


ASC是阿姆斯特丹智慧城市Amsterdam Smart City(https://amsterdamsmartcity.com),是阿姆斯特丹最核心的智慧城市平台,它连接了公共部门和私营部门。它们以ASC为承托平台,合作进行智慧城市项目并解决城市遇到的挑战。ASC目前由20个永久合作伙伴组成,包括政府、公司、知识机构和民间社会组织等等。同时,“阿姆斯特丹智慧城市是阿姆斯特丹经济委员会的一部分,该委员会致力于阿姆斯特丹都会区的未来发展。”


ASC的50%组建资金来源于阿姆斯特丹市下的独立机构Amsterdam Innovation Motor(AIM),其接受欧盟的资金支持。另50%创立资金则来自运营能源的荷兰公共设备公司,是一家“国有企业”。这家公司还会有一些和私企合作的外包,如菲利普、Cisco等。(这里提到的各种互动和资金往来仅涉及ASC及相关的智慧城市项目)



试着从players/ stakeholders及其motivations的角度解读阿姆斯特丹的智慧城市。


从动机上,一方面他们希望通过使用数字技术和创新,来支持可持续的经济增长(Sancino和Hudson,2020)。另一方面,除了经济利益,公民和社会福利就是政府、公共部门去推动这些项目的源动力,具体包括居民的健康、社会安全问题等。具体案例如:通过大数据研究整个城市的抑郁症倾向(Fitzgerald,2016)。顺嘴一提:在英欧,public health是一个特别受欢迎的研究主题。我要参加CUSP Kings主办的hackathon活动,它主题就是public health.
随着十几年过去,ASC的角色有较大变化。从最初的项目领导者转变为社区管理者和促进者,鼓励成员在平台上自己交流和添加新项目。我想这是一个很聪明的转变,因为不同类型的项目所适合的项目领导者是不一样的。van Winden等人的2016年项目分析报告显示,能源类主题的项目,政府常常是发起者;Mobility主题的项目(不知道怎么翻译合适,交通流动性?)经常为私企发起和主导,政府被吸引或者怎么样,然后参与进来;循环经济类的项目,政府多是发起人,提供项目孵化的土壤、资金支持和政府便利的资源。



前者这样的Global and supra-national actors的作用更多的是提供资金支持。例如,欧盟有专门的智慧城市项目资金,能给阿姆斯特丹提供了资金(Šťáhlavský, 2011)。欧盟这样的跨地区参与者宣称的目标主要是一些“宏大主题”,如环保啦,气候变化啦,能源危机啦等等(Finance Working Group, 2013)。

后者中的典型例子是European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities(EIP-SCC)。除上述提及的人类层面的目标外,它们不乏有其他角度的目标。智慧城市是蕴含巨大利益的新兴领域,而且它具有高度的技术性要求。大家都想让城市变得smarter, 至少宣传起来smarter。那么,由专业人士组成的联盟在这个市场可以拥有很大的话语权。比如一些城市想进行智慧城市的改造,它们没有经验,就会寻求类似EIP-SCC这样的联盟的指导。Kitchin等人的论文表示,EIP-SCC旨在整合智慧城市创新的市场(Kitchin等人,2017)。


私营公司的动机也可分为两大类:企业的社会责任和强烈的商业利益(van Winden等人,2016)。特别是对于科技公司来说,潜在的市场价值和与地方政府的合作关系是很有吸引力的。此外,参与当地的实践项目有助于在现实生活中测试他们的创新idea(van Winden等人,2016)。

Public Utilities(水电能源公司)

Public utilities(直白翻译为公用事业公司)在阿姆斯特丹的智慧城市项目中发挥了特别重要的作用,我原来真没想过……因为项目的主题十有八九都与能源和可持续性有关。不管是C端 or B端,你都避不开能源公司。比如我想把电能的发电、传输和使用数据集合在一起可视化,监控起来(好吧,英国应该早就这么做了,政府网站上有相关的信息公示,图还挺好看)。或者,比如我发明了一个智能优化电能使用的装置,那我想把新设备试点安装到户,那得和电能公司和居民好好合作才行。

对public utilities 公司而言,他们也需要更了解客户和能源的使用情况,更新基础设施,减少能源损耗。


Knowledge institutions (知识机构)



阿姆斯特丹的民间团体、非政府组织和公民积极与ASC平台联系。他们都有一个类似的意愿,即建立一个更好的生活。然而,公民的参与是相对被动的,或没有参与(van Winden等人,2016)。目前,我想象不出来也没有看到,以个体形式,除了在互联网上发言,还能有什么有效的方法。相对而言,团队的形式(NGOs, 社会团体)在沟通,创造和表达方面显然有效得多。


以下是ASC的一个经典项目案例,De Ceuvel。希望通过这个案例,对ASC的运营更深入理解。个人觉得这个项目比较独特,尽管不是ASC的运营模式和阿姆斯特丹智慧城市倡议的最典型代表,但还是能管中窥豹一下。

