• 动机:阿姨花了30元给幼儿园的小弟弟买了一本习题,里面都是简单的二元加减法。我一听,惊道:“怎么还花钱买题?我动动手指能给你生成一千条。”

    阿姨觉得二元加减太简单了,想要三元加减法的算术题(x + y + z; x + y - z; x - y - z; x - y + z),因为弟弟还小,只会100以内的加减法,不会负数,所以出的算术题不仅计算结果要在[0, 100]内,算式中的任何两位的计算也要在[0, 100]


  • 思路

    1. 生成在[1,99]内的随机数x, y, z,若它们的计算结果在[0, 100]内,且算式中的任何两位的计算也在[0, 100],就保存在字符串里,作为答案,如"10 + 13 + 9 = 32"
    2. 将字符串存入set中,因为Python的set是无序且不重复的,所以它会自动打乱和去重
    3. 答案写入文件,写入文件时要写入index(题号)
    4. 去掉结果再写入另一个文件,作为题目
  • 用到的方法

    1. 生成随机整数:

      import random
      x = random.randint(1, 99)  # 生成[1, 99]内的整数
    2. set:

      s = set()    # 初始化要用set()
      x = 1
      s.add(x)    # 将x插入s
    3. 将结果存入文件

      text = "Hello world!"
      with open(file, 'a') as f:    # 追加文本到文件# 每次输入前清空文件f.seek(0)f.truncate()# 将文本写入文件f.write(text)
  • 代码

    import randomdef fun1(x, y, z):s = str(x) + " + " + str(y) + " + " + str(z) + " = " + str(x + y + z)return sdef fun2(x, y, z):s = str(x) + " + " + str(y) + " - " + str(z) + " = " + str(x + y - z)return sdef fun3(x, y, z):s = str(x) + " - " + str(y) + " + " + str(z) + " = " + str(x - y + z)return sdef fun4(x, y, z):s = str(x) + " - " + str(y) + " - " + str(z) + " = " + str(x - y - z)return sdef generate(num):s = set()while len(s) < num:x = random.randint(1, 99)y = random.randint(1, 99)z = random.randint(1, 99)if ((x + y >= 0 and x + y <= 100)and (y + z >= 0 and y + z <= 100)and (x + z >= 0 and x + z <= 100)and (x + y + z >= 0 and x + y + z <= 100)):s.add(fun1(x, y, z))if ((x + y >= 0 and x + y <= 100)and (y - z >= 0 and y - z <= 100)and (x - z >= 0 and x - z <= 100)and (x + y - z >= 0 and x + y - z <= 100)):s.add(fun2(x, y, z))if ((x - y >= 0 and x - y <= 100)and (- y + z >= 0 and - y + z <= 100)and (x + z >= 0 and x + z <= 100)and (x - y + z >= 0 and x - y + z <= 100)):s.add(fun3(x, y, z))if ((x - y >= 0 and x - y <= 100)and (- y - z >= 0 and - y - z <= 100)and (x - z >= 0 and x - z <= 100)and (x - y - z >= 0 and x - y - z <= 100)):s.add(fun4(x, y, z))return sdef save_in_file(answers, answer_file, question_file):with open(answer_file, 'a') as f:# 每次输入前清空文件f.seek(0)f.truncate()cnt = 1for ans in answers:text = str(cnt) + ")  " + ans + '\n'f.write(text)cnt += 1with open(question_file, 'a') as f:f.seek(0)f.truncate()cnt = 1for ans in answers:ques = str(cnt) + ")  " + ans[: ans.find('=') + 1] + "\n"f.write(ques)cnt += 1save_in_file(generate(1000),
  • 结果

    • 生成的txt文件:
    • 排版后的word文档:


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