
When you copy data to Excel, from another application, blank cells in the data can cause problems. Everything looks okay, at first glance, but the database blank cells don't behave like other blank cells in the workbook. See how to fix blank Excel cells copied from a database, or created within Excel. [Updated Jan. 23, 2018: More solutions to the problem, how to see hidden data, detailed steps]

当您从另一个应用程序将数据复制到Excel时,数据中的空白单元格可能会导致问题。 乍看起来一切都很好,但是数据库空白单元格的行为不像工作簿中的其他空白单元格。 了解如何修复从数据库复制或在Excel中创建的空白Excel单元格。 [ 2018年1月23日更新 :问题的更多解决方案,如何查看隐藏数据,详细步骤]

空白单元格计数 (Blank Cells Are Counted)

In this example, there is a small table, copied from Access, with 3 cells – C4, C5 and C7 – that appear blank. In the Access database, those cells might have had a zero length string or a null value.

在此示例中,有一个从Access复制的小表,其中有3个单元格(C4,C5和C7)显示为空白。 在Access数据库中,这些单元格可能具有零长度的字符串或空值。

  • If you click on one of the "blank" cells, nothing shows in the Formula Bar.如果单击“空白”单元格之一,则在公式栏中将不显示任何内容。
  • However, the COUNTA formula in cell E2 is counting those cells, as if they contained data.但是,单元格E2中的COUNTA公式正在对那些单元格进行计数,就好像它们包含数据一样。

See more COUNTA examples, and other count functions on my Contextures site.


空白单元格的导航问题 (Navigation Problem with Blank Cells)

In addition to the COUNTA problem, there is a navigation problem with these cells that look empty.


  • Select the first cell in the column with the blank cells选择具有空白单元格的列中的第一个单元格
  • Press the End key, and then the Down arrow按结束键,然后按向下箭头
  • Normally, Excel goes down to the last cell that contains text通常,Excel会转到包含文本的最后一个单元格
  • In this case though, Excel "sees" something in all the cells, and goes to the last cell in our list (C8)不过,在这种情况下,Excel会在所有单元格中“看到”某些内容,然后转到列表中的最后一个单元格(C8)

查看隐藏的内容 (See the Hidden Contents)

You can see apostrophes in those "non-blank" converted cells, if you turn on an Excel option:


  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the File tab在Excel功能区上,单击“文件”选项卡
  • At the left, click Option在左侧,单击选项
  • In the Category list, click Advanced在类别列表中,单击高级。
  • Scroll down to the end of the Advanced options, and look for the Lotus Compatibility section向下滚动到“高级”选项的末尾,然后查找“ Lotus兼容性”部分。
  • Add a check mark to Transition Navigation Keys在过渡导航键上添加复选标记
  • Click OK, to close the Options window单击确定,关闭“选项”窗口
  • Select a cell that looks blank, and check the Formula bar选择一个看起来空白的单元格,然后检查编辑栏

You should see an apostrophe there.


空白单元格问题的其他原因 (Other Causes for Blank Cells Problem)

This problem can also occur WITHOUT importing data from Microsoft Access.

如果不从Microsoft Access导入数据,也会发生此问题。

Follow these steps to create a similar situation with Excel formulas.


  • In column A, enter the numbers 1 to 10在A列中,输入数字1到10
    • The formula checks the number in column A.公式检​​查A列中的数字。
    • If it is odd, the IF function returns a 1.如果为奇数,则IF函数返回1。
    • If it is not odd, IF returns an empty string ("")如果不是奇数,则IF返回一个空字符串(“”)
  • The rows with 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 look blank, because the formula returns an empty string ("") in those cells具有2、4、6、8和10的行看起来是空白的,因为该公式在这些单元格中返回一个空字符串(“”)

Fortunately, you can see the formula if you click on any of those cells, so it's easy to see why the cells are not really blank.


Next, follow these steps to create the blank cells problem:


  • Select all the cells with formulas选择所有带有公式的单元格
  • Copy the cells, and then Paste As Values, in the same location复制单元格,然后在同一位置粘贴为值

Now those cells for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 look empty, but Excel still counts them in the COUNTA formula, in cell D3. And, if you click on any of the empty string cells, the formula bar shows nothing.

