Sequential Minimal Optimization: A Fast Algorithm for Training Support Vector Machines

SMO算法由Microsoft Research的John C. Platt在1998年提出,并成为最快的二次规划优化算法,特别针对线性SVM和数据稀疏时性能更优。

This paper proposes a new algorithm for training support vector machines: Sequential Minimal Optimization, or SMO. Training a support vector machine requires the solution of a very large quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem. SMO breaks this large QP problem into a series of smallest possible QP problems. These small QP problems are solved analytically, which avoids using a time-consuming numerical QP optimization as an inner loop. The amount of memory required for SMO is linear in the training set size, which allows SMO to handle very large training sets. Because matrix computation is avoided, SMO scales somewhere between linear and quadratic in the training set size for various test problems, while the standard chunking SVM algorithm scales somewhere between linear and cubic in the training set size. SMO’s computation time is dominated by
SVM evaluation, hence SMO is fastest for linear SVMs and sparse data sets. On realworld sparse data sets, SMO can be more than 1000 times faster than the chunking algorithm.

Heuristics for Choosing Which Multipliers To Optimize
As long as SMO always optimizes and alters two Lagrange multipliers at every step and at least one of the Lagrange multipliers violated the KKT conditions before the step, then each step will decrease the objective function according to Osuna’s theorem [16]. Convergence is thus guaranteed. In order to speed convergence, SMO uses heuristics to choose which two Lagrange
multipliers to jointly optimize.

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