import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类

private static String getMessage(Throwable cause) {

if (cause instanceof KeeperException) {

KeeperException keeperException = (KeeperException) cause;

if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException) {

return "Node does not exist: " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NoChildrenForEphemeralsException) {

return "Ephemerals cannot have children: " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NodeExistsException) {

return "Node already exists: " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NotEmptyException) {

return "Node not empty: " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NotReadOnlyException) {

return "Not a read-only call: " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.InvalidACLException) {

return "Acl is not valid : " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NoAuthException) {

return "Authentication is not valid : " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.BadArgumentsException) {

return "Arguments are not valid : " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.BadVersionException) {

return "version No is not valid : " + keeperException.getPath();

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.ReconfigInProgress) {

return "Another reconfiguration is in progress -- concurrent " +

"reconfigs not supported (yet)";

} else if (keeperException instanceof KeeperException.NewConfigNoQuorum) {

return "No quorum of new config is connected and " +

"up-to-date with the leader of last commmitted config - try invoking reconfiguration after " +

"new servers are connected and synced";



return cause.getMessage();

} KeeperException.BadArgumentsException方法代码示例相关推荐

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