
The sage's words always make us bear in mind , one of which is good like "Education contain many sides , but itself can't teach you any side . " The sage show us a truth like that : if  you don't take action , the most practical 、the most beautiful 、 the most feasible philosophy make no sense.


I always believe that action create a chance . Even the best idea ,it have a bug.As well,Even it is a common plan,provide that we can carry it out step by step and improve it .We often can get a better result than do a plan by halves.Because the former stick to the end,and the latter go down the drain.So I say that there is no secret of success,If you want to gain a positive result in your life,there is no doubt that it is good to own high intelligence and special talent and skill,but not, It doesn't matter.So long as you can take positive action ,you will be closer to success.

        What a pity is that many people doesn't remember the big lesson , As a result they wallon in mediocrity. When you observe the common person,you will find that they all live  passively.They always talk more than they do,even just leave their words.But they are almost expert of finding excuse.They will find kinds of excuses to put off the things until  they prove those things are unavailable,unable to do or too late.

        Compare with them,I seem to be smart and cunning. Mr Gates flatter me as a positive and conscious actor.I am glad to the praise,because I don't let down to his praise.Positive action is another sign of mine,I never want to be an armchair strategist. Because I know that no action ,no result.Enerything only can be gotton by executive  idea in the world.So long as we live,we must take action.

       Many people admit that the basic knowledge without wisdom is useless,however,what is sadder things is there are only knowledge and wisdom ,but no action.If that , all is none.We can treat action and sufficient preparation as the two sides of a object. We must know enough is enough in our life,too many preparations without acion is only a waste of time.In other words,everythins must be control,we couldn't fall into the trap of perpetual practice and plans.We must admit the reality that no matter how detail the plan,we still can not predict the final result.

There is no doubt that plan is important , which is the first step of a benefit result,but you must know the plan is not equal to action and can not replace action.Just like golf,if you don't get in the first hole , you won't get the second hole.Action rule,no action,nothing happen.We won't buy a hundred percent insurance in life,but we can make up our mind to carry out our plans.

        The people lack of action always have a bad habit of being fond of maintaining the status quo and refuse to change. I regard this as a kind of fraudulent and suicidal bad habit, because everything is changing just like man can live and die,not the same thing.But because of the fear inside to the future,many people resist the change,even how unsatisfactory  the present is , he don't dare to move forward one step.When you find the people they should have gained success in their career ,as a result they accomplish nothing,And then you will know that is what a hard thing of stopping to sympathize them.

        Sure. everyone will have worries and fears in their heart when they make a big decision,as

well,face troubles whether to do it .But the actor light the fire with their determination,in order to make their dream come true,they always have various ways and marvelous courage of conquring difficulties.

        Many persons lack of actions almost are naive,they are fond of waiting for things to happen naturally.They always take for the others will care ,however,besides yourself , the others won't be interested in it.People are just be interested in their own things.Such as a business ,if we can get a higher profit,we should take action as positive as possible,because its success and failure do

not matter to the others,and they don't care it .when we have better to put it forward ,if we are  slack and shrink ,we just wait the others to  take positive action,the result will be disappointing.


Only one person rely  on his own,they won't let himself down and get the chance to be their own master.The smart peson always make it happen.

The frustrating thing in life is what we want to do much , as a result we will accomplish nothing,because we not only have no too much time to do it but also feel tired because of thinking tedious steps.We must admit that time is limited,anyone can not finish everything.The smart person know that it is not all the behavior can result in good result,only the sensible action will contribute to a meaning result.So the smart guy just take acton for a meaning ,positive work and be revelant to the best goal , once they take action,they always can put their back in it ,so the smart person always can make the most valuable contribute to themselve and benefit from it.

         You can not eat an elephant by one bit, the same to doing a thing.If you want to finish everything,as a result ,you will lose the chance.My motto is that Rockefeller adopt unfair treatment in face of the urgent thing.       
            Many people always make themselves passitive,they always wait for all things prepared,when they start to take action.Chance is everywhere,but none is perfect.Those passive people are mediocre in their entire life,just because only all things all prepared ,they start to do.That is a silly way.Sometimes,We must compromise to our life and believe that what we have is just we need,then we can jump out of mire of silly  waiting .
            We purse perfect , however, nothing is absolutely perfect in humans, just be close to perfect. If we want to wait for all things prepared and then start to do , the result is we will keep waiting forever,and the chance will belong to the others.Those who wait for all things prepared and then start to begin,they will neverleave their home . If we want to be a person of "do is now", then we must give up our daydreams,just think the moment and do is now.Those words like tomorrow、next week and future have the same meaning as impossible.

Everyone have a moment when we lose our confidence and doubt our abilities,especially in a bad situation.However ,those who really know behavior  art,they can conquer it by their perseverance,they will tell themselves that everyone will lose,and everyone have a bad time,besides,they know that no matter how much preparation they do and think befor the start to move,But when they start it ,they still can not avoid making some mistakes.However,the passive person does not take the failure as a chance of study,they always tell themselves that maybe I really can't do it,as a result,they won't take active action in future.

            Many people believe that wishes make things come true,but I take it as a lie. Good ideas is everywhere, the original idea is just the first step of a serial of actions, and then the second preparation and plan,Lastly the third action. We never lack the people who have many good ideas and ways in the world, but we lake the people who know how to make a good idea come true than they just think out a thousand good ideas.

            It's your action,which is the true function the people value your ability, but not the things in your mind . People always believe in the person who is down-to-earth,they both think that your actions are consistent with your words and you msut know how to get the best. I never hear that a person get prise because of they don't trouble the others,no actions or do things by others' orders. Those who become the leader in industry and commerce 、government and military are both capable and one hundred percent active guys.Those who stand beside will never be a leader.

        No matter the people who are spontaneous 、voluntary or passive , all that is because the habit make them to be, the habit is just like the rope,we weave one everyday,and finally it will become a thick one, then we can't break it. The rope of habit will guide us to the peak or to the valley, that mainly depend that it's a bad habit or a good habit. The bad habit can manipulate us , determine the success and failure , which is liable to develop, but hard to cope. The good  habit is hard to cultivate , but is easy to keep it.

        We need to have a habit of doing it now, what is important is having a positive spirit , drop the sluggish and determin to be a positive person and dare to do ,don't wait all things setted,keep remember that perfect things is not exist in the world. Cultivating a active habit do not a special and brilliant brain or a special skill , what we need is just hard work and let the good habit bloom and bear fruit in our life.

       Son, life is a great battle, in order to gain the final victory, you must take action,take ation and take action forever ! Only in this way, can  your safe be guaranteed .

      Marry Christmas,I think no a gift as well as this letter for Christams in this moment .


Love your Father


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