A recently found Ancient Prophesy is believed to contain the exact Apocalypse date. The prophesy is a string that only consists of digits and characters “-”.

We’ll say that some date is mentioned in the Prophesy if there is a substring in the Prophesy that is the date’s record in the format “dd-mm-yyyy”. We’ll say that the number of the date’s occurrences is the number of such substrings in the Prophesy. For example, the Prophesy “0012-10-2012-10-2012” mentions date 12-10-2012 twice (first time as “0012-10-2012-10-2012”, second time as “0012-10-2012-10-2012”).

The date of the Apocalypse is such correct date that the number of times it is mentioned in the Prophesy is strictly larger than that of any other correct date.

A date is correct if the year lies in the range from 2013 to 2015, the month is from 1 to 12, and the number of the day is strictly more than a zero and doesn’t exceed the number of days in the current month. Note that a date is written in the format “dd-mm-yyyy”, that means that leading zeroes may be added to the numbers of the months or days if needed. In other words, date “1-1-2013” isn’t recorded in the format “dd-mm-yyyy”, and date “01-01-2013” is recorded in it.

Notice, that any year between 2013 and 2015 is not a leap year.

The first line contains the Prophesy: a non-empty string that only consists of digits and characters “-”. The length of the Prophesy doesn’t exceed 105 characters.

In a single line print the date of the Apocalypse. It is guaranteed that such date exists and is unique.

题目要求输出其中出现次数最多的13年到15年的日期。其中2013-12-2013可以看成20 13-12-2013,所以也出现了一个日期。


#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
char str[100005];
int month[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
int cnt[4][16][32];int main()
{int d = -1, m = -1, y = -1, id, ansd = 0;scanf("%s", str);int len = strlen(str);for(int i = 0; i < len - 9; i++){//先判断是否是一个合法日期,isdigit()函数在头文件cctype中,是处理字符串的函数集合,isdigit()用来判断是否是一个数字//下面先判断是否符合格式dd-mm-yyyy不符合继续往后遍历if(isdigit(str[i]) && isdigit(str[i+1]) && isdigit(str[i+3]) && isdigit(str[i+4]) && isdigit(str[i+6]) && isdigit(str[i+7]) && isdigit(str[i+8]) && isdigit(str[i+9]) && str[i+2]=='-'&&str[i+5]=='-'){d=(str[i] - 48) * 10 + str[i + 1] - 48;m=(str[i + 3] - 48) * 10 + str[i + 4] - 48;y=(((str[i + 6] - 48) * 10 + str[i + 7] - 48) * 10 + str[i + 8] - 48) * 10 + str[i + 9] - 48;if(m > 12 || y < 2013 || y > 2015 || m < 1) continue;   //如果不是13年到15年或者是月份不对,那么跳过if(d > month[m] || d < 1)   continue;   //如果日期不是合法的跳过if(++cnt[y - 2013][m][d] > ansd) ansd = cnt[y - 2013][m][d], id = i;}}for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)   putchar(str[id + i]);putchar('\n');return 0;

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