现在,用于2、4、6、8和10的那些单元格看起来是空的,但是Excel仍然在单元格D3中的COUNTA公式中对其进行计数。 而且,如果您单击任何空字符串单元格,则编辑栏将不显示任何内容。

So, you can create the same issue by pasting Excel formulas as values, if some of the cells contain an empty string


修复空白Excel单元格-查找和替换 (Fix Blank Excel Cells - Find and Replace)

To fix the problem, so the "blank" cells are recognized as blank, you can use the Find and Replace command, in two steps.


NOTE: You can record a macro while you fix the cells, and run that macro later, if you encounter a similar problem. See my macro code, below.

注意:您可以在修复单元格时记录宏,然后在遇到类似问题时稍后运行该宏。 请参阅下面的宏代码。

  • Select all the cells选择所有单元格
  • Press Ctrl + H to open the Find and Replace window按Ctrl + H打开“查找和替换”窗口
  • Leave the Find What box empty将“查找内容”框留空
  • In the Replace With box,type a string that is not in the data, such as "$$$$"在“替换为”框中,键入一个不在数据中的字符串,例如“ $$$$”
  • Click the Replace All button, to Replace all the blanks with $$$$单击全部替换按钮,将所有空白替换为$$$$
  • Next, put "$$$$" in the Find What box接下来,在“查找内容”框中放入“ $$$$”
  • Press the Tab key, to go the the Replace With box按Tab键,转到“替换为”框
  • With the $$$$ text selected, press the Delete key, to clear the Replace With box选择$$$文本后,按Delete键,清除“替换为”框
  • Click the Replace All button, to replace all the $$$$ entries with nothing单击全部替换按钮,以不显示任何内容替换所有的$$$$$

修复空白Excel单元格-文本到列 (Fix Blank Excel Cells - Text to Columns)

Here is another quick solution, posted by Ed Ferraro, in the comments below.

这是Ed Ferraro在以下评论中发布的另一种快速解决方案。

  • Select all the cells选择所有单元格
  • On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab在Excel功能区上,单击“数据”选项卡
  • Click the Text to Columns command单击“文本到列”命令
  • In Step 1, select Delimited, then click the Finish button在步骤1中,选择“定界”,然后单击“完成”按钮

That solves the problem, and you could record those steps as a macro too.


修复空白Excel单元格-过滤器 (Fix Blank Excel Cells - Filter)

Here is another quick solution, posted by Gobish, in the comments below.


  • In the column heading cell, click the arrow, to see the filter options在列标题单元格中,单击箭头,以查看过滤器选项
  • Remove the check mark from (Select All)删除(全选)中的复选标记
  • Add a check mark to (Blanks)在(空白)上添加复选标记
  • Click OK点击确定
  • Select all the visible blank cells, and press the Delete key to clear them选择所有可见的空白单元格,然后按Delete键清除它们
  • To remove the filter, click the arrow in the heading cell, and click the Clear Filter command要删除过滤器,请单击标题单元格中的箭头,然后单击“清除过滤器”命令

That technique also solves the problem, and you could record those steps as a macro too.


修复空白单元格宏代码 (The Fix Blank Cells Macro Code)

Here is the Excel VBA code that fixes the blank cells, by using the Replace command. It works on the selected cells in the active worksheet. Store the macro code on a regular worksheet module.

这是通过使用“替换”命令修复空白单元格的Excel VBA代码。 它适用于活动工作表中选定的单元格。 将宏代码存储在常规工作表模块上 。

Sub FixBlankCells()
' Make blank cells from database really blank
With Selection
.Replace What:="", _
Replacement:="$$$$", _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
MatchCase:=False, _
SearchFormat:=False, _
.Replace What:="$$$$", _
Replacement:="", _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
MatchCase:=False, _
SearchFormat:=False, _
End With
End Sub

观看修复空白单元格视频 (Watch the Fix Blank Cells Video)

To see the steps for fixing the blank cells, and recording and running a macro, you can watch this short Excel video tutorial.



下载修复空白Excel单元格工作簿 (Download the Fix Blank Excel Cells Workbook)

To work with the sample tables, and run the macro, you can download the Fix Blank Cells in Excel sample workbook.

要使用示例表并运行宏,您可以下载Excel示例工作簿中的“ 修复空白单元格”

The file is in xlsm format, zipped, and contains macros. You'll have to enable macros to test the Fix Blank Cells code in the sample file. __________

该文件为xlsm格式,已压缩并包含宏。 您必须启用宏以测试示例文件中的“修复空白单元格”代码。 __________

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2011/04/13/fix-blank-excel-cells-copied-from-database/




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