.y.domain(d3.extent(;

As you can see above, the x scale’s domain starts at 0 and ends at the end of the array. The y scale’s domain starts with the smallest data value and ends with the largest.

如上所示,x比例尺的域从0开始,在数组的末尾结束。 y标度的域以最小的数据值开始,以最大的数据值结束。

Now to actually adjust the chart line. Also in plot():

现在实际调整图表线。 同样在plot()"path").attr("d", this.line(;

If you save SparkLine.vue and look again at http://localhost:8080/ (assuming the development server is still running), you can see the sparkline!

如果保存SparkLine.vue并再次查看http:// localhost:8080 / (假设开发服务器仍在运行),则可以看到迷你图!

What happens if our data changes? All we need to do is call the plot() method again. Set up a watcher to do that. This watcher will “watch” the data property and call plot() any time it changes.

如果我们的数据改变会怎样? 我们需要做的就是再次调用plot()方法。 设置观察者来执行此操作。 该监视程序将“监视” data属性,并在更改时调用plot()

export default {  name: "SparkLine",  props: { /* ... snip ... */ },  watch: {    data() {      this.plot();    }  },  methods: { /* ... snip ... /* },  mounted() { /* ... snip ... /* }};

And now our component can react to data changes!


While all of this works as a single component, there’s one important bug that we have to fix if we want to re-use this component more than once on the same page. Right now, we have D3 selecting the sole <svg> element on the page. If you have more than one <svg> on the same page, D3 is just going to select the first one it finds. This is no good. We want to select the <svg> in this component.

尽管所有这些都作为一个单独的组件工作,但是如果我们想在同一页面上多次重复使用此组件,则必须修复一个重要的错误。 现在,我们让D3在页面上选择唯一的<svg>元素。 如果您在同一页面上有多个<svg> ,则D3将选择它找到的第一个。 不好 我们要在组件中选择<svg>

To do that, we can assign our <svg> a unique ID.


First, install nanoid.

首先,安装nanoid 。

npm i nanoid

Import it into our component at the top of the <script> section.


import { nanoid } from "nanoid";

Create a new id data property and use nanoid to make it random.


export default {  name: "SparkLine",  props: { /* ... snip ... /* },  data() {    return {      id: `chart-${nanoid()}`    };  },  methods: { /* ... snip ... /*},  mounted() { /* ... snip ... /*}};

We use the template string `chart-${nanoid()}` so that our random id is in the format chart-kHM_8K1yz8GGq6MVBwfoG or chart-VG5J13fYZIdMBrSDRuEBX for example. It’s always random.

我们使用模板字符串`chart-${nanoid()}`以便我们的随机ID的格式为chart-kHM_8K1yz8GGq6MVBwfoGchart-VG5J13fYZIdMBrSDRuEBX 。 它总是随机的。

In the template, set the <svg>'s id to this new id.


<svg :id="id" viewBox="0 0 200 40">

Finally, tell D3 to select the element based on this ID.




this.chart ="svg");


this.chart =`#${}`);

That’s it Our sparkline component is done! You can add multiple sparkline components on the same page and they’ll all show up perfectly.

就是这样,我们的迷你图组件已完成! 您可以在同一页面上添加多个迷你图组件,它们将完美显示。

<template>  <div style="width:100px">    <SparkLine :data="[808, 1475, 1426, 1884, 1396]" />    <SparkLine :data="[3246, 1941, 2649, 1633, 1262]" />    <SparkLine :data="[190, 128, 209, 208, 116]" />  </div></template>

All code for this article is open source and published on GitHub.


In the next article, I’ll show you how to use this component to build a “dashboard” for easy visualization of many data points.


Keep an eye out here for the link once it’s published.


练习给读者 (Exercise to the reader)

The component is hard-coded to have a yellow line. What if you wanted to be able to set the color individually per component? Hint: use a prop (and don’t forget to set a default value!).

该组件被硬编码为黄线。 如果您希望能够为每个组件分别设置颜色怎么办? 提示:使用prop (不要忘记设置默认值!)。


vue 构建根组件


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