一 HttpEntity的类型

1  BasicHttpEntity


  1. /**

  2. * BasicHttpEntity

  3. * @throws IOException

  4. */

  5. public static void testBasicHttpEntity() throws IOException{

  6. InputStream is = null;

  7. //BasicHttpEntity这类就是一个输入流的内容包装类,包装内容的相关的编码格式,长度等

  8. BasicHttpEntity entity = new BasicHttpEntity();

  9. //设置内容

  10. entity.setContent(is);

  11. //设置长度

  12. entity.setContentLength(is.available());

  13. //没搞懂chunked这个属性啥意思

  14. entity.setChunked(false);

  15. }

2  ByteArrayEntity


  1. /**

  2. * ByteArrayEntity

  3. * @throws IOException

  4. */

  5. public static void testByteArrayEntity() throws IOException{

  6. ByteArrayEntity entity = new ByteArrayEntity("内容".getBytes());

  7. ByteArrayInputStream is = (ByteArrayInputStream) entity.getContent();

  8. //上面这行代码返回的其实是一个ByteArrayInputStream对象

  9. /*public InputStream getContent() {

  10. return new ByteArrayInputStream(this.b, this.off, this.len);

  11. }*/

  12. }

3  StringEntity


  1. /**

  2. * StringEntity

  3. * @throws IOException

  4. */

  5. public static void testStringEntity() throws IOException{

  6. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

  7. //获取系统的信息集合,这个集合是不可以修改的

  8. Map<String, String> nev = System.getenv();

  9. for(Entry<String, String> entry : nev.entrySet()){

  10. sb.append(entry.getKey()).append("=")

  11. .append(entry.getValue()).append("\n");

  12. }

  13. String content = sb.toString();

  14. System.out.println(content);

  15. //创建只带字符串参数的

  16. StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(content);

  17. //创建带字符创参数和字符编码的

  18. StringEntity entity2 = new StringEntity(content, "UTF-8");

  19. }

4  InputreamEntity

是流式不可以重复的实体。构造方法是InputStream 和内容长度,内容长度是输入流的长度。

  1. /**

  2. * InputStreamEntity

  3. * @throws IOException

  4. */

  5. public static void testInputStreamEntity() throws IOException{

  6. InputStream is = null;

  7. //InputStreamEntity严格是对内容和长度相匹配的。用法和BasicHttpEntity类似

  8. InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(is, is.available());

  9. }

5  FileEntity


  1. /**

  2. * FileEntity

  3. * @throws IOException

  4. */

  5. public static void testFileEntity() throws IOException{

  6. FileEntity entity = new FileEntity(new File(""), ContentType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED);

  7. FileEntity entity2 = new FileEntity(new File(""), "application/java-achive");

  8. }

6  EntityTemplete


  1. /**

  2. * EntityTemplate

  3. * @throws IOException

  4. */

  5. public static void testEntityTemplate() throws IOException{

  6. ContentProducer producer = new ContentProducer() {

  7. @Override

  8. public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {

  9. outstream.write("这是什么东东》。".getBytes());

  10. }

  11. };

  12. EntityTemplate entity = new EntityTemplate(producer);

  13. entity.writeTo(System.out);

  14. }

7  HttpEntityWrapper


  1. /*

  2. * ====================================================================

  3. * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

  4. * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file

  5. * distributed with this work for additional information

  6. * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

  7. * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

  8. * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

  9. * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

  10. *

  11. * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

  12. *

  13. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

  14. * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


  16. * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the

  17. * specific language governing permissions and limitations

  18. * under the License.

  19. * ====================================================================

  20. *

  21. * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many

  22. * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more

  23. * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see

  24. * <http://www.apache.org/>.

  25. *

  26. */

  27. package org.apache.http.entity;

  28. import java.io.IOException;

  29. import java.io.InputStream;

  30. import java.io.OutputStream;

  31. import org.apache.http.Header;

  32. import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;

  33. import org.apache.http.annotation.NotThreadSafe;

  34. /**

  35. * Base class for wrapping entities.

  36. * Keeps a {@link #wrappedEntity wrappedEntity} and delegates all

  37. * calls to it. Implementations of wrapping entities can derive

  38. * from this class and need to override only those methods that

  39. * should not be delegated to the wrapped entity.

  40. *

  41. * @since 4.0

  42. */

  43. @NotThreadSafe

  44. public class HttpEntityWrapper implements HttpEntity {

  45. /** The wrapped entity. */

  46. protected HttpEntity wrappedEntity;

  47. /**

  48. * Creates a new entity wrapper.

  49. *

  50. * @param wrapped the entity to wrap, not null

  51. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if wrapped is null

  52. */

  53. public HttpEntityWrapper(HttpEntity wrapped) {

  54. super();

  55. if (wrapped == null) {

  56. throw new IllegalArgumentException

  57. ("wrapped entity must not be null");

  58. }

  59. wrappedEntity = wrapped;

  60. } // constructor

  61. public boolean isRepeatable() {

  62. return wrappedEntity.isRepeatable();

  63. }

  64. public boolean isChunked() {

  65. return wrappedEntity.isChunked();

  66. }

  67. public long getContentLength() {

  68. return wrappedEntity.getContentLength();

  69. }

  70. public Header getContentType() {

  71. return wrappedEntity.getContentType();

  72. }

  73. public Header getContentEncoding() {

  74. return wrappedEntity.getContentEncoding();

  75. }

  76. public InputStream getContent()

  77. throws IOException {

  78. return wrappedEntity.getContent();

  79. }

  80. public void writeTo(OutputStream outstream)

  81. throws IOException {

  82. wrappedEntity.writeTo(outstream);

  83. }

  84. public boolean isStreaming() {

  85. return wrappedEntity.isStreaming();

  86. }

  87. /**

  88. * @deprecated (4.1) Either use {@link #getContent()} and call {@link java.io.InputStream#close()} on that;

  89. * otherwise call {@link #writeTo(OutputStream)} which is required to free the resources.

