

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'io_loop'
Exception AttributeError: "'AutoExpireDict' object has no attribute '_key_watcher'" in <bound method AutoExpireDict.__del__ of {}> ignored



[root@container1 gateone]# cat Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER Dan McDougall <daniel.mcdougall@liftoffsoftware.com>
ENV GATEONE_REPO_URL https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne.git
# Ensure everything is up-to-date
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update --fix-missing && apt-get -y upgrade
# Install dependencies
RUN apt-get -y \install python-pip \python-pil \python-setuptools \python-mutagen \python-pam \python-dev \git \telnet \openssh-client && \apt-get -y clean && \apt-get -q -y autoremove
#RUN pip install --upgrade futures tornado cssmin slimit psutil
RUN pip install --upgrade futures cssmin slimit psutil && pip install tornado==4.5.3# Create the necessary directories, clone the repo, and install everything
RUN mkdir -p /gateone/logs /gateone/users /etc/gateone/conf.d /etc/gateone/ssl && \cd /gateone && \git clone $GATEONE_REPO_URL && \cd GateOne && \python setup.py install && \cp docker/60docker.conf /etc/gateone/conf.d/60docker.conf
# This ensures our configuration files/dirs are created:
RUN /usr/local/bin/gateone --configure \--log_file_prefix="/gateone/logs/gateone.log"
# Remove the auto-generated key/certificate so that a new one gets created the
# first time the container is started:
RUN rm -f /etc/gateone/ssl/key.pem && \rm -f /etc/gateone/ssl/certificate.pem
# (We don't want everyone using the same SSL key/certificate)
COPY ./script/update_and_run_gateone.py /usr/local/bin/update_and_run_gateone
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/update_and_run_gateone", "--log_file_prefix=/gateone/logs/gateone.log"]
[root@interkgcentos7 gateone]# cat update_and_run_gateone.py
#!/usr/bin/env python"""
Checks if Gate One is up-to-date inside the container by performing a
`git pull`.  If new code was pulled it will be automatically installed via
`python setup.py install`Once that's done it will automatically run the 'gateone' command; passing it any
arguments that were passed to this script.To disable the automatic update mechanism simply pass --noupdate as a command
line argument to this script... note::This script will also update the Tornado framework via the pip command.
"""import os, sys
try:from commands import getstatusoutput
except ImportError: # Python 3from subprocess import getstatusoutputif __name__ == "__main__":os.chdir('/gateone/GateOne')os.execvp('/usr/bin/python', ['/usr/bin/python', '/usr/local/bin/gateone'])os._exit(0)
[root@container1 gateone]# cat docker-compose.yml
version: "3"
services:gateone:image: mygateonecontainer_name: gateonevolumes:#将gateone配置文件挂载到本机,为了以后进行修改,如https改为http- ./etc/conf.d:/etc/gateone/conf.d#将默认ssh免密码登录路径挂载到本机- ./gateone/users:/gateone/usersports:- 6001:8000restart: alwaysnetworks:- zabbixnetworks:zabbix:external: true  


1、创建镜像:docker build -t mygateone ./

2、创建网络:docker network create zabbix

3、启动容器:docker-compose up -d


5、重新启动容器,同时检查是否使用http协议和8000端口:docker-compose up -d && docker logs -f gateone



cp ~xxx/.ssh/id_rsa*  /www/xxx/.ssh/ # 其中www为10server.conf中user_dir中指定的目录, xxx为gateone访问时upn用户

echo id_rsa > .default_ids




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