PROB comes from the Latin words for "prove or proof(证明)".


The process of proving in court(法庭) that the will of someone who has died is valid(有效的),and of administering(管理) the estate(财产) of a dead person.

*Today we use probate more broadly(宽广地) to mean everything that's handled(处理) in probate court.

例:When her father died,she thought she would be able to avoid probate,but she wasn't that lucky.


Absolute(绝对) honesty and uprightness(正直).

*Probity is a quality the public generally hopes for in its elected (选举) officials, but doesn't always get.

例:Her unquestioned probity helped win her the respect of her fellow judges.


probity audit 公正审核

probity shiftiness 正直

advocating probity 倡导廉洁


A person of thoroughly(彻底) bad character.

例:His wife finally left him,claiming(声称) he was a reprobate who would disappear for weeks at a time,gambling(赌博) and drinking away all his money.


accolade reprobate 极力赞扬

have reprobate tendencies 有堕落的倾向

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