

In March of 2007, before Hulu existed and about a week before Viacom filed a US$1 billion lawsuit against Google and YouTube over alleged copyright violations, I theorized on my personal blog that YouTube was jumping the shark and would likely morph into a video blogging platform, rather than the future of television, which is the type of thing Google talked about when they acquired YouTube for $1.6 billion in 2006. Google said that acquiring YouTube would lead to “new opportunities for professional content owners to distribute their work to reach a vast new audience.” The acquisition was supposed to lead to more commercial content deals.

2007年3月,在Hulu成立之前,以及维亚康姆因涉嫌侵犯版权而对Google和YouTube提起了10亿美元的诉讼之前,我在我的个人博客上理论上认为YouTube跃跃欲试,并有可能演变成视频博客平台,而不是电视的未来,这就是Google在2006年以16亿美元收购YouTube时谈论的事情。Google表示,收购YouTube将为“专业内容所有者分发其作品以达成广泛共识提供新的机会新观众。” 这项收购本应导致更多的商业内容交易 。

So far neither future has quite come true, and the post on my personal blog has been lost to the ether.


A follow on post from a month later (April 2007), is still available at Archive.org, though. In that post, I predicted that, “YouTube will not be a replacement for TV, and it will not be the place to go for finding every video on the web or for watching commercial content. Rather, when Google bought YouTube they bought a video complement to Blogger, their other blogging property. YouTube already offers users the tools to make their own channels, present videos in sequential order, with comments, video responses, subscriptions, and other social features — the skeleton of a powerful video blogging platform. It would be wise for Google to get on board with this and build out YouTube’s video blogging tools even further to match their unrivaled distribution capabilities.”

不过,仍然可以在Archive.org上找到一个月后(2007年4月)的后续帖子。 在那篇博文中,我曾预言:“ YouTube不会替代电视,它也不是寻找网络上每个视频或观看商业内容的地方。 相反,当Google购买YouTube时,他们购买了其另一博客资源Blogger的视频补充。 YouTube已经为用户提供了创建自己的频道,按顺序显示视频,提供评论,视频回复,订阅和其他社交功能的工具,这些功能是强大的视频博客平台的基础。 对于Google来说,加入这一点并进一步构建YouTube的视频博客工具以匹配其无与伦比的分发功能是明智的。”

The problem with that theory, of course, is that user generated content is much harder to monetize than commercial content. When paired with the speech to text recognition technology that Google is working on, however, it could potentially be a lot easier to sell advertising around.

当然,该理论的问题在于,用户生成的内容比商业内容更难货币化。 但是,与Google正在开发的语音识别技术配合使用时,出售广告可能会容易得多。

Two years later, my prediction hasn’t come true, but the landscape of online video has also changed dramatically. Hulu, the joint venture between NBC and Fox, is now a top ten video site and one of the fastest growing on the Internet. Though YouTube is still many times larger than Hulu, the trend appears to be in Hulu’s favor — the content people want to watch most is the commercially created stuff that Hulu has a license to stream.

两年后,我的预测还没有实现,但是在线视频的格局也发生了巨大变化。 NBC和Fox的合资企业Hulu现在是十大视频网站 ,也是互联网上增长最快的网站之一。 尽管YouTube的大小仍然是Hulu的许多倍,但这种趋势似乎在Hulu的支持下-人们最想观看的内容是Hulu拥有可以流媒体播放的商业创作内容。

That’s an idea that was confirmed today in an article by Hitwise GM Bill Tancer. “Of the top 20 search terms entered into YouTube’s site search, 15 were seeking broadcast and cable television content in the form of music videos, movie trailers and episodes of “Family Guy,” a Fox animated sitcom, content that Hulu has license to stream. YouTube often carries similar clips, but without a content license they are subject to removal based on the content owner’s request,” writes Tancer.

Hitwise总经理比尔·坦瑟(Bill Tancer)今天在一篇文章中证实了这一想法。 “在YouTube网站搜索中输入的前20个搜索字词中,有15个正在以音乐视频,电影预告片和Fox动画情景喜剧“全家福”的情节形式寻找广播和有线电视内容,Hulu已获许可流播该内容。 YouTube通常会带有类似的剪辑,但是没有内容许可证,它们会根据内容所有者的要求将其删除。” Tancer写道。

In other words, YouTube is still good for the occasional dramatic prairie dog, but the types of things that people really want to watch is the stuff that can only be found on sites like Hulu and the recently launched TheWB.com. Which, as I said, is also the easiest type of video content to monetize. In July of last year, Silicon Alley Insider estimated that Hulu would make about that same amount of money in its first year in business as YouTube was expected to make in its fourth. That’s pretty impressive given the differences in scale and age.

换句话说,YouTube仍然适合偶尔使用的戏剧性草原土拨鼠,但人们真正想要观看的东西类型只能在Hulu和最近推出的TheWB.com等网站上找到。 正如我所说,这也是最容易获利的视频内容。 去年7月, Silicon Alley Insider估计 ,Hulu开业第一年的收入将与YouTube预计的第四年相同。 考虑到规模和年龄的差异,这令人印象深刻。

For YouTube, which hasn’t had too much luck in signing licensing deals for the type of commercial content people crave, the future may look a lot like the one I predicted two years ago — a destination for user generated content in the same mold as Blogger. Or, it could look something like the recently relaunched TV.com, which mixes content from parent company CBS with embedded content from Hulu.

对于YouTube而言,它并没有为人们渴望的商业内容类型签订许可协议,因此,未来的前景可能与我两年前预测的情况非常相似,即用户生成内容的目的地与Blogger。 或者,看起来像最近重新启动的TV.com ,它将母公司CBS的内容与Hulu的嵌入内容混合在一起。

In September we wrote that the future of television itself may begin to look a lot like Hulu. YouTube, on the other hand, though initially built on the back of commercial content (generally uploaded by users without license to do so), more likely has a future akin to their “Broadcast Yourself” slogan as a video blogging platform.

在9月,我们写道电视的未来可能看起来很像Hulu 。 另一方面,尽管YouTube最初是建立在商业内容的基础上(通常由未经许可的用户上传),但未来很有可能类似于其作为视频博客平台的“自己广播”的口号。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/why-hulu-has-the-advantage/



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