

Github 源码




  • 安装:
$ npm install -g hexo-cli
  • 建站:
$ hexo init <folder>
$ cd <folder>
$ npm install


Butterfly github
Butterfly 文档

  • 下载主题,拷贝至 themes 目录
git clone https://github.com/jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly.git
  • 根据 butterfly 文档修改 _config.ymlthemes/_config.yml 文件
    1._config.yml (删除默认部分)
title: 记忆碎片
subtitle: '博客'
description: 玻璃晴朗,橘子辉煌。
keywords: ''
#作者 显示在头像下方、页脚、版权声明等处
author: 半个夕阳
language: zh-CN
timezone: ''#若网站为子路径时配置
root: /   ......#修改为butterfly主题
theme: butterfly
  1. themes/_config.yml (删除默认部分)
menu:首页: / || fas fa-home标签: /tags/ || fas fa-tags分类: /categories/ || fas fa-folder-open留言板: /messageboard/ || fa fa-paper-plane关于我: /about/ || fas fa-heart
social:fab fa-github:https://github.com/hxh2010 || Githubfas fa-envelope:mailto:316020201@qq.com || Email# Local search
local_search:enable: true# Favicon(網站圖標)
favicon: Avatar (頭像)
avatar:img: false #头像会一直转圈# 主页大图
index_img: If the banner of page not setting, it will show the top_img
default_top_img: note: tag page, not tags page (子標籤頁面的 top_img)
tag_img: display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面)index_enable: trueaside_enable: truearchives_enable: trueposition: bothdefault_cover: Display the article introduction on homepage
# 1: description
# 2: both (if the description exists, it will show description, or show the auto_excerpt)
# 3: auto_excerpt (default)
# false: do not show the article introduction
index_post_content:method: 3length: 500 # if you set method to 2 or 3, the length need to config# Related Articles
related_post:enable: truelimit: 6 # Number of posts displayeddate_type: created # or created or updated 文章日期顯示創建日或者更新日# valine
# https://valine.js.org
valine:appId: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # leancloud application app idappKey: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # leancloud application app keypageSize: 10 # comment list page sizeavatar: mp # gravatar style https://valine.js.org/#/avatarlang: zh-CN # i18n: zh-CN/zh-TW/en/japlaceholder: 留下你的想法,已读必回! # valine comment input placeholder (like: Please leave your footprints)guest_info: nick,mail # valine comment header info (nick/mail/link)recordIP: false # Record reviewer IPserverURLs: # This configuration is suitable for domestic custom domain name users, overseas version will be automatically detected (no need to manually fill in)bg: # valine backgroundemojiCDN: # emoji CDNenableQQ: false # enable the Nickname box to automatically get QQ Nickname and QQ AvatarrequiredFields: nick,mail # required fields (nick/mail)option:# the subtitle on homepage (主頁subtitle)
subtitle:enable: trueeffect: trueloop: falsesource: falsesub: "一念山河成,一念百草生。"# Loading Animation (加載動畫)
preloader: false# aside (側邊欄)
# --------------------------------------aside:enable: truehide: falsebutton: truemobile: true # display on mobileposition: right # left or rightcard_author:enable: truedescription:button:icon: fas fa-hometext: 个人主页link: truecontent: 念念不忘,必有回响。card_recent_post:enable: truelimit: 5 # if set 0 will show allsort: date # date or updatedcard_categories:enable: truelimit: 8 # if set 0 will show allexpand: none # none/true/falsecard_tags:enable: truelimit: 40 # if set 0 will show allcolor: falsecard_archives:enable: truetype: monthly # yearly or monthlyformat: MMMM YYYY # eg: YYYY年MM月order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descendinglimit: 8 # if set 0 will show allcard_webinfo:enable: truepost_count: truelast_push_date: true


  • 文档有的内容就不赘述了,如果对你有帮助,点个星吧!
  • 有什么需要可以留言!

Hexo+Butterfly 快速搭建个人博客【附源码】相关推荐

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    有些效果无法在这儿体现,如果想看完整的效果,请移步个人站点. 原文链接:基于 Hexo 从零开始搭建个人博客(五) 阅读本篇前,请先阅读前几篇文章: 基于 Hexo 从零开始搭建个人博客(一) 基于 ...

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  5. Hexo+GitHub 快速搭建个人博客(三)---- 改变主题

    前期准备: 基本的Linux命令 基本的GitHub命令 Hexo有多种博客框架,在 https://hexo.io/themes/ 里可以找到非常多优秀的博客框架,而且都是免费的. 首先大家可以去找 ...

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  7. Hexo+GitHub 快速搭建个人博客(一)---- 基本部署

    前期准备: 1.Git shell 2.node.js 3.在github上创建一个仓库,仓库命名格式为xxx.github.io 一.安装Hexo cd进入自己想要安装的目录下,执行下面的命令 np ...

  8. 如何使用Github+Hexo快速搭建个人博客

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