1、去掉红色下划线:插件->Dspellcheck->Settings->Advanced->Underline Style:Hidden

2、更换背景和前景色:设置->色彩样式 背景色:R:250 G:243  B:225  使用全局背景色

Notepad++ is my favorite text editor , Notepad … you name it. And when I switched to Ubuntu the ultimate thing lacking from it is Notepad++ its hard for me to live without it. So I have decided to install it using wine and this is how I did so,

Install Wine

  • Installing Wine ( A tool which is used to run some windows apps on linux ) . Installing it is easy as of Ubuntu 11.04 , 11.10 and 12.04 just open up Ubuntu software center and search for Wine and install it.

    Download Notepad++

    • yes you heard me just go to http://notepad-plus-plus.org and download the software ( yes the default windows version )  and save it on your computer.


    • Its easy as cake. Right click the notepad++ .exe file and select “Open with” and then select the “Wine windows program loader” and you will be presented with the windows like install of notepad++

    Thats it

    • Thats it enjoy.

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