

时钟块是在一个特定的时钟上的一系列同步的信号,它基本上能够将testbench中与时序相关的结构、函数和过程块分开,能够帮助设计人员根据transaction 和 cycle完善testbench,时钟块只能在module、interface或program中声明。

First Example


module COUNTER (input Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn,input [7:0] Data, output reg[7:0] Q);always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset)if (Reset)Q <= 0;elseif (Enable)if (Load)Q <= Data;elseif (UpDn)Q <= Q + 1;elseQ <= Q - 1;


module Test_Counter;timeunit 1ns;reg Clock = 0, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn;reg [7:0] Data;wire [7:0] Q;reg OK;// Clock generatoralwaysbegin#5 Clock = 1;#5 Clock = 0;end// Test stimulusinitialbeginEnable = 0;Load = 0;UpDn = 1;Reset = 1;#10; // Should be resetReset = 0;#10; // Should do nothing - not enabledEnable = 1;    #20; // Should count up to 2UpDn = 0;#40; // Should count downto 254UpDn = 1;// etc. ...end// Instance the device-under-testCOUNTER G1 (Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn, Data, Q);// Check the resultsinitialbeginOK = 1;#9;if (Q !== 8'b00000000)OK = 0;#10;if (Q !== 8'b00000000)OK = 0;#20;if (Q !== 8'b00000010)OK = 0;#40;if (Q !== 8'b11111110)OK = 0;// etc. ...end


module Test_Counter_w_clocking;timeunit 1ns;reg Clock = 0, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn;reg [7:0] Data;wire [7:0] Q;// Clock generatoralwaysbegin#5 Clock = 1;#5 Clock = 0;end// Test programprogram test_counter;// SystemVerilog "clocking block"// Clocking outputs are DUT inputs and vice versadefault clocking cb_counter @(posedge Clock);default input #1step output #4;output negedge Reset;output Enable, Load, UpDn, Data;input Q;endclocking// Apply the test stimulusinitial begin// Set all inputs at the beginning    Enable = 0;            Load = 0;UpDn = 1;Reset = 1;// Will be applied on negedge of clock!##1 cb_counter.Reset  <= 0;// Will be applied 4ns after the clock!##1 cb_counter.Enable <= 1;##2 cb_counter.UpDn   <= 0;##4 cb_counter.UpDn   <= 1;// etc. ...      end// Check the results - could combine with stimulus blockinitial begin##1   // Sampled 1ps (or whatever the precision is) before posedge clock##1 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000000);##1 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000000);##2 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b00000010);##4 assert (cb_counter.Q == 8'b11111110);// etc. ...      end// Simulation stops automatically when both initials have been completedendprogram// Instance the counterCOUNTER G1 (Clock, Reset, Enable, Load, UpDn, Data, Q);// Instance the test program - not required, because program will be// instanced implicitly.// test_COUNTER T1 ();

值得注意的是,在这个testbench模块中,时钟块嵌套在程序中(这样设计testbench的好处能够在Program article这篇文章中完全找到),程序块在不采用module和interface时也能嵌套,因此在多人合作开发的程序中可以共享局部设计( This way multiple co-operating programs can share variables local to the scope? 需要重新理解),无端口的嵌套程序或者顶层设计不需要(显示)实例化(而是隐式实例化,它的模块名同设计中的模块名一样)。


cb_counter时钟块中的信号与Clock的上升沿同步,默认情况下输入有 #1step的偏斜(skew),输出有4ns的时钟偏斜,时钟偏斜决定了从时钟触发开始到某个信号被采样或驱动的时间长度,输入信号偏斜为负(通常指时钟采样前的一段时间),输出偏斜通常指比采样时钟后的那一段时间。

输入时钟偏斜为 #1step 表示时钟的有效沿读取的值始终是紧接相应时钟沿之前的信号的最后一个值,step表示的是时间精度。


Clocking Block Drives




cb.Data[2:0] <= 3'h2;    // Drive 3-bit slice of Data in current cycle
##1 cb.Data <= 8'hz;         // Wait 1 Clk cycle and then drive Data
##2 cb.Data[1] <= 1;         // Wait 2 cycles, then drive bit 1 of Data
cb.Data <= ##1 Int_Data; // Remember the value of Int_Data, and then drive Data 1 Clk cycle later
cb.Data[7:4] <= 4'b0101;
cb.Data[7:4] <= 4'b0011; // Error: driven value of Data[7:4] is 4’b0xx1

Clocking Blocks and Interfaces


在下面的testbench中可以看到(如 modport TestR),interface 的信号的方向与时钟块中指定的方向相同,而从DUT(如 modort Ram)看,接口信号方向相反,testbench中时钟块的信号方向是现对于testbench的,当modport声明能够用于描述任意方向(如: testbench or DUT),为了说明这一点,我们将实现两条总线,他们具有不同时钟,并且testbench与顶层分开,testbench作为program实现。

// Interface definitions
interface DataBus (input Clock);logic [7:0] Addr, Data;modport TestR (inout Addr, inout Data);modport Ram (inout Addr, inout Data);
endinterfaceinterface CtrlBus (input Clock);logic RWn;// RWn is output, as it is in the clocking blockmodport TestR (output RWn);// RWn is input, reversed than in the clocking blockmodport Ram (input RWn);
endinterface// Testbench defined as a program, with two clocking blocks
program TestRAM (DataBus.TestR DataInt,CtrlBus.TestR CtrlInt);clocking cb1 @(posedge DataInt.Clock);inout #5ns DataInt.Data;inout #2ns DataInt.Addr;endclockingclocking cb2 @(posedge CtrlInt.Clock);   output #10;output RWn = CtrlInt.RWn;  //  Hierarchical expressionendclockinginitial begincb2.RWn = 0;cb1.DataInt.Data = 1;...end
endprogrammodule RAM (DataBus.Ram DataInt, CtrlBus.Ram CtrlInt);logic [7:0] mem[0:255];always @*if (CtrlInt.RWn)DataInt.Data = mem[DataInt.Addr];elsemem[DataInt.Addr] = DataInt.Data;
endmodulemodule Top;logic Clk1, Clk2;// Instance the interfacesDataBus TheDataBus(.Clock(Clk1));CtrlBus TheCtrlBus(.Clock(Clk2));RAM TheRAM (.DataBus.Ram(TheDataBus.Ram),.CtrlBus.Ram(TheCtrlBus.Ram)); // Connect themTestRAM TheTest (.DataBus.TestR(TheDataBus.TestR),.CtrlBus.TestR(TheCtrlBus.TestR));

Clocking block events

可以通过时钟块名称直接访问时钟块的时钟事件,如 @(cb) 等于@(posedge clk).可以通过用 时钟块名字和 (.) 操作符俩访问时钟块的各个信号,所有的event都会同步到时钟块。


// Wait for the next change of Data signal from the cb clocking block
@(cb.Data);// Wait for positive edge of signal cb.Ack
@(posedge cb.Ack);// Wait for posedge of signal cb.Ack or negedge of cb.Req
@(posedge cb.Ack or negedge cb.Req);// Wait for the next change of bit 2 of cb.Data
// Wait for the next change of the specified slice

更多关于时钟块结构能够在 Accellera SystemVerilog LRM, section 15找到。


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