

/*9-32(a)-12-29-21.48.c -- 第九章第三十二题*/



#include "new_adjacenty_list.h"

#include "rqueue.h"

#define SIZE (12)

int g_last_path = INFINITY ;

int main (void) ;

void buildGraph (Adjacenty_List * const padj, Hash_Table * const pht) ;

int eulerCircuit (Adjacenty_List * const padj, const Hash_Table * const pht, const int start) ;

void depthFirstSearch (Adjacenty_List * const padj, const Hash_Table * const pht, Rqueue * const prq, const int index) ;

int isAnOddExpectZero (const int num) ;

void changeVisited (Adjoin_To_Vertex * const * const vertex, const int hash_value) ;

int splice (Rqueue_Node * const * const scan_1st, Rqueue * const prq_2nd) ;

int main (void)


Adjacenty_List adj ;

Hash_Table ht ;

int capacity = SIZE, start = 0 ;

Initialize_A (&adj, capacity) ;

Initialize_H (&ht, capacity * 2) ;

buildGraph (&adj, &ht) ;

eulerCircuit (&adj, &ht, start) ;

Release_A (&adj) ;

Release_H (&ht) ;

return 0 ;


void buildGraph (Adjacenty_List * const padj, Hash_Table * const pht)


InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 0, 'a', 2, 4, 'c', 0, 'd', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 1, 'b', 2, 4, 'c', 0, 'h', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 2, 'c', 6, 12, 'a', 0, 'b', 0, 'd', 0, 'f', 0, 'g', 0, 'i', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 3, 'd', 6, 12, 'a', 0, 'c', 0, 'e', 0, 'g', 0, 'j', 0, 'k', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 4, 'e', 2, 4, 'd', 0, 'j', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 5, 'f', 2, 4, 'c', 0, 'i', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 6, 'g', 4, 8, 'c', 0, 'd', 0, 'i', 0, 'j', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 7, 'h', 2, 4, 'b', 0, 'i', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 8, 'i', 6, 12, 'c', 0, 'f', 0, 'g', 0, 'h', 0, 'j', 0, 'l', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 9, 'j', 6, 12, 'd', 0, 'e', 0, 'g', 0, 'i', 0, 'k', 0, 'l', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 10, 'k', 2, 4, 'd', 0, 'j', 0) ;

InitializeALine_A (padj, pht, 11, 'l', 2, 4, 'i', 0, 'j', 0) ;


int eulerCircuit (Adjacenty_List * const padj, const Hash_Table * const pht, const int start)


Rqueue rq_1st, rq_2nd ;

Rqueue_Node * scan ;

int capacity = (*padj) -> capacity, i ;

if (start < 0 || start >= capacity)

return 0 ;

if (!Initialize_R (&rq_1st) || !Initialize_R (&rq_2nd))

return 0 ;


for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++)


if (isAnOddExpectZero ((*padj) -> indegree[i]))

return 0 ;


depthFirstSearch (padj, pht, &rq_1st, start) ;

scan = rq_1st -> front ;

while (scan)


if ((*padj) -> indegree[scan -> index_in_adjacenty_list])


g_last_path = INFINITY ;

depthFirstSearch (padj, pht, &rq_2nd, scan -> index_in_adjacenty_list) ;

scan = scan -> next ;

/*Splicing these two queues*/

splice (&(rq_1st -> front), &rq_2nd) ;

rq_1st -> current = rq_1st -> current + rq_2nd -> current - 1 ;

rq_2nd -> front = rq_2nd -> rear = NULL ;

rq_2nd -> current = 0 ;



scan = scan -> next ;


/*Print the result*/

for (scan = rq_1st -> front; scan; scan = scan -> next)

printf ("%c/n", (*pht) -> lists[(*padj) -> list[scan -> index_in_adjacenty_list].hash_value].name) ;

Release_R (&rq_1st) ;

if (!IsEmpty_R (&rq_2nd))

Release_R (&rq_2nd) ;

return 1 ;


void depthFirstSearch (Adjacenty_List * const padj, const Hash_Table * const pht, Rqueue * const prq, const int index)


Adjoin_To_Vertex * scan ;

int w ;

// The degree of current vertex--

if (g_last_path != INFINITY)


(*padj) -> indegree[index]-- ;

//The path of from Current vertex to previous vertex should be deleted*/

changeVisited (&(*padj) -> list[index].adjoin_to, (*padj) -> list[g_last_path].hash_value) ;


Insert_R (prq, index) ;

scan = (*padj) -> list[index].adjoin_to ;

while (scan)


/*If he degree of current vertex is 0*/

if (0 == (*padj) -> indegree[(*pht) -> lists[scan -> hash_value].index_in_adjacenty_list])

scan = scan -> next ;

//Else if current vertex is previous vertex*/

else if (g_last_path == (*pht) -> lists[scan -> hash_value].index_in_adjacenty_list)

scan = scan -> next ;

//Else if current vertex has been visited*/

else if (TRUE == scan -> visited)

scan = scan -> next ;


break ;


if (NULL == scan)

return ;

/*The degree of current vertex--*/

(*padj) -> indegree[index]-- ;

/*The path of from Current vertex to objective vertex should be deleted*/

changeVisited (&(*padj) -> list[index].adjoin_to, scan -> hash_value) ;

g_last_path = index ;

w = (*pht) -> lists[scan -> hash_value].index_in_adjacenty_list ;

depthFirstSearch (padj, pht, prq, w) ;


int isAnOddExpectZero (const int num)


return 0 != num && num % 2 != 0 ;


void changeVisited (Adjoin_To_Vertex * const * const vertex, const int hash_value)


if ((*vertex) -> hash_value == hash_value)

(*vertex) -> visited = TRUE ;


changeVisited (&(*vertex) -> next, hash_value) ;


int splice (Rqueue_Node * const * const scan_1st, Rqueue * const prq_2nd)


Rqueue_Node * temp ;

if (*scan_1st)


if ((*scan_1st) -> next -> index_in_adjacenty_list == (*prq_2nd) -> front -> index_in_adjacenty_list)


temp = (*scan_1st) -> next ;

(*scan_1st) -> next = (*prq_2nd) -> front ;

(*prq_2nd) -> rear -> next = temp -> next ;

free (temp) ;

return 1 ;



splice (&(*scan_1st) -> next, prq_2nd) ;



return 0 ;



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