De Ceuvel被评价为欧洲最可持续和独特的项目之一 (https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/updates/project/the-ceuvel)。De Ceuvel曾是一个水边的工业地块,污染严重,阿姆市政府举办竞赛对其进行改造。竞赛获奖者是主要由建筑师组成的私人事务所小公司团队,整体想法大概是将De Ceuvel改造成一个村庄,使用再生技术充分回收当地特色的资源。在这种情况下,阿姆斯特丹市政府是启动者,为项目提供资金和地区支持。然而,私营部门、研究人员、公民和志愿者的强大组合支持了这个项目。地方政府作为一个战略伙伴,其支持和财政帮助使这个想法成为现实(van Winden等人,2016)。知识机构的参与体现在利用项目的生活实验室进行研究和学习清洁技术。

ASC非常重视倡议的经济可行性,指出只有循环经济项目才能被扩大和复制,并对环境产生巨大影响(Šťáhlavský, 2011)。De Ceuvel工作区和教育项目的利润以及清洁技术的潜在经济价值都得到了赞赏。阿姆斯特丹市政府计划将其经验应用于整个循环区(van Winden等人,2016)。

De Ceuvel的案例展示了阿姆斯特丹智慧城市运作的一些原则和主题:经济可行性,集体努力,能源和循环城市(Šťáhlavský, 2011)。


三螺旋模型中的知识和政策专家被认为是具有专业知识和权力的新认识论社区(Kitchin等人,2017)。然而,可视化的伙伴关系圈(图1)表明,三螺旋中的政府(蓝色部分)和学术界(红色部分)并不是高度参与的角色。似乎许多项目都是由公民、民间组织或中小企业在阿姆斯特丹的创意和创新环境中的愿望开始的(van Winden等人,2016)。而这些案例中的许多技术问题是由公司解决的。学术界的智力资本可能会产生更长期和更有价值的结果(Leydesdorff和Deakin,2011),但至少在项目运作方面,智慧城市中的许多技术问题还不足以成为实施的最大障碍。

Inge Oskam和Willem博士在总结了ASC的12个项目后表示,“三螺旋伙伴关系对于整合和发展智慧城市项目中的新知识并非至关重要”(van Winden等人,2016: 106)。私营公司、非政府组织和民间社会能够在这样一个开放和丰富的信息环境中共同产生他们所需要的知识(van Winden等人,2016)。ASC也在从项目领导者转变为社区管理者和促进者,鼓励成员在平台上自己交流和添加新项目。在最近的研究中,智慧城市的四重螺旋模型和以公民为中心的模式正在出现,其中包括居民(Kuzior和Kuzior,2020)。上述情况表明,智慧城市举措的多样性已经超越了三重螺旋模式的发展。

此外,阿姆斯特丹的智慧城市倡议没有正式的战略文件。智慧城市活动的张力是通过过程。ASC平台将参与者联系起来,促进合作者共同创造解决方案。在某种程度上,工作模式更多的是基于项目和关于背景的(Van Beurden和Andrews,2011)。因此,利益相关者和自上而下的组织手段之间的三重关系可能是不恰当的,它更像是ASC作为一个网络连接所有参与者。我想说的是,正是阿姆斯特丹的开放运作方式,减轻了一些市民对智慧城市概念的抵触,并反映了围绕智慧城市的倡导联盟所缺失的民主(Kitchin等人,2017)。


ASC and Project Case

Amsterdam Smart City (ASC) is the core smart city platform in Amsterdam which brings public and private sectors together to work on smart city projects and address urban challenges (Amsterdam Smart City, no date). The public-private partnership of ASC consists of twenty permanent partners, including governments, companies, knowledge institutions and civil society organisations (Amsterdam Smart City, no date). An online community was shaped gradually. Then ASC, the online innovative platform, has been attracting more partners to the smart cities’ effort, such as individuals, citizens, communities, start-ups, and small companies actively involved in the progress of smart cities. Here is an example of one of ASC’s projects.

De Ceuvel is one of Europe’s most sustainable and unique projects (van der Veen, 2016). Under the idea of private companies consisting mainly of Architects, the former industrial plot in De Ceuvel was turned into a village using regenerative technologies to fully recycle local resources. In this case, Amsterdam Municipality was the starter and provided funding and area support for the project. However, a strong combination of private sectors, researchers, citizens and volunteers supported this project. Local government acted as a strategic partner, whose support and financial help made the idea a reality(van Winden et al., 2016). The engagements of knowledge institutions were reflected in using the project’s living lab for research and studying clean technology.

ASC places great importance on the economic viability of initiatives, stating that only circular economic projects can be expanded and replicated, and have a large environmental influence (Šťáhlavský, 2011). The profit of De Ceuvel workspace and education programme and the potential economic value of clean technologies were appreciated. Amsterdam Municipality planned to apply its experiences to the whole circular district(van Winden et al., 2016).

Roles and Motivations

The case of De Ceuvel demonstrates some principles and themes of smart city operations in Amsterdam: economic viability, collective effort, energy and circular city (Šťáhlavský, 2011).

