
//BFS  使用DFS的话会报错,可能是递归的层数太多导致栈出问题了,使用BFS才可以AC
using namespace std;
bool arr[66][1300][130]={false}, status[66][1300][130]={false};
int num, allnum = 0, K, N, M, L, T;
struct nod {int k, i, j;};
int width_firstly_search(int k, int i, int j) {queue<nod>q;nod nd = {k, i, j};q.push(nd);int ww = 0;while(!q.empty()) {nd = q.front();q.pop();bool kk = true;if(nd.k < 0 || nd.k >=L || nd.i < 0 || nd.i >= M || nd.j < 0 || nd.j >= N || status[nd.k][nd.i][nd.j]==true || arr[nd.k][nd.i][nd.j]==false) continue;status[nd.k][nd.i][nd.j] = true;q.push(nod{nd.k - 1, nd.i, nd.j});q.push(nod{nd.k + 1, nd.i, nd.j});q.push(nod{nd.k, nd.i - 1, nd.j});q.push(nod{nd.k, nd.i + 1, nd.j});q.push(nod{nd.k, nd.i, nd.j - 1});q.push(nod{nd.k, nd.i, nd.j + 1});ww++;}return ww;
int main(void) {int i, j, k, m, n, kk;cin>>M>>N>>L>>T;for(k = 0; k < L; k++) {for(i = 0; i < M; i++) {for(j = 0; j < N; j++) {scanf("%d", &kk);arr[k][i][j] = kk==1;}}}for(k = 0; k < L; k++) {for(i = 0; i < M; i++) {for(j = 0; j < N; j++) {if(status[k][i][j]==false && arr[k][i][j]==true) {num = width_firstly_search(k, i, j);if(num >= T) allnum += num;}}}}printf("%d\n", allnum);return 0;


using namespace std;
bool arr[66][1300][130]={false}, status[66][1300][130]={false};
int num, allnum = 0, K, N, M, L, T;
void recursion(int k, int i, int j) {if(k < 0 || k >=L || i < 0 || i >= M || j < 0 || j >= N || status[k][i][j]==true || arr[k][i][j]==false) return;status[k][i][j] = true;num++;if(k-1 >= 0 || k-1 < L) recursion(k - 1, i, j);if(k+1 >= 0 || k+1 < L) recursion(k + 1, i, j);if(i-1 >= 0 || i-1 < M) recursion(k, i - 1, j);if(i+1 >= 0 || i+1 < M) recursion(k, i + 1, j);if(j-1 >= 0 || j-1 < N) recursion(k, i, j - 1);if(j+1 >= 0 || j+1 < N) recursion(k, i, j + 1);
int main(void) {int i, j, k, m, n, kk;cin>>M>>N>>L>>T;for(k = 0; k < L; k++) {for(i = 0; i < M; i++) {for(j = 0; j < N; j++) {scanf("%d", &kk);arr[k][i][j] = kk==1;}}}for(k = 0; k < L; k++) {for(i = 0; i < M; i++) {for(j = 0; j < N; j++) {if(status[k][i][j]==false && arr[k][i][j]==true) {num = 0;recursion(k, i, j);if(num >= T) allnum += num;}}}}printf("%d\n", allnum);return 0;

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