  90. */

  91. @Deprecated

  92. public void consumeContent() throws IOException {

  93. wrappedEntity.consumeContent();

  94. }

  95. }

8  BufferedHttpEntity


  1. /*

  2. * ====================================================================

  3. * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

  4. * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file

  5. * distributed with this work for additional information

  6. * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file

  7. * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

  8. * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

  9. * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

  10. *

  11. * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

  12. *

  13. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

  14. * software distributed under the License is distributed on an


  16. * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the

  17. * specific language governing permissions and limitations

  18. * under the License.

  19. * ====================================================================

  20. *

  21. * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many

  22. * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more

  23. * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see

  24. * <http://www.apache.org/>.

  25. *

  26. */

  27. package org.apache.http.entity;

  28. import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;

  29. import java.io.IOException;

  30. import java.io.InputStream;

  31. import java.io.OutputStream;

  32. import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;

  33. import org.apache.http.annotation.NotThreadSafe;

  34. import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

  35. /**

  36. * A wrapping entity that buffers it content if necessary.

  37. * The buffered entity is always repeatable.

  38. * If the wrapped entity is repeatable itself, calls are passed through.

  39. * If the wrapped entity is not repeatable, the content is read into a

  40. * buffer once and provided from there as often as required.

  41. *

  42. * @since 4.0

  43. */

  44. @NotThreadSafe

  45. public class BufferedHttpEntity extends HttpEntityWrapper {

  46. private final byte[] buffer;

  47. /**

  48. * Creates a new buffered entity wrapper.

  49. *

  50. * @param entity the entity to wrap, not null

  51. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if wrapped is null

  52. */

  53. public BufferedHttpEntity(final HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {

  54. super(entity);

  55. if (!entity.isRepeatable() || entity.getContentLength() < 0) {

  56. this.buffer = EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity);

  57. } else {

  58. this.buffer = null;

  59. }

  60. }

  61. @Override

  62. public long getContentLength() {

  63. if (this.buffer != null) {

  64. return this.buffer.length;

  65. } else {

  66. return wrappedEntity.getContentLength();

  67. }

  68. }

  69. @Override

  70. public InputStream getContent() throws IOException {

  71. if (this.buffer != null) {

  72. return new ByteArrayInputStream(this.buffer);

  73. } else {

  74. return wrappedEntity.getContent();

  75. }

  76. }

  77. /**

  78. * Tells that this entity does not have to be chunked.

  79. *

  80. * @return <code>false</code>

  81. */

  82. @Override

  83. public boolean isChunked() {

  84. return (buffer == null) && wrappedEntity.isChunked();

  85. }

  86. /**

  87. * Tells that this entity is repeatable.

  88. *

  89. * @return <code>true</code>

  90. */

  91. @Override

  92. public boolean isRepeatable() {

  93. return true;

  94. }

  95. @Override

  96. public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {

  97. if (outstream == null) {

  98. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output stream may not be null");

  99. }

  100. if (this.buffer != null) {

  101. outstream.write(this.buffer);

  102. } else {

  103. wrappedEntity.writeTo(outstream);

  104. }

  105. }

  106. // non-javadoc, see interface HttpEntity

  107. @Override

  108. public boolean isStreaming() {

  109. return (buffer == null) && wrappedEntity.isStreaming();

  110. }

  111. } // class BufferedHttpEntity

二 HttpEntity 的使用

1  HttpEntity实体即可以使流也可以使字符串形式。具体有什么用法看他的方法解释:

  1. package com.scl.base;

  2. import java.io.IOException;

  3. import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;

  4. import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;

  5. import org.apache.http.ParseException;

  6. import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;

  7. import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

  8. public class HttpClientDemo06 {

  9. /**

  10. * @param args

  11. */

  12. public static void main(String[] args) {

  13. try {

  14. HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity("这一个字符串实体", "UTF-8");

  15. //内容类型

  16. System.out.println(entity.getContentType());

  17. //内容的编码格式

  18. System.out.println(entity.getContentEncoding());

  19. //内容的长度

  20. System.out.println(entity.getContentLength());

  21. //把内容转成字符串

  22. System.out.println(EntityUtils.toString(entity));

  23. //内容转成字节数组

  24. System.out.println(EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity).length);

  25. //还有个直接获得流

  26. //entity.getContent();

  27. } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

  28. throw new RuntimeException(e);

  29. } catch (ParseException e) {

  30. } catch (IOException e) {

  31. }

  32. }

  33. }

2  对于实体的资源使用完之后要适当的回收资源,特别是对于流实体。例子代码如下:

  1. public static void test() throws IllegalStateException, IOException{

  2. HttpResponse response = null;

  3. HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

  4. if(entity!=null){

  5. InputStream is = entity.getContent();

  6. try{

  7. //做一些操作

  8. }finally{

  9. //最后别忘了关闭应该关闭的资源,适当的释放资源

  10. if(is != null){

  11. is.close();

  12. }

  13. //这个方法也可以把底层的流给关闭了

  14. EntityUtils.consume(entity);

  15. //下面是这方法的源码

  16. /*public static void consume(final HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {

  17. if (entity == null) {

  18. return;

  19. }

  20. if (entity.isStreaming()) {

  21. InputStream instream = entity.getContent();

  22. if (instream != null) {

  23. instream.close();

  24. }

  25. }

  26. }*/

  27. }

  28. }

FROM: http://blog.csdn.net/athenamax/article/details/8185043http://blog.csdn.net/athenamax/article/details/8185041



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