Thoth and the Tarot dpedtech(透特和塔罗牌dpedtech)

Thoth and the Tarot i

Thoth and the Tarot:

The Amazing Secrets

Douglass A. White Cover Art: In the upper right corner is

a drawing of Thoth. The glyphs

A Delta Point Book read "Tekhuti, Thrice Great". In the

lower left corner is a sketch of the

Published by Tree of Life, showing the Ten

Delta Point Sephiroth and with Phoenician letters

Yung-ho, Taiwan marking the 22 Paths.

Copyright (c) Douglass A. White, 2004, 2005

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part

in any form of the material in this book.

Edition 2.0 (April, 2005) with emendations and many new findings

Price: $35.00 (USD)

Delta Point Books


*Highly Recommended: The Rider-Waite version of the Tarot deck.

You will find this deck extremely useful when you study the Tarot Card

layouts and descriptions provided in this book. Much of the book's

material refers to the drawings by Pamela Colman Smith made under the

direction of Arthur Waite that form the Rider-Waite deck.

*Also Highly Recommended: The Builders of the Adytum version of the

22 Maj or Arcana. These drawings by Jessie Burns Parke under the

direction of Paul Foster Case are well executed and frequent mention of

them is made in this book.

*Also Recommended: The deck designed by Oswald Wirth.

*Publication details are in the References at the back of the book.

Thoth and the Tarot ii

Thoth and the Tarot iii


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