Local government was the cofounder of smart city platforms, giving funding and providing human capital. For example, AIM was a government agency and invested 50% funds in ASC. City of Amsterdam is also its permanent partner. They focus on using digital technologies and innovation to support sustainable economic growth (Sancino and Hudson, 2020). Except for economic interests, civic value and residents’ health and safety issues are also motivating public sectors, such as working on big data to study depression across the city (Fitzgerald, 2016).

The role of global and supra-national actors is more about providing financial support. For example, European Union (EU) provided funding for smart cities in Amsterdam (Šťáhlavský, 2011). Trans-local players like EU are motivated by climate and energy targets mainly (Finance Working Group, 2013). ‘The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities’ (EIP-SCC) aims at integrating the market for smart city innovations (Kitchin et al., 2017).

Private companies’ motivations come from both corporate social responsibility and strong business interests(van Winden et al., 2016). For technical companies particularly, the value of potential markets and partnerships with local authorities are appealing. Additionally, engagement in local projects helps to test their innovations in real-life contexts(van Winden et al., 2016). Utilities play an important part because the theme of activities relates to energy and sustainability. They need to learn more about customers and the usage of energy, and update infrastructures. Knowledge institutions are intrinsically motivated to engage and benefit from real-world projects. They are at the back end of the workflow mainly, rarely the initiators. Civil societies, NGOs and citizens of Amsterdam connect to ASC platform actively. They share a similar willingness of building a better life. However, citizens’ participation is relatively passive, or absent(van Winden et al., 2016). The team format is more powerful in communicating and co-creating.

Does the triple helix concept adequately reflect the vision of the smart city initiative?

The knowledge and policy experts in triple-helix model are considered in a new epistemic community with expertise and power (Kitchin et al., 2017). However, the visualised partnerships circle (Figure 1) indicates that government (the blue part) and academia (the red part) in triple helix were not highly engaged actors. It seems like many projects started as grass-rooted by the desire of citizens, civil organisations or SMEs in the creative and innovative environment of Amsterdam (van Winden et al., 2016). And many technical problems in those cases were solved by companies. The intellectual capital of academia may produce longer-term and more valuable results (Leydesdorff and Deakin, 2011), but at least in terms of project operation, many of the technical issues in smart cities are not enough to be the biggest barriers to implementation.

Inge Oskam and Dr Willem stated that “triple helix partnerships are not vital to integrate and develop new knowledge in smart city projects” after summarizing twelve projects in ASC (van Winden et al., 2016: 106). Private companies, NGOs and civil societies were able to co-generate the knowledge they needed in such an open and rich information environment (van Winden et al., 2016). ASC is also transforming from project leader to community manager and facilitator, encouraging members to communicate and add new projects themselves on platforms, (Amsterdam Smart City, no date). Quadruple helix model and citizen-centric mode for smart cities are emerging in recent research, which includes residents (Kuzior and Kuzior, 2020). The above indicates the diversity of smart city initiatives that have evolved beyond the triple helix model.

Moreover, there is no formal strategy document for Amsterdam’s smart city initiative. The tension of smart city activities is through process. The ASC platform connects players and facilitates collaborators to co-create solutions. To some extent, the working mode is more project-based and about the context (Van Beurden and Andrews, 2011). Therefore a triple relationship between stakeholders and the top-down organizing means might be improper, and it is more like ASC as a network connecting all players. I would argue that it is Amsterdam’s open way of operating that mitigates some citizens’ resistance to the notion of smart city and reflects the missing democracy that advocacy coalitions around the smart city have(Kitchin et al., 2017).


Amsterdam Smart City (no date) ‘Amsterdam Smart City’. Available at: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/ (Accessed: 2 February 2023).

Finance Working Group (2013) Using EU funding mechanism for Smart Cities, Report of Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform.

Fitzgerald, M. (2016) Data-Driven City Management, A Close Look at Amsterdam’s Smart City Initiative.

Kitchin, R. et al. (2017) ‘Smart cities, epistemic communities, advocacy coalitions and the `last mile’ problem’, it - Information Technology, 59(6), pp. 275–284. doi:10.1515/itit-2017-0004.

Kuzior, A. and Kuzior, P. (2020) ‘The Quadruple Helix Model as a Smart City Design Principle’, Virtual Economics, 3(1), pp. 39–57. doi:10.34021/ve.2020.03.01(2).

Leydesdorff, L. and Deakin, M. (2011) ‘The Triple-Helix Model of Smart Cities: A Neo-Evolutionary Perspective’, Journal of Urban Technology, 18(2), pp. 53–63. doi:10.1080/10630732.2011.601111.

Sancino, A. and Hudson, L. (2020) ‘Leadership in, of, and for smart cities – case studies from Europe, America, and Australia’, Public Management Review, 22(5), pp. 701–725. doi:10.1080/14719037.2020.1718189.

Šťáhlavský, R. (2011) Amsterdam Smart City project.

Van Beurden, H. and Andrews, I. (2011) Smart city dynamics: Inspiring views from experts across Europe. HvB Communicatie bv.

van der Veen, E. (2016) ‘De Ceuvel’, 23 February. Available at: https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/updates/project/the-ceuvel (Accessed: 2 February 2023).

van Winden, W. et al. (2016) ‘Organising smart city projects: Lessons from Amsterdam